文章摘要:variations can oc尤里克克
cur on a global scale, there are nonetheless some intriguing. differences,which suggest that the pattern of temperature variations in regional. climatescan also differ significantly from each other.词汇讲解:consistent /kn'sstnt/ adj. 一贯的, 前後一致的intriguing /ntri:g/ adj. 有趣的,激起好奇心的结构划分:(While the records provide broadly consistent indications that. temperature variations can occur on a global scale), there are nonetheless some. other).深度分析:修饰一:(While the records provide broadly consistent indications that
While the records provide broa楚辞的作者
dly consistent indications that temperature variations can occur on a global scale, there are nonetheless some intriguing differences,which suggest that the pattern of temperature variations in regional climatescan also differ significan养生知识大全
tly from each other.
consistent /kn'sstnt/ adj. 一贯的, 前後一致的
intriguing /ntri:g/ adj. 有趣的,激起好奇心的
(While the records provide broadly consistent indications that temperature variations can occur on a global scale), there are nonetheless some intriguing differences, (which suggest) (that the pattern of temperature variations in regional climates can also differ significantly from each other).
修饰一:(While the records provide broadly consistent indications that temperature variations can occur on a global scale),从句,注意里面还有一个同位语从句 (that temperature variations can occur on a global scale)表示indication的内容
修饰二:(which suggest) ,从句,修饰前面的differences
修饰三:(that the pattern of temperature variations in regional climates can also differ significantly from each other) ,从句,注意这个从句里还有很多介词结构,the pattern (of temperature variations )(in regional climates) can also differ significantly (from each other).
(of temperature variations ) (in regional climates) ,在区域气候的温度变化
主干:there arenonetheless some intriguing differences