Physico-chemical properties of fruit and vegetable juices as affected by ultrasound: a review 期刊名称: International Journal of Food Properties
作者: Salehi
关键词: Bioactive compounds;nutrition;PEF;nsoria陆龟
l attributes;shelf life
摘要:Treatment of fruit an天秤女和双鱼男
d vegetable juices with puld electric field (PEF) process is one of the promising non-thermal technologies with the great potential for microbial and enzymes inactivation, shelf-liaabc的词
fe extension, and prervation of nutritional, vitamins, aroma compounds and nsorial attributes. The prent review study summarized the influence of PEF treatment on the phys也是造句
ical and chemical parameters, color change, bioactive compounds and nsorial attribute of apple, carrot, citrus, grape, peach, pomegranate, watermelon and tomato juices. The PEF treatment resulted increa of juice yield of pressing with lower non-enzymatic browning. PEF treatment can be appl交通标识牌图片大全
ied in fruit and vegetable juices industry to improving physicochemical properties, rheological behavior and antioxidant capacity of juices. PEF procesd juices