Translation about Napoleon Class:T&I Two(翻译2班) Number:30
Name:Li Huangrong(李黄容) School:znufe(中南财经政法大学)
The French Empire Builder--Napoleon
The reason for commendation
Napoleon,the French Empire Builder,is the famous bourgeoisie militarist and politician in France.
Personage Archives
Name:Napoleon Bonaparte
Dates of birth and death:AD1769to1821
Birth Place:Ajaccio,Corsica,France
Duty:Acting Sublieutenant,Emperor
Life Story[Biography]
Napoleon was born in a noble family in Ajaccio,Corsica,France on15th Aug,1769.His skull was a bit large when born.His father was a lawyer keen on political activities.In memory of his uncle who died from political reasons in1767,Napoleon’s father named him after his uncle,which reprented“The wild lion”.Different from his brothers and sisters,Napoleon was isolated, taciturn and unsocial.
His parents had great expectations of Napoleon.For his being better accustomed to different environment in France and knowing more about French history,culture and society after growing up,Napoleo关于黄鹤楼的古诗
n was nt to Brienne-le-Chateau to study when he wa家乡的风俗的作文
s10years old in1779.The military school life without a single holiday isolated him from outside,which further cultivated his original personality.He did not like to take the initiative to clo to others.In turn,others did西游记有哪些人物
not either go actively clo to him.He even had no a bosom friend,let alone,an ordinary friend.But he loved work and study very much.He knew anything about French history and events and its developme事迹介绍
nt.What’s more,he was very good at math,while his French was terrible which influenced all his life.He could not speak French fluently after he became the emperor of First French Empire.
Napoleon studied atcole Militaire in1784,which was an important turning point in his life.That two years was the most key stage when his thoughts formed and developed.Works of the great ideologists like Voltaire,Montesquieu and Rousau had a big effect on him.He was just like an ordinary student as same as others without anything to attract his teachers and classmates to notice him.He became an acting sublieutenant after graduating fromcole Militaire in1786.
When the French Revolution burst out on July,1789,Napoleon took part in it.He was 国家励志奖学金申请条件
appointed as an artillery lieutenant in1791.French regime was on the ropes under the outside and the inside attacks.Jacobins assigned Napoleon to go to attack the important co太阳的简笔画
ast city Toulon,which preliminarily showed his talents for military.Napoleon utilid cannons to break the enemy warships down to cut off the enemy’s back road,and then adopted turning tactics.He was exceptionally promoted to Major General by Jacobin government.After The Thermidor Reaction, Napoleon was jailed for a short term becau of his clo relationship with the Jacobin.
The French reactionary forces was very active at that 走亲戚的作文
time.The bourgeoisie assigned Napoleon to subdue the rebellion again.He commanded six thousand troops to hit the Thermidor of13th rebels and ended the rebellion on October,1795.This event signaled Napoleon’s stand on the bourgeoisie,and he became the reprent开熟食店
ative of the Bourgeoisie.
Napoleon was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the French troop to attack Italy on February,1796.He led thirty thousand troops to get over Alps mountain and fought with Austria army on April that year.It was a famous battle to defeat enemy with a numerically smaller army in
history.In October,1797,France and Austria signed The peace treaty Kang Bofu metres,which meant
the breakdown of the first anti-coalition.In Italy,Napoleon not only reformed against feudalism in favor of bourgeoisie,but also pillaged on a large scale.He nt the impod20 million francs,a lot of art treasure and jewellery to France.
In May,1797,Napoleon led a troop consisting of35thousand soldiers to Egypt from where he attempted to attack England.After the troop landed on Alexandria port on30th June,he invaded Egypt and Syria.However,his invasion inspired the absolute revolt of people of Egypt and Syria. At that time,European reactionary forces united again which formed the cond anti-coalition. The union army forwarded the French gate straight.In the end of1799,Napoleon cretly returned Paris.He was warmly welcomed by the bourgeoisie who regarded him as the saviour. Na特许经营权
poleon launched the Fog month coup and overturned the French Directory with the help of the nior officers on9th November(18th of Fog month)that year.He established the Three Government making himlf First Consul.After the Fog month coup,he issued the New Constitution of the eight year of Republican which said that Napoleon took power for10years; and as the First Consul,one had all the power to participate in politics,t up and issue the laws while the Second Consul and the 咳黄痰
Third Consul only had the power to consult.The council consisted of the Senate,the Legislature,the Court and the Curia.In form,man aged over21had right to vote.The honorary citizen commended through the comm
une,then by the province,and last by the nation was only listed on the candidate list who might be appointed as councillor or official by the First Consul.
Napoleon established the Banque de France in February,1800.He shifted himlf the First Consul for life and ensured autocracy.To enhance the bourgeoisie-cracy,he took many forceful political measures.Firstly,he strengthened the centralization of authority,and took the nation apart into eighty-eight provinces who governor and all major officials were appointed straight by him and which must obey the central government.Secondly,he also extended army and police agency to t up the absolutely loyal houhold troops;founded Hotel De Police in Paris responsible for him directly;and t up the Judiciary.After reorganizing the court,he made a contract with the Catholic Pope to admit Catholicism was the religion the most French convinced,and turned the church as the mental support of bourgeoisie dictatorship.Economically,Napoleon encouraged to develop industry and business.
In1801,a union was founded to encourage national industry.Every city and province established business council.Napoleon gave industrialists allowance,awarded people for the u of machine, and encouraged the innovation of agricultural technology.When strictly suppressing the rebellion centered on Vendee province,he also suppresd revolution,percuted the revolution democracy, abolished citizens’all freedom rights.He built the reactionary system workers handbook,which record
ed workers’behaviors and provided any gist for capitalists and policemen to damage the workers.On basis of carefully studying the Ancient Roman law,he gathered famous jurists to found the law composing committee,and then successively enacted and issued three esntial laws: Civil Code,Commercial Code,Criminal Code.Law of Civil Procedure was issued in1806and Code of Criminal Procedure was issued in1808.Napoleon corrected the Constitution again in May,1804announcing France was imperial state(called the First French empire in history).On 2rd December of the same year,he held the coronation to appoint himlf as Emperor at Notre Dame de Paris.Finally he established the military regime standing for the benefits of bourgeoisie.
Napoleon married the Austria Princess connecting the anti-revolution feudalism dynasty,which signaled his hope to compromi with old Europe in1810.Russia,England,Austria,Prussia, Switzerland and other countries constituted the sixth anti-coalition.In the great battle in leipzig in October,Napoleon’s troops were heavily hit and destroyed entirely.On31st March,1814,the union invaded Paris.On6th April,he was forced to abdicate and banished to Elba at mediterranean region.Bourbon Dynasty restored.
In March,1815,Napoleon utilized the unsatisfactory emotions of French people for restored dynasty to come back to France and retook power for a hundred time.European countries