Man, viewed morally, is a strange amalgam of angel and devil. He can feel the spl苹组词两个字
endor of the night, the delicate beauty of spring flowers, the tender emotion of parental love, and the intoxication of intellectual understanding. In moments of insight visions come to him of how life should be lived and how men should order their dealings one with another. Universal love is an emotion which many have felt and which many more could feel if the world made it less difficult. This is one side of the picture. On the other side are Cruelty, greed, indifference and over-Weening pride. In pursuit of political aims men will submit their opponents to long years of unspeakable anguish. We know What the Nazis did to Jews a入党考察报告
t Auschwitz. In mass cruelty, the expulsions of Germans ordered by the Russians fall not very far short of the atrocities perpetuated by the Nazis. And how about our noble lves?
We would not do such deeds, oh no! But we enjoy our juicy steaks and our hot rolls While
German children die of hunger becau our governments dare not face our indignation if they asked us to forgo some part of our pleasures. lf the were a Last Judgment as
Christians believe, how do you think our excus would sound before that final tribunal?