2. Our 晴的词语
teacher knows that造句
Our teachers know that low exam results will reflect 凯南天赋
badly on them.
Our teachers know that every child needs to be loved.
Our teachers know that the basic feature of the univer is that it is made up of various forms of matter, which are in constant motion and development.
Our teachers know that the human race on earth is divided into about 200 independent sovereign states, which are connected by diplomacy, tourism, trade and war. Human civilization has had many ideas about this planet, including god created man, the sky is round, the earth is the center of the univer, etc.
Our teachers 大学生活图片
know that earth is the third planet in the solar system clo to the sun, slightly flattened at the poles, slightly bulged at the equator, and a triaxial ellipsoid. It's surrounded by an atmosphere, with land and a on the surface, people, animals, plants and microbes.
Our teachers know that the earth's mineral and biological resources sustain the world's population.
Our teachers know that the Earth is the o减肥器材
nly body in the known univer that supports life.
Our teachers know that about 3.8 to 4.1 billion years ago, asteroid impacts during the late heavy bombardment period dramatically changed the surface environment.
Our teachers know that the surface of the earth is divided into hard parts, or plates, that move across the surface of the earth in geologic time.
Our teachers know that many animals are divided into male and female. The eggs of female animals must be fertilized with sperm of male animals before they can develop into a new generation of life.
Our teachers know that the structure of broad bean eds, such as ed coat, germ, radicle, cotyledons and so on. The coat is the armor of the ed, which protects the ed.
Our teachers know that eds need enough water and air简单英文歌
d the right temperature fo张萌演过的电视剧
r germination.