
更新时间:2023-05-03 09:52:52 阅读: 评论:0

1. the Hardian’s Wall:
It was one of the two great walls built by the Romans to keep the Picts out of the area they had conqu ered.
2. Alfred the Great
Alfred was a strong king of the wimen. It was created by the Anglo-Saxons to advi the ki ng. It’s the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today.
3. William the Conqueror
William was Duke of Normandy. He landed his army in Oct, 1066 and defeated king Harold. Then he was crowned king of England on Christams Day the same year. He established a strong Norm an government and the feudal system in England.
4. the battle of Hastings
In 1066, King Edward died with no heir, the Witan cho Harold as king. William, Duke of Nor mandy, invaded England. On October 14, the two armies met near Hasting. After a day’s battl e, Harold was killed and his army completely defeated. So this battle was very important on the way of the Roman conquest.
5. Domesday Book
Under William, the feudal system was established. William nt officials to compile a p伤感城市 roper ty record known as Domesday Book, which completed in 1086. It was the result of a general su rvey of England made in 1085. It stated the extent, value, the population, state of cultivat ion, and ownership of the land. It emed to the English like the Book of doom on Judgement Day.
6. the Great Charter
King John’s reign caud much discontent among the barons. In 1215, he was forced to sign a document, known as Mangna Cara, or the Great Charter. It has 63 claus. Though it has long 作文冬天 been regarded as the foundation of English liberities, its spirit was the limitation of the king’s powers, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land.
7. the Hundred Years’ War
It referred to the intermittent war between France and England that last from 1337 to 1453. The caus were partly territorial and partly economic. When Edward III claimed the French C rown but the French refud to recognize, the war broke out. At first the English were succe ssful, but in the end, they were defeated and lost almost all their posssions in France. T he expelling of the English was a blessing for both countries.
8. Joan of Arc
She was a national heroine of France during the Hundred Years’ War. She successfully led th e French to drive the English out of France.
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9. the Black Death
It was the deadly bubonic plague who spread through Europe in the 14th century. It swept thr ough England without warning and any cure, and sparing no victims. It killed between half an d one-third of the population of England. Thus, much land was left untended and labour was s hort. It caud far-reaching economic conquences.
10. the Wars of Ros
They referred to the battles between the Hou of Lancaster and the Hou of York between 14 55 and 1485. The former was symbolized by the red ro, and the latter by the white one. Aft er the wars, feudalism received its death blow and the king’s power became supreme. Thdor m onarchs ruled England and Wales for over two hundred years.
11. Bloody Mary
Henry VIII’s daughter and a devout Catholic. When she became Queen, she percuted and burn t many Protestants. So she was given the nickname “Bloody Mary”. Mary is also remembered a s the monarch who lost the French port of Calais.
12. Elizabeth I
One of the greatest monarchs in British history. She reigned England, Wales and Ireland for 45 years and remained single. Her reign was a time of confident English nationalism and of g reat achievements in literature and other arts, in exploration and in battle.
13. Oliver Cromwell
The leader during the Civil War who led the New Model Army to defeat the king and condemned him to death. Then he declared England a Commonwealth and made himlf Lord of Protector. He ruled England till the restoration of charles II in 1660.
14. the Bill of Rights
In 1689, William and Mary accepted the Bill of Rights to be crowned jointly. The bill exclud ed any Roman Catholic from the succession, confirmed the principle of parliamentary supremac y and guaranteed free speech within both the two Hous. Thus the age of constitutional mona rchy began.
15. Whigs and Tories
It referred to the two party names which originated with the Glorious Revolution of 1688. Th e Whigs were tho who oppod absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedo m for Noncomformists. The Tories were tho who supported hereditary monarchy and were reluc
tant to remove kings. The Whigs formed a coalition with dissident Tories and became the Libe ral Party. The Tories were the forerunners of the Conrvative Party.
16. James Watt
The Scottish inventor who produced an efficie社会主义500年 nt steam engine with rotary motion that could b e applied to textile and other machinery.
17. Winston Churchill
Prime Minister of Britain during the Second World War. He took over Chamberlain in 1940 and received massive popular support. He led his country to final victory in 1945. He was defeat ed in the general election of 1945, but returned to power in 1951.
18. Agribusiness
It refers to the new farming in Britain, becau it’s equipped and managed like a牙周治疗 n industri al business with a t of inputs into the farm of process which occur on the farm, and out puts or products which leave the farm. The emphasis is upon intensive farming, designes to g ive the maximum output of crops and animals.
19. the British Constitution
There is no written constitution in the United Kingdom. The British Constitution is not t out in any single document, but made up of statute law, common law and conventions. The Judi ciary determines common law and interpret statues.
20. Queen Elizabeth II
The prent Sovereign, born in 1926, came to the throne in 1952 and was crowned in 1953. The Queen is the symbol of the whole nation, the center of many national ceremonies and the lea der of society.
21. the Opposition
In the General Election, the party which wins the cond largest numb er of ats becomes the offcial Opposition, with its own leader and “shadow cabinet”. The aims of the Opposition are to contribute to t he formulation of policy and legislation, to oppo government propos als, to ek amendments to government bills, and to put forward its o wn policies in order to win the next general election.
22. the Privy Council
Formerly the chief source of executive power. It gave the Sovereign p rivate (“privy”) advice on the government of the country.
Today its role is mainly formal, advising the Sovereign to approve certain gove rnment decrees and issuing royal proclamation. Its membership is abou t 400.
23. common law
A written law gathered from numerous decisions of the courts and othe r sources.
24. the jury
A legal system established in England since king Henry II. The jury c onsists of ordinary, independent citizens summoned by the court: 12 p ersons in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and 15 persons in Scot land. In criminal trials by jury, the judge pass ntence but the j ury decide the issue of guilt or innocence.
25. the NHS
The National Health Service was established in the UK in 1948 and bas ed first on Acts of Parliamen
t. This Service provides for every resid ent a full range of medical rvices. It is bad upon the principle that there should be full range of publicly provided rvi临界资源 ces designe d to help the individual stay healthy. It is now a largely free rvi ce.
26. comprehensive schools
State condary schools which take pupils without reference to abilit y and provide a wide-ranging condary education for all or most of t he children in a district. About 90 per cent of the state condary s chool population in GB attend comprehensive school.
27. public schools
Fee-paying condary schools which are longestablished and have gaine d a rep春分诗词 utation for their high academic standards, as well as their ex clusiveness and snobbery. The boys’ public schools include such well -known schools as Eton and Harrow, and girls’ famous schools include Roedean. Most of the members of the British Establishment were educat ed at a public school.
28. the Great Lakes
The Great Lakes are the most important lakes in the United States. They are Lake Superior, w hich i
s the largest fresh water lake in the world, Lake Michigan——the only one entirely in the U.S.——Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. They are all located between Cana da and the United States except Lake Michigan.
29. New England
New England is made up of six states of the North-East. They are Main e, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachutts, Rhode Island, and Connectic ut. It is sometimes called the birthplace of America.
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30. baby boom
“baby boom” refers to the great increa of birth rate between 1946 and 1964. People born in this period are called baby bammers
31. the Chine Exclusion Act
It was pasd by the U.S. Congress in may, 1882. It stopped Chine i mmigration for ten years.
32. the Bill of Rights
In 1789, James Madison introduced in the Hou of Reprentations a ries of amendments whi ch later were drafted into twelve propod amendments and nt to the states for ratificatio n. Ten of them were ratified in 1791 and became the first ten amendments to the Constitution ——the Bill of Rights.
33. the Emancipation Proclamation
During the Civil war, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to get more support for the Union at home and abroad. It granted freedo m to all slaves.
34. the Constitutional Convention
In 1787, a conference was held in Philadelphia to consider what shoul d be done to make the Articles of Confederation adequate. All the del egates agreed to revi the Articles of Confederation and draw up a n ew plan of government. After struggle, the Constitution was ratified at last. This conference is called the Constitutional Convertion.
35. the Prog乳疾灵胶囊 ressive Movement
The Progressive Movement is a movement demanding government regulatio n of the economy and social conditions. It spread quickly with the su pport of large numbers of people across the country. It was not an or ganized campaign with clearly defined goals.
36. the Peace Conference
The Peace Conference or the Paris Conference, began on January 18, 19 19. The conference was actually a conference of division of colonies of Germany, Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire and the grabbing of as much as possible from the defeated nations. It was dominated by t he Big Four (the United States, Britain. France, and Ital属鼠的 y)
37. the Truman Doctrine:
On March 12, 1949, President Truman put forward the Truman Doctrine i n a speech to the joint ssion of Congress. The Truman Doctrine mean t to say that the U.S. government would support any country which sai d it was fighting against Communism.
38. the Marshall Plan
On June 5, 1947, the Secretary of State George Marshall announced the Marshall Plan, which mean
t that in order to protect Western Europe f rom possible Soviet expansion, the United States decided to offer Wes tern European countries economic aid.
39. the New Frontier
It was the President Kennedy’s program which promid civil rights f or blacks, federal aid to farmers and to education, medical care for all and the abolition of poverty.
40. checks and balances:
The government is divided into three branches, the legislative, the e xecutive and the judicial, each has part of the powers but not all th e power. And each branch of government can check, or block, the actio ns of the other branches. The three branches are thus in balance. Thi s called “checks and balances”

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