The most unforgettable. person. Every time some people ask me who is the most unforgettable person for me,i will tell them my English teacher at once,becau my English teacher created a deep impression on mu mind !When i was a middle school student at school,i was sick and fired of Enlgish very much,so the English grades was terible. Gradually,i lost interest of studying and i became abnt-minded in class,what was wor,i started to be abnt from class Seeing this situation,my Engliah teacher once asked to go to his office.
At that moment,i didnt know why he was so angry that he knocked at the desk hard.But now i realized that he wasnted to change me.On that day,he told me many ,many words that i didnt understand then.In spite of the fact that i didnt understand his words then,however,from that day,i wa沙窝会议
s determined to try my every effort to make progress!Nothing is impossible to a wlling mind!i changed nylf after al!Today,i am stting in the classroom in the university,i often think of him.My parents usually tell me that i shouldnt
forget him,so every Spring Festival i visit him i will never forget my English teacher,in my mind,he will always be the most unfoegerttable person!
i lost interest of studying and i became abnt-minded in class,what was wor,i started to be abnt from class Seeing this situation,my Engliah teacher once asked to go to his office. But now i realized that he wasnted to change me.On that day,he told me many ,many words that i didnt understand then.In spite of the fact that i didnt understand hiwords then,however,from that day,i was det拆键盘
ermined to t二年级下册词语
ry my every effort to make progress!Nothing is impossible to a wlling mind!i changed nylf after al! Today,i am stting in the classroom in the university,i often think of him.My parents usually tell me that i shouldnt forget him,so every Spring Festival i visit him i will never forget 国庆活动主题
my English teacher,in my mind,he will always be the most unfoegerttable nerennl