4. a minute. (A: 我能跟你说点事吗?B: 好,你先坐,我一分钟就完。)
5.【汽车趣谈】你觉得BMW的含义是什么?1. Big Money Works (大生意) ;2. Business Money Woman (事业金钱女人) ;3. Bring More Women (带来更多女人);4. Bie Mo Wo (别摸我);5.Be My Wife (嫁给我);
6. Break My Window (打破俺窗);
7.Broke My Wall炖黄花鱼
et (让钱包破产) 。
6.揭露“雨”ra in的英语秘密。毛毛雨=drizzle;小雨=light rain; 大雨=heavy热熔胶怎么用
rain; 雷阵雨=thunderstorm; 冻雨=freezing rain. 瓢泼大雨= rain cats 蒜台
and dogs. 比如,It is raining c云的英文
ats and dogs, so the concert has been canceled. 外面是瓢泼大雨,所以演唱会已经取消了。
7.:【实用口语六字句(7)】①事情就是这样。That’s the way it is. ②别瞧不起人了!Don’t look down
on others! ③我不是故意的。I didn’t do it on purpo. ④那我就放心了。That eas my mind.
⑤有总比没有好。Better than nothing. :【实用口语六字句(6)】①问你也是白问。No u asking
you. ②是这样子的吗?Is that so? ③你到底想怎样?What do you want? ④我才懒得理你。
You’re not worth my time. ⑤为什么不早说?Why didn’t you say so?
8. [称赞男性的英语用词] smart-时髦virile-有
ing-生气勃勃spruce-外表干净英挺aristocratic-有皇室风范clean-faced-五官清秀clean-shaven-剃净胡须majestic-宏伟adorable-可爱suave-(对女性)体贴温柔9.称赞女友的实用句]1)你人见人爱=You are everybody's darling; 2)你仙女下凡=You are as pretty as an angel; 3)你美的倾国倾城=Y虎字行书
ou a西安二本院校
re devastatingly beautiful; 4)你如花似玉=You are delicately lovely like flowers and jade; 5)你明艳动人=You're so dazzling that you put others to shade 10.【用于称赞女性打扮的英语用词】taking-迷人的dainty-小巧精致scrumptious-可口漂亮celestial-仙女下凡bewitching-迷人的, superb-极美丽的grand-宏伟壮丽beauteous-如诗般地美丽devilish-魔鬼般的亮艳rapturous-令人狂喜otherworldly-超脱尘世的elegant-优雅well-formed-仪态优雅winning-赢得众人目光nsuous-眼花缭乱的美delectable-可口desirable-令人向往, enticing-诱人lovely-可爱可人covetable-众人渴望irresistible-无法抗拒