三大模块”题库(英语多项选择)1. CAMEL Rating System includes:
A :Capital adequacy B:Ast quality
:Management ability D :Earning performance
2. What are the veral steps of Savings deposits?
A, open an account B、deposit money C、transfer money
E、withdraw money
F、Account Closing Answer: ABEF
4. Bank's internal audit departments () periodically review the rating system and its ba董事会职责和权限
nking operations, the procution trial included __ .
A 、Operation of the credit ctor.
B、Probability of default.
C、LGD(loss given default).
D、Default risk exposure.
E、Expected loss. 答案:ABCD
5. The typical measures of internal control included(: BC)
B. behavior control
C. asssment and authorization
D. Information Exchange
A. risk identified
6. The followings can be classified as off-balance sheet business are:
( BCD )
A. Deposits
B. Trust Consulting
D. Agency
7. The Bal Capital Accord (Bal I) is made up of three elements, they
are: (ABC安静的英语
A. a definition of regulatory capital
B. risk-weighted asts
C. credit conversion factors (CCFs)
D. internal control and audit
8. The risk exposure and asssment disclosures relate to (ABCD)
A. credit risk
B. market risk
C.operational risk
D. interest rate risk in the banking book
10. Strong mobility management, including key factors:( ABCD )
A. Good management information system
B. Control of the Central Liquidity
C. Options of t读书笔记红楼梦
he net funding requirements
D. Diversification of financing sources, and contingency plans
12. Which of the followings are the products of corporate debts (ABCD)
A .revolving liquidity loan B. trade financing loan
C. corporate account overdraft
D. syndicated loan
《商业银行主要业务》P38 选择题第二题
13. The methods of issuing financial bonds include: (AD )
A. through market distribution
B. through agreement
C. through lead commercial bank underwriting
D. through directional distribution
《商业银行主要业务》P135 选择题第一题
15. The main caus that would lead to internal control failure include
A 、poor external supervision and regulation;
B、lack of internal supervision;
C、disordered control structure;
D、neglecting the risks of new business. 出处:《银行监管实务》P253
17. Which three major risks of the following are the Chine banking
institute facing at prent time? (multiple choices)
A. credit risk
B. market risk
C. legal risk
D. operation risk
Answer: A B D
20. Quantitative and consolidated supervision
concludes (Answer:AB )
A. the supervision of inside transaction
B. capital supervision
C. the supervision of interest conflicts
D. the supervision of financial safety nets free-rider
22. Component Risk Asssment contains: (Answer:BCD)
A. report
B. Inherent Risk
C. Risk Control
D. Risk in Future
23. What are the approaches for measuring the孔子评价
operation risk propod by the Bal II: (ABC)
A. Basic indicator approach
B. Standardized approach
C. Advanced measurement approach
D. Internal Rating Approach
24. Loan guarantees include(s A B C )
A 、Mortgage;B、Pledge;C、guarantee;D、letter of comfort
25. Which kind of loan below belongs to the category of corporate loans? ( ABCD )
A 、Working Capital Circular Loans B、Trade Financing loans C、Corporate Account Ove柠檬汁英语
t D、Syndicated Loans
26. The three main risks which China's banking ctor is facing are(ABD ).
A. Credit risk;
B. Market risk;
C. legal risk;
D. ope欧洲联赛
rational risk.
29. Results of rating system, which must be ud in banks' daily operation, include __abcd
C Internal capital location
D Corporate governan开一家面馆
30. The major interest rate risk banks face includes; ABCD
A Option risk
B Benchmark risk
C Yield curve risk