
更新时间:2023-05-04 06:24:20 阅读: 评论:0

Could you be any smugger? 你能不能不打劫呢?
Kind of stepped on my point there. 我们的意见一致。
You really can’t stand to lo. 你真是输不起的家伙。
Why is the air in here so negative? 为何一片愁云惨雾?
From now on, you don’t get to talk to other people. 从现在开始不准你和其他人说话。
I feel violated. 我感觉被冒犯了。
How can people do that? 怎么会有人这样?
If it helps, I could slide over. 如果需要我可以过去点。
I have things to do实习生个人总结 with my life. 我有自己的人生要过。
Hell is filled with people like you. 你这种人都该下地狱。
I want a straight answer. 我希望你直接回答。
Will you be my maid of honor? 你愿意当我的伴娘吗?
Just pointing out the irony. 真是讽刺。
When are you dumping her? 你什么时候甩掉她?
I’m not yanking you. 我又没有整你。
I’m not breaking up 怎样写检讨 with her! 我不会跟她分手。
You are taking a big leap there. 你也太断章取义了吧。
I did not stalk her. 我没有跟踪她。
Do you think I should go up there? 我要过去吗
Friends, family, were gathered to celebrate the joyous union of Ross and Emily.
You spoiled everything! 你搞砸了所有事情。
Its a nightmare! 我丢死人了。
You take your time. 你慢慢来。
I will be right out here. 我在外面等你。
Shes just fixing her makeup. 她要补妆。
Through no fault of his own. 这完全不能怪他。
I hope you dont take this the wrong way. 我希望你别误会。
Well, I dont em that we have a choice. 看来我们别无选择。
Tow the line! 听天由命。
Think outside the box! 别死心眼。
She will get over this. 她不会放在心上的。
It did not mean anything. Its a mistake. 根本没有别的意思,只是无心之过。
You spit on me, man! 你口水喷到我了。
Im coming in! 我要进去了。
I dont think that means anything. 我觉得他是无心的。
I suppo I would have to say you. 看来我只能说是你了。
Do you guys mind staying here for a while? 待一会儿如何?
They look pretty soundproof. 它们看起来隔音效果似乎很好。
But I think youre absolutely delicious! 不过你实在是秀色可餐。
Come on, bugger face! 走吧,黄脸婆。
We certainly are alone. 只剩下我们两个了。
It means a lot to me. 那对我意义非凡。
I gotta go unpack. 我要去整理行李了。
Am I a complete idiot for thinking shed actually show up? 我是不是白痴?竟然以为她会来。
You are a guy very much in love. 你只是爱的无可救药。
You can lay on the beach and I can cry over my failed marriage. 你可以躺在海滩上。我可以哭诉婚姻失败。
Youre just all liquored up. 你喝太多眼花了。
I cant believe she c四字古风网名 an outrun you. 她竟然跑得比你快!
You think you can beat me? 你自以为能打败我?
It bums me out. 烦都快烦死了。
Youre getting over Ross already. 你就要忘记罗斯了。
What took you so long? 你怎么去那么久?
I got caught up at work. 公事耽搁了。
So thanks for having me over. 谢谢你邀请我过来。
Just hold on a cond. 等我一下。
Doing her laundry. 她去洗衣服。
I think Im going to go wander out in the rain for a while. 我要去淋雨散散心。
I cant catch a break. 连老天都不赏脸。
I need to take a rain check. 改天吧。
I dropped some socks. 我掉了几只袜子。
He said you blew him off. 他说你打发他走。
Im calling the shots. 这里有我当家。
Its right by my hou. 就在我家旁边。
Im going to go pack. 我要去打包了。
That is what the thing is. 事实正是如此。
Youre leaking. 你尿失禁?
I call shotgun. 我要坐前座。
I will miss watching you freak people out like that. 我一定会很怀念那那样吓别人。
I just spoke to the nur. 我们刚问过护士了。
Its sympathy pains. 是切身感受。
Thats so sweet. 好感人啊。
What do you say? 如何?
Check it out. 了解一下。
Now lets dive into the good stuff. 让我们尽情欣赏吧。
I was bummed too. 我也很失望。
So theyre going on dates. 她们要去约会?
It was sweet at first, but now I think hes trying to steal my thunder. 我本来很感动,现在我觉得他只是想抢风头。
Why are you defending him? 你为什替他辩解?
Is this about you dating the nur? 是你要跟护士约会的事吗?
Just goofing around. 我们只是玩玩。
I was about to tell you I was getting out of it. 其实我是想告诉你我打算退掉。
He has no strong feelings about that. 他对那几乎没什么感觉。
Youre going into what grade? 你要升几年级?
Well, what el could it be? 有别的可能吗?
Just feel him out. 探探他的口风。
Wish you had not en me throw up. 真希望你没看到我吐。
Im kind of on a clock here. 我的时间有限。
Ill get somebody to cover me. 我找人代班。
It was a long shot. 不太可能。
Can I just have a cond alone with the babies? 让我鱼骨图 跟宝宝独处一下好吗?
I was taking a nap. 我正在睡午觉。
Since when do you take naps in that position? 你从何时开始用那种姿势睡觉?
They threw us out. 我们被赶出来了。
You prissy old twit. 你这大惊小怪的笨蛋。
I had it dry-cleaned. 我干洗过了。
Thats the kind of math Joey likes to do. 我乔伊最爱做这种事了。
May I ask for one example? 请你举出一个例子。
Sorry to burst that bubble. 很抱歉戳破你的美梦。
I dont think hes up to meeting everyone yet. 我想他现在还没准备认识大家。
You dont em松柏树的象征意义 to understand. 你恐怕搞不清楚状况。
I sneaked over there. 我偷溜到那。
How am I suppod to make this decision? 我到底该怎么决定?
Im actually asking you. 我这是在问你们。
I think Ill pass. 我自愿放弃。
Whats your point? 什么意思?
Would you mind switching with me? 可以跟你换位子吗?

本文发布于:2023-05-04 06:24:20,感谢您对本站的认可!



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