
更新时间:2023-05-03 06:58:51 阅读: 评论:0

众所周知,做好读后续写的前提是充分理解已给的阅读 材料,只有读懂所给材料,才能续写好后面的内容。从历年 的续写题来看,原文都是故事类的记叙文,记叙文的阅读方 式有相对固定的模式,下面举例说明读什么,怎么读。
Alex stared through the cabin (小
ness.Soon his dad would call h i m.M W e*r e ready,**D a d said as he c a m e in from the passage.“G rab your pole.”Alex turned a w a y from the w i n d o w and slowly picked up his fishing pole.
“W e should have done this before,”D a d said.“L拾人牙慧造句 et’s go catching a big o ne!M a y b e w e can e som e rare incts a nd a nimals,such as fireflies (蛮火虫)and whippoorwills (夜鹰)!”
D a d picked u p his tackle box,pole,and bait (馆)can from the passageway.
The y walked d o w n the hill toward the lake.T h e only thing Alex could e w as the circle of weeds and rocks at their feet.
Inct voices filled his ears.Hundreds of incts waited in the dark to attack.M Mosquitoes,MD a d said.UI brought som e spray (喷剂)t。keep the m off.”
Suddenly something rushed past A lex’s head.H e gasped.“W h a t wa s that?”
“Pro白芷种植技术 bably气息的意思 a bat,”D a d said.
‘‘Will bats be flying around our heads the whole time?”“This is their time to be out catching incts,”D a d explained.“T hey w o n’t hurt y ou.”H e pushed the boat off the small stones and j u m p e d in.
D a d rowed to the middle of the lake and stopped.“W e’l l just let the boat drift (漂流)for a while.K e e p the flashlight in the bottom of the boat.T h e fish won't bite i f they e light flashing around.W h e n w e*v e done baiting our hooks (^), w e*11turn the light off.”
Leaning d o w n to get clor to the light,Alex tried to thread    a w o r m on his hook,but he couldn’t s e e m to work his fingers right. So what i f the w o r m (竊虫)w as only partly on the h ook? H e d i d n’t want to fish a n y w a y.H e d idn’t even want to be here.
D a d switched off the flashlight,and the night fell over them like a h黑蜂胶的功效与作用 eavy cape (斗篷).“I c a n’t e anything,,,Alex said weakly.
“T h e m o o n’s half full.I t gives us s o m e light,”D a d said.
Alex looked u p.Surely enough,there w as the m o o n.A n d he could e the shoreline and the dark forms of trees.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1:
Looking into the trees on the shore,Alex noticed tiny points of light twinkling (闪烁)there.
Paragraph 2:
Alex didn't answer.H e had never heard such an o d d,exciting birdcall—sad but zippy (活泼的)•
对于记叙文的六要素,即5W1H的问题,大家一定很熟 悉,因此,在快速阅读原文后,不难找到人物、时间、地点、事情、原因、方式,如下表。
W h o A l e x,his dad
W h e r e O n the lake
W h e n At night
W h a t Going fishing
W h y T o catch fish
H o w Fishing in the middle of the water in th衢州三头一掌是什么 e dark
第二遍细读,目标是找到反映人物性格特点的描写,包 括人物的动作、对话、心理等(如下页表)。在第1段中,D a d说了两个简短的句子 “W e’re ready,”“Gra b your pole.”,反映出他对夜钓的期待与兴奋;而A l e x则是slowly picked up his fishing pole,slowly一词则表明他的态度与父亲截然相反,他没有那么高兴,似乎是不情愿地做了爸爸的跟班。
从第 4 段前两句Inct voices filled his ears.H u n d r e d s of bugs waited in the dark to attack看出,Alex对于夜晚的野外环
广东教育♦高中2021年第5期 27
Alex Dad
...and slowly picked up
his fishing pole
“W e,re ready,”“Grab your pole.”
T h e only thing Alex could e was the circle of weeds and rocks at their feet.“W e should have done this before,”D a d said. “Let’s go catching a big o n e!”
H u n d r e d s of bugs waited in the dark to attack.“Mosquitoes,”D a d said.“I brought s o m e spray to keep them off.”
“Will bats be flying around our heads the whole time?”4*This is their time to be out catching incts,MD a d explained.“The y w o n’t hurt y o u.”
...he couldn’t s e e m to work his fingers right.T h e fish won't bite if they e light flashing around.W h e n w e’ve don e baiting our hooks,w e’l l turn the light off.”
H e didn’t want to fish a n y w a y.H e didn*t even want to be here.“T h e m o o n’s half full.I t gives us s 去学校英语 o m e light,”
境非常陌生,感到危机四伏,觉得“在黑暗中成百上千的虫 子会伺机攻击”他;对于他的反应,D a d说“Mosquitoes,”“I brought s o m e spray to keep the m无所作为的意思 off.”这里,我们是不是能 看出D a d非常熟悉野外自然环境,应对蚊子叮咬很有经验?同时,细心的读者也能借助同理心,看出父亲很关注儿子的
反应,耐心帮助他克服障碍。同理,在接下来的5~7段关于b a t s的问题讨论,通过父子间的对话,勾勒出儿子对于大自 然缺乏了解而感到害怕,和父亲对大自然了如指掌形成鲜明 反差。
以上是举例说明在第二次阅读中,要留意找到反映人物 性格特点的描写,大家可以用不同颜色的笔标示出不同人物 的描写,然后用关键词总结出人物的性格,如下表:
Alex Dad
Unfamiliar with fishing at night &unwilling to go Experienced at fishing &excit-ed to go
Afraid of darkness&wildness Experienced&caring
“没有冲突,不成故事”,好故事会借助冲突来展现人物 并揭示主题。从以上人物性格分析可以清楚地看出,故事到 此展露出两方面的冲突:一是人物之间的冲突,对于夜钓,兴冲冲的爸爸和不情愿的儿子;二是人物与环境的冲突,A l e x对野外环境的陌生和恐惧。在这二者中,后者是主要冲 突,因为一旦解决了 A l e x与大自然的冲突,即他不再害怕大 自然,那么,也就很自然地会转变对于夜钓的态度。
这时,阅读两段的段首句十分重要。第一段首句:Loo king into the trees on the shore,Alex noticed tiny points of light twinkling there•读到这里,我们不禁要问:W h a t arc tho tiny points of light?根据本句的提7K the trees和 twinkling,结合前 文描写夜晚的野外自然环境,再联系我们对大自然的知识,不难推断出这些一闪一闪的光点就是萤火虫。接着,我们要 问:W h a t will Alex feel about t h e m? Will he s t i l l feel afraid of the m
再看续写的第二段首句:A k x didn’t answer.H e had never heard such an o d d,exciting birdcall--sad but zippy (活泼的).显 然,这里有人问了 A l e x问题,但是,由于沉浸在birdcall中他没有应答,这种鸟鸣是怪怪的、令人激动的、有些忧伤但 又是活泼的,作者连用四个形容词来描述A l e x听到鸟鸣的感 受,注意这四个词的感情色彩,前两个一个中性(odd),—个 褒义(exciti吨);后两个中虽使用了 sa d,但b u t表明说话者更 强调后者,也就是说着重在z i p p y上。因此,明显可以看出 A l e x很享受自然界的鸟鸣声,结合上一段看到的点点萤火虫 光,不难推断出A l e x对大自然的喜爱,到此,小男孩完成了 对自然界的恐惧到欣赏的心理转变。
结合前面阅读的冲突分析,续写部分的主要内容是:A l e x看到萤火虫,点点萤光美不胜收,爸爸关切地询问;
A l e x没有回答,因为他听到了鸟鸣声,沉浸其中,一扫对大 自然的恐惧,取而代之的是由衷的喜爱。
总之,分步骤阅读原文,抓住要素、理清情节、分析人 物、找到冲突;再读已给的段首句,确定情节的发展以及故 事的结局,做完这些准备工作,我们就可以动笔写了。
Looking into the trees on the shore,Alex noticed tiny points of light twinkling there.T h e longer he looked,the more flashes he s aw.Hundreds of t h e m!They looked like stars coming d o w n from the sky.Alex*s eyes were shining with excitement.“W h a t was that”Alex asked curiously.“Fireflies.”D a d answered with    a big smile.Alex reached out to touch the small “spirits”and they just danced gracefully (优雅地)and quietly around h im in the darkness.Absorbed,he was pulled back to reality by a clear and nice birdcall.“I书包里的故事 t’s whippoorwill!Isn*t i t beautiful?t,D a d whispered gently.
Alex didn*t answer.H e had never heard such an o d d,exciting birdcall-- sad but zippy (活泼的).I t blocked out everything el.Actually the other night creatures emed to stay quiet for a while to listen to the whippoorwill.Smiling,Alex reeled in (拉起)his line,put on a w o n n and cast out again.The y only got three fish,so small that they put them back into the lake.W h e n back to the cab
in,Alex saw his M o莲菜 m and whispered to her,“M o m,listen!
A whippoorwill!”

本文发布于:2023-05-03 06:58:51,感谢您对本站的认可!



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