a A1一(个)(用于名词前,表示未曾提及的,尤其是非特指或
ve bought
a car.
a A1(表示人或物的类型)She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
a A1(泛指所指类别中的任何一个)Can you ride a bike?
a A1一 a hundred
a glass of sth A1一杯…Would you like a glass of water?
a lot A1非常;经常Your sister looks a lot like you.
a lot (of)A1大量,许多She eats lots of fruit.
a.m.A1午夜至正午;午前;上午The first election results are expected around
about A1在…方面;有关,关于,涉及What's that book about?
about A1大约,大概,左右about six feet tall
above A1在或向…上面;在或向…较高处There's a mirror above the sink.
ad A1一则广告I often prefer the ads on TV to the actual programmes.
address A1地址;住址her business/ho me address
adult A1成年人;成年动物An adult under English law is someone over 18 years old.
after A1(时间、地点或顺序)在…之后;(一个)接着(一个)Let's go for a walk after breakfast.
afternoon A1下午,午后It was a sunny afternoon.
again A1又,再一次Could you spell your name again, plea?
age A1年龄,年纪;存在时间Do you know the age of that building?
all A1每一个;全部,全体;所有All animals have to eat in order to live.
all right A1(在某种程度上)令人满意的地,尚可的(地),还算可以
I wouldn't
say she's
rich, but
she's doing
all right
(= being
all right A1(表示同意、理解或接受)好的,好吧,可以,得了,行了All right, I'll lend you the money.
also A1而且(也),此外(还)She's a photographe r and also writes books.
always A1总是;老是;每次都;一直;永远It's always cold in
this room.
an A1(用于以元音开头的词前,代替 a)an orange
and A1(用于连接两个词、短语、句子成分或相关语句)和,及,
Ann and Jim
and A1然后,接着I got dresd and had my breakfast.
animal A1(除人、鸟、鱼和昆虫之外的)动物;兽;牲畜wild/domest ic animals
answer A1回答;作答;答应;答复;答案The
minister promid to give a written answer to the MP's detailed question.
answer A1回答;作答;答应;答复;解答I can't answer (you) without more detailed information .
any A1一些;一点;若干Is there any of that lemon cake left?
any A1任何一个,无论哪个Any food would be better than nothing at all.
anything A1无论什么东西;随便什么事情;(尤用于疑问句或否定句
He said I
could order
anything on
the menu.
apple A1苹果to peel an apple
April A1四月We came back in April.
arm A1臂,手臂;上肢My arms ache from carrying this bag.
as A1以…的身份;作为She works as a waitress.
as well (as)A1除…之外还;也;和Invite Emily - and Scott as well.
at A1(表示地点或位置)在…里,在…上,在…旁We'll meet you at the entrance.
at A1(表示确切或某一时间)在…时刻,在…期间,在…岁时There's a meeting at 2.30 this afternoon.
at A1对着…;朝着…She smiled at me.
at A1(电子邮件地址中的)符号@What's your email address? "It's dictionary at cambridge dot org."
August A1八月They usually go to their holiday home in August.
baby A1(尤指尚未学会走路或说话的)婴儿,婴孩a newborn baby
bad A1坏的,不好的;令人不悦的Our holiday was spoiled by bad weather.
bag A1袋子a
paper/plast ic bag
ball A1球;球状物a
beach/golf/ tennis ball
ball A1线团a ball of string/wool
banana A1香蕉a bunch of bananas
band A1乐队a jazz/rock band
bank A1银行The big banks have been accud of exploiting small firms.
bar A1酒吧;酒吧的吧台They noticed him going into the hotel bar.
baball A1棒球(运动)Jake never played baball like the other kids.
basketball A1篮球;篮球运动
bat A1球棒;球拍;球板a
baball/cr icket/round ers/table tennis bat
bath A1澡盆,浴缸
bath A1沐浴,洗澡Susannah has a long hot bath every evening.
bathroom A1浴室,洗澡间;盥洗室The hou has four bedrooms and two bathrooms.
be A1(用来说明人、事物或状态,表示性质、状态、工作等)He is rich.
be A1(表示时间或方位)The food was already on the table.
beach A1海滨,湖滨;海滩,沙滩We spent the day on the beach.
bean A1豆;豆荚;菜豆;豆科植物green beans
beard A1(下巴上的)胡须a flowing white beard
beautiful A1美丽的,漂亮的a beautiful woman
beautiful A1美好的;极好的a beautiful piece of music
becau A1因为,由于Why did you do it? "Becau Carlos told me to".
bed A1床,床铺;床位He lived in a room with only two chairs, a bed, and a table.
bedroom A1卧室Our home has three bedrooms.
beer A1啤酒He asked for a pint of beer.
beer A1啤酒瓶,啤酒杯After a hard day's work I enjoy a beer or two.
before A1在…之前;以前You should always wash your hands before meals.
begin A1开始;开始进行(或存在);着手(于)What time does the concert begin?
behind A1在(…的)后面Look behind you!
below A1在下面;在…的下面From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like incts.
best A1最好的;最出色的;最优秀的This is the best meal I've ever had.
better A1较好的;更好的He stood near the front to get a better view.
better A1(伤病)好转的,康复的I hope you get better soon.
between A1(空间上)在…中间,在…之间The town lies halfway between Rome and Florence.
between A1(时间上)在…中间,在…之间You
shouldn't eat between meals.