(1)break the stalemate 打破僵局(2)be bound up with 与....联系在一起(3)be analogous to 与.....相似(4)on as daily basis 每天(5)be validated by 被..验证(6)it stands to reason that .....理所当然(7)be at peace with 与.....和睦相处 (8)on the sly 偷偷地(9)in accordance with 根据.....(10)to the purpo 中肯地 (11)of no avail 不起作用 (12)boast of 吹嘘(13)be confronted with 面临......( 14) to sb's credit 使某人感到光荣(15)to the effect that 大意是....主要内容是....
(16)around the clock 昼夜不停地 (17)at one's wit's end 无法可想,智穷计尽 (18) in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间 (19)live from hand to mouth 勉强度日(20)none other that 不是...正是...(21)in the vicinity of 大约....(22)have a bearing on 与...有关 (23)on the impul of 凭....的冲动(24)equal stress on integrity and ability 德才兼备 (25)give incentive to 鼓励....(26)bring vigor into 输入活力(27)give sb the edge 使某人如虎添翼 (28)plunge into sth 一头扎在... (29)get burned out 筋疲力尽(30)hold true for 适用于..(31)race against the clock 争分夺秒(32)stand one's ground 坚持立场 (33)
climber the career ladder 为事业奋斗(34)reach a connsus 达成一致 (35)fall out of u 逐渐不使用(36)e eye to eye with sb 与....看法一致(37)a spoiled brat 宠坏的孩子(38)a black sheep 败家子,惹祸精 (39)lo sight of 忽略,忘记 (40)hold water 合
理,说得通 (41)a ca in point 恰当的例子 (42) bosom
friends 心腹之交,知己 (43)for better or wor 不论好坏子
(44)screen sb/sth out 筛选出,淘汰 (45)from all walks of life 来自各行各业 (46)put sth above sth 重视....甚
于....(47) a code of ethics 道德准则 (48)conjure up images 使人想到.....(49)keep pace with sth 与....并驾齐驱
(50)shake sth off 摆脱...(51)fulfill one's potential 实现某人的价值 (52)a rosy picture of sth 对....美好的印象 (53)build up experti 获得专业技术 (54)n of satisfaction 成就感 (55)a small pric惊惶的意思
e to pay 微不足道的代价(56)put sb at a disadva
ntage 使....处于劣势 (57)a wide lection of sth 各种各样地,广泛大量的的..(58)on the verge of sth 在...的边
缘 (59) stumbling block 绊脚石 (60)tough nails 坚强的人 (61)inflict pain on..使....痛苦 (62)socialize with sb 与...交往 (63)bend the rules 改变原则,通融 (64)weigh up the pros and cons权衡利弊 (65)win-win situation 双赢 (66)frown upon sth 不赞成...(67)in a nutshell 总而言之 (68)a thorn in one's大班家长会发言稿
side 眼中钉,肉中刺 (69)dos and don'ts 行为准则,须知 (70)count onelf lucky 自认幸运(71)shut sb 将....排除在外 (72)take priority over 比....优先 (73)have the edge on.在...方面有优势 (74)give onelf the edge 给予自己优势 (75)save for a rainy day 未雨绸缪 (76)bridge the gap 缩小差
距 (77)take the blame for 为...承担责任 (78)be a good bet 好法子 (79)give it a shot 尝试....(80)join the ranks of ...加入....的行列 (81)be racked with ..备受...的折磨 (82)a castle in the air 海市蜃楼 (83)bring ....into full play 充分发挥...的作用 (84)make clear an idea that 弄清楚的
是 (85)alienate 使某人疏远 ..(86)grin and bear it 逆来顺受 (87) cast light on 有助于看清....(88)pluck up courage 鼓起勇气 (89)ally onelf with 与....联合 (90)back sb up 支持某人 (91)talk n言之有物 (92)cost sb an arm and a leg 非常昂贵 (93)fair and square 正大光明的(94)relieve sb of sth 使某人摆脱....(94)be under illusion that 误以
为...(95)pin one's hope on 把希望寄托在....(96)add spice to sth 为....增加趣味 (97)have fantasy about sth 对....抱有幻想 (98)have a nodding acquaintance with 对....略知一二 (99)keep on top of everything 控制全局 (100)eradicate defect根除缺陷 (101)in all probalility 十有八九 (102)in defiance of 违抗...(103)on the threshold of 在....的开始 (104)in a manner of speaking 在某种意义上说 (105)be quite feasible in sth/doing sth 在...方面行得通 (106)become indulgent with sb 纵容某人 (107)a chronic state of 长期的 (108)be hooked on 对..着迷 (109)come out of one's shell 不再羞
怯 (110)ponder over 深思.....(111)a vicious cycle 恶性循
于 (126)temporary remedy 暂时的补救办法 (127)lay emphasis on 强调....(128)learn mo
untains of theories 学习大量理论知识 (129)to the detriment of 对...造成伤害 (130)the pyramid of higher learning will crumble 高等教育的金字塔将轰然倒
塌 (131)give them an upper hand 使他们具有优势 (132)in the vicissitudes of lives 世事变迁 (133)reach saturation 达到饱和状态 (134)draw scant attention 不受重视 (135)get command of 掌握 (136)be vulnerable to 易于受到伤害的 (137)get into the habit of frugality 养成节俭的习惯 (138)err in the same manner犯同样的错误 (139)get away with the punishments逃脱惩罚 (140)take into one's confidence 向....吐露心声 (141)
avail every means to do sth 利用一切手段做某事 (142)in line with 符合,跟...一致 (143)rank top in their priorities 处于优先处理的位置 (144)transcend over t眉骨整形
emporal limitations 超越时代的界限 (145)make compliments to 称赞 (146)have an encyclopedic knowledge 有丰富的知识 名词单数变复数的规则
(147)cultivate talents for our society 为社会培养人才 (148)the underlying reason 根本原因 (149)find its expression in 在....有所体现 (150)tuition fees and living expenditure 学费和生活费 (151)mortage loans 抵押贷款 (
152)impoverished college students 贫困大学生 (153)more often than not 往往,多半 (154)get hand in hand 密切合作 (155)a prevailing practice 一个普遍的现象 (156)give up eating for choking 因噎忘食 (157)give due weight to 充分重视 (158)endow sb sth 使某人具有(好资质,能力等)(159)wage earners 工薪阶层 (160)in private 私下 (161)play a crucial role 起关键作用 (162)the domestic bliss 天伦之乐 (163)be conductive to 导致,有助于..(164)lucrative
opportunities 赚钱的机会 四字格言
(165)the general public 公众 (166)domestic violence 家庭暴力 (167)fiscal and monetary policy 财政和货币政策 (168)intangible cultural heritage 无形文化遗产 (169)ward off 避开,挡开 (170)staunch defender 忠实的守卫者 (171)give sb a do of their own medicine 给某人应有的惩罚 (172)gain celebrity overnight 一夜成名 (173)
producer's myopia 生产者的短视行为 (174)reap immediate profits 立刻获得利润 (175)lay stress on experience 强调工作经验 (176)employee attrition rate 人才流动率 (177)in times of ups and downs 在起伏波动的时候 (178)wrapped by an aura of tr
ustable titles 被各类头衔所包围 (179)accumulate a system of experti 积累了系统的知识 (180)fake
specialists 冒牌专家 (181)give a fair shake 给予公平待遇 (182)under authorization of 在....地授权之下 (183)have intentions of evading taxes 有意逃税 (184)tax
deductible 可免税的 (185)it is advisable 使明智的 (186)from the perspective of 从...方面来看 (187)arts and crafts 工艺 (188)a time-honored brand 一个历史悠久的品牌 (189)extend the market share 扩大市场份额 (190)take the shine off 黯然失色(191)pay one's way 勉强维持 (192)non-material cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产 (193)the intangible asts 无形资产 (194)on the move of an unprecedented speed 以前所未有的速度在前进 (195)painstaking efforts 辛苦的努力 (196)by unscrupulous means 不择手段 (197)stand the test of time 经受得住时间的考验(198)binary opposition 二元对立 (199)unshirkable responsiblity 不可推卸的责任 (200)rectify and regulate 整顿和规范 (201)down-to-earth 务实的 (202)act of omission 不作为 (203)teem with 充满 (204)surrender