1. e
2. a
3. b
4. f
5. d
6. h
7. g
8. c
第6个单词 accu意为指控,意思与 incriminate相近~
GRAV. 源⾃拉丁语,意为"heavy, weighty, rious". Gravity是使物体具有质量这⼀属性的原因,如果没有它,物质就不会被留在地球上,地球也就不会产⽣⽣命。This doesn't stop us from yelling in outrage when the familiar laws of gravity cau something to drop to the floor and break.
grave. (1) Requiring rious thought or concern. (2) Serious and formal in appearance or manner.(这⾥⽤的grave.
不是名词坟墓,是 严重的、严肃的 意思)
例句:We realized that the situation was grave and that the slightest incident could spark all-out war.
Gravity has a familiar physical
nonphysical meaning-basically "riousness". Thus, something
physical meaning but also a nonphysical
grave posss gravity. 你可以⽤grave来形容⼀个⼈举⽌严肃,尽管当今社会的公众⼈物没有以前那么Gravity了。或者你可以谈论⼀个rainy怎么读
grave situation, ⽤法如上⾯的例句所⽰。But even though Shakespeare makes a pun(双关) on grave when a dying character talks about being buried the next day("Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man"), the word meaning "hole for burying a body" isn't actually related.
gravitas. Great or very dignified riousness.
例句:The head of the committee never failed to carry herlf with the gravitas she felt was appropriate to her office.
这个词直接取⾃拉丁语。Among the Romans, gravitas was thought to be esntial to the character and functions of any adult (male) in authority.即使是⼀家之主或者低等级官员也会渴望这个重要的品质。We u gravitas today to identify the same solemn dignity in men and women, but it ems to come easier in tho who are over 60, slow moving-and a bit overweight.
gravitate. to move or be drawn toward something, especially by natural tendency or as if by an invisible force.
例句:On hot evenings, the town's social life gravitated toward the lakefront, where you could stroll the long piers eating ice cream or dance at the old Casino.
To gravitate is to respond, almost unconsciously, to a force that works like gravity to draw things steadily to it as if by their own weight. 像飞蛾扑⽕,gravitate(吸引)。
aggravate. (1) To make (an injury, problem, etc) more rious or vere. (2) To annoy or bother.
例句:She went back to the soccer team before the knee was completely healed, which naturally aggravated the injury.
Since the grav- root means basically "weighty or rious", the original meaning of aggravate was "to make more rious". 如,你和⽗母之间的关系会因为你和⼀个没⼈喜欢的⼈结婚⽽变得aggravate. depression(抑郁)会使insomnia(失眠)aggravate, insomnia(失眠)也会使depression(抑郁)aggravate, 但今天⼈们⽤aggravate这个词时,赋予其"annoy"的含义。如,What really aggravates my da很冷的图片
d is
having to listen that TV all day long.
LEV. 源⾃拉丁语中形容词levis, 意为”light“. 动词levare, 意为"to rai or lighten". So a lever is a bar ud to lift something, by means of leverage. And levitation is the magician's trick in which a body
ems to ri into the air by itlf.
alleviate. To lighten, lesn, or relieve, especially physical or mental suffering.
例句:Cold compress(冷敷) alleviated (缓解) the pain of the physical injury, but on怀孕肚子痒
ly time could alleviate the effects of the insult.
Physical pain or emotional anguish(万分痛苦), or a water shortage(缺乏) or traffic congestion(拥堵), can all be alleviated by providing the appropriate remedy(解决⽅法). But some pain or anguish or shortage or congestion will remain: to alleviate is not to cure.
elevation. (1) The height of a place. (2) The act or result of lifting or raising someone or something.
例句:Her doctor is concerned about the elevation of her blood pressure since her last visit.
当你远⾜的时候,你可能想知道你将到达最⾼的elevation. ⼼理学家⽤词条"mood elevation”来表⽰患者抑郁程度的消退,⼀些腿部受伤的病⼈需要elevation of the limb, usually so that it's higher than the heart for part of each day. Elevation也有"promotion"的意思,所以副总统可以被elevated成正总统,或者上校(captain) elevated为 admiral(上将)
cantilever.(悬臂梁,托背) A long piece of wood, metal, etc., that sticks out from a wall to support something above it.
例句:The hou's de运算定律有哪些
ck, supported by cantilevers, jutted out dramatically over the rocky slope, and looking over the edge made him dizzy.
Cantilevers hold up a surface or room with棒球电影
out themlves being supported at their outer end. 许多户外阳台都是cantilevered(悬臂⽀撑的)。A cantilevered bridge may have a huge span (as long as 1800 feet) built out on either side of a single large foundation pier(伸向⼤海的凸式码头). Architects sometimes u cantilevered construction to produce dramatic effects: Frank Lloyed Wright's "Fallingwater" hou, which extends out over a rocky river, is a famous example. But the Grand Canyon's
"Skywalk" has become perhaps the best-known piece of cantilevered construction in America.
Fallingwater hou
levity(轻佻). Lack of appropriate rious教育与经济
例句:The Puritan(清教徒) elders tried to ban levity of all sort from the community's meetings, but found it increasingly difficult to control the younger generation.
Levity originally was thought to be a physical force exactly like gravity but pulling in the opposite direction, like the helium in a ballon. 19世纪的时候,科学家还在争论这个词的⽤法。今天levity只⽤来形容⼈举⽌轻佻。对于虔诚的宗教信仰者来说,levity常常近乎堕落。But the word, like its synonym(同义词) frivolity, now has an old-fashio洋姜的做法
ned ring to it and is usually ud only half-riously.
Match the word on the left to the correct definition on the right:
1. levity a. solemn dignity
2. gravitas b. relieve
3. grave c. raising
4. alleviate &n血气之勇
bsp; d. support beam
5. elevation e. move toward as if drawn
6. aggravate f. lack of riousness
7. cantilever g. rious
8. gravitate h. worn