Elvin: She is, like, mega-inten, isn't she?
艾文: 她整个人热力四射,对吧?
Mary: Ha, she is unstoppable. I'm learning so much from her.
玛莉: 没有事情能挡得住她。我跟她学了好多。
Elvin: What's it like to work with her?
艾文: 跟她共事是啥感觉?
Mary: She's demanding. But I like that. I mean, I know our timeline is tight.
玛莉: 她的要求很高。但我喜欢那样。我是说,我知道我们的时间很紧。
Elvin: Tell me about it.
艾文: 这还用说。
Mary: You guys are working around the clock, I know. That guy Dave next to Zina never leaves.
玛莉: 我知道你们都在二十四小时赶工。那个坐在吉娜隔壁叫戴夫的人从没离开过。
Elvin: Vince wants us to have everything debugged and ready to go by the end of the month.
艾文: 文斯要我们把程序错误全部修正,准备在月底前上线。
A: Your mother is so demanding! 你妈妈的要求真高!
B: That's what my dad always says. 我爸爸也总是这么说。
【around the clock 日以继夜】
由clock 组成的成语除了around the clock 之外,另有一个against the clock“赶时间”。
A: Frank, why does your factory have to work around the clock this month?
B: Well, we have got quite a lot of orders for shipment this quarter.
A: In other words, you are all working against the clock now.
B: You're right.
mega-inten inten是指“紧张的、一触即发的”,字首(prefi磬石
x) mega是“非常,相当多”的意思,亦指 “百万的”,如 megabyte“百万位元组”。
demanding (a.) 要求很高的
debug (v.) (电脑)除虫,指修正电脑程序中的错误。
Zina : We're both busy, so I'm not going to beat around the bush. I need a rai
吉娜: 文斯。大家都很忙,我就不拐弯抹角了。我要加薪。
Vince: I can't do that, Zina. You know I can't.
文斯: 办不到,吉娜。你知道我无能为力的。
Zina: Bull. I've done my rearch. I know you still control more than 65 percent of InfoKing options.
吉娜: 胡扯。我做了研究。我知道你仍掌握了“资讯王”百分之六十五以上的股权。
Vince: Who told you that?
文斯: 誰跟你说的?
Zina: That doesn't matter. I want at least 4 percent.
吉娜: 那不重要。我少说要百分之四。
A: I have done extensive rearch on the French Revolution.
B: Then you must have been to Paris.
【beat around the bush拐弯抹角】
beat around the bush原意是指猎人在打猎时,先在草丛附近拍打,以让鸟类猎物受惊而现出踪迹,引申出藉由迂回的方式,不针对问题回答,犹如中文里的“拐弯抹角”:
A: Stop beating around the bush, and tell me what you want.
B: I want a divorce.
A: What did Tom want to tell you?
B: I'm not sure. He kept beating around the bush.
rai (n.) 加薪
bull 原意是“公牛”,这里是用作 bullshit 委婉说法。
rearch (n.) 研究
control (v.) 控制
option (n.) 选择,此指“股票选择权”
at least 至少,起码
Zina: Talk about distractions. Vince wants to e us all again this afternoon.
吉娜: 说到分心。文斯今天下午又要召见大家了。
Dave: Another pep talk? That'll make three this week.
戴夫: 又要来精神讲话吗?那就会是这个星期的第三次了。
Zina: He's worried that our team is going to tire out and that WebTracker is going to beat us.
吉娜: 他担心我们团队会气力放尽,而“网路搜寻家”会打败我们。
Dave: I don't blame him. People are starting to grumble about working twenty-four ven.
戴夫: 我不怪他。大家都在抱怨日夜无休地上班。
Zina: They need to suck it up. We're going to pull this off. I'll make sure of that.
吉娜: 他们得要含辛茹苦。我们会熬过去的。我一定会确保战果。
A: You always blame me for ever计算工龄
B: That's becau it's your fault!
【That'll make three times this week. 那就会是这星期的第三次了。】
A: The computer has crashed again.
B: That makes the fifth time tonight.
【pull something off 完成难题】
pull something off 可以用来表示“经典童话故事大全
A: This project has to be finished next week.
B: If we pull this off, we'll all get promotions.
pep talk 精神讲话。用以提振士气,凝聚共识的谈话。
tire out 精疲力竭
blame (v.) 责怪
grumble (v.) 抱怨
twenty-four ven 意指“一周七天,一天二十四小时”。
Elvin: How did it go in LA?
艾文: 去洛城那一趟有进展吗?
Mary: We signed , and we also got the Magic Studios web site.
玛莉: 我们签下了,也拿下了“魔奇坊”的网站。
Elvin: Wow! That's good news. Way to go!
艾文: 哇!那是好消息。真有一套!
Mary: I didn't do anything.
玛莉: 我啥也没做。
Elvin: What are you talking about? Tho two accounts are huge!
艾文: 你在说什么?那两个都是天大的客户!
Mary: Zina made me stay in the hotel. Said I had a lor's attitude.
玛莉: 吉娜要我留在旅馆里。说什么我有输家的态度
A: I hate doing homework.
B: You have a bad attitude.
【Way to go! 有一套喔!】