欧盟REACH 法规实施指南
EU REACH regulation implement guideline
上汽股份技术中心技术标准化委员会 Technical Standardization Committee of SAIC Motor Technical Center
本标准主要起草人:何玉松、Jason Wor-mald。
The standard is formulated to meet the European regulation concerning Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (referred as REACH), to control the u of hazardous substances and SVHC (Substance of Very High Concern) in vehicle components and materials, and to provide a guideline on REACH regulation for SAIC Motor and its suppliers.
In the event of conflict between the Eng-lish and Chine, the Chine language shall take precedence.
This standard was propod by materials sub-committee of Quality Assurance Dept.
This standard was approved by SMTC Technical Standardization Committee.
This standard is under the management of Standardization working team.
The drafting departments of this standard are: Quality Assuran记叙文600
ce Dept, Vehicle Integra-tion Dept (UK).
The main drafters of this standard are:
He Yusong, Jason Wormald.
This standard was first published on Mar.07th.2011 and implemented on Mar.08th.2011.
欧盟REACH法规实施指南EU REACH regulation implement guideline
1 范围 1 Scope
This standard defines SAIC Motor re-quirement on REACH regulation.
This guideline applies to all vehicle plat-forms of SAIC Motor exported or manufactured for the market of UK or that adopts EU REACH regulation requirement.
2 规范性引用文件 2 Normative Reference
The terms of fol四川好吃的
lowing documents cited by this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subquent amendments (excluding corrections) or revi-sions, do not apply to this standard. However, rearch on whether to adopt the latest version of the documents by parties which reach an agreement bad on this standard is encour-aged. For undated references, the latest ver-sion of the document applies to this standard.
REACH 1907/2006/EC 化学品注册、评估、授权和限制
REACH 1907/2006/EC Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals
3 术语和定义 3 Terms and definitions
下列术语和定义适用于本标准:The following terms and definitions apply to
this standard:
Article -- means an object given a special shape, surface or design with advanced fea-tures other than chemical composition during producing process”, typically as vehicle;
Preparation -- means mixture or solution consisting of two or veral substance, the mixture is derived according to some certain percentage by producer, for example: paints, lubricants, adhesives, windscreen cleaning agents, engine oil, metal alloys;
Substance --means a chemical element and its compounds in the natural state or ob-tained by manufacturing process, including additive necessary ud to prerve its stabil-ity and impurity deriving from the process, but excluding the solvent which may be detached without affecting the stability of the substance or changing its composition;
Intended relea-- means the substance is well planned to be relead and brings some special feature which is additional but not main. If relea is incidental, it’s not intended. While the relea of substances is intended for the main function of an object, it should be
配置品的容器,但不属于物品。基础标准:是否该物品不释放后仍能正常发挥作用?如果是,则不是有意的释放;regarded as a container of sub-stances/preparations but not an article.Basic Criteria: Does the article still work without the relea? If yes, the relea is not intended;
Manufacturer -- means commodity producer or importer, distributor or other participants in the supply chain who place articles to the market;
Consumer --means natural person who primarily purpo is independent of their trade, business or profession;
Importer -- means natural or legal person established inside the European Community who is responsible for import. The only repre-ntative has the equal status to importer un-der REACH;
Only Reprentative -- means a natural or legal person established outside the Commnity who manufacture屏幕发黄
rs a substance on its own, in preparations or in articles, formulates a prep-aration or produces an article that is imported into the Community may by mutual agreement appoint a natural or legal person established in the Community to fulfill, as his Only Repre-ntative, the obligations of importers. The Only Reprentative can reprent one or veral manufacturers, formulators, or pro-ducers of articles outside the EU and exporting to the EU.
4 缩略语 4 Abbreviation
The following Abbreviation apply to this standard:
ECHA ——欧洲化学品署;ECHA --European Chemicals Agency;
IMDS ——国际材料数据系统;
IMDS -- International Material Data Sytem;
CSR ——化学品安全报告;CSR -- Chemical Safety Report; SDS ——安全数据表;SDS -- Safety Data Sheet;
SVHC ——高度关注物质,指符合REACH法规Article 57和Article 59(1) 定义的物质,通常为确定的致癌、致畸、致突变以及蓄积性、毒性物质。
SVHC -- substances are considered as very high concern according to Article 57 and59 (1) in REACH, which are generally recognized as carcinogenic, teratogenic, mu-tagenic, accumulation and toxicity of sub-stances.
5 要求与指南 5 Requirement and Guideline
The following requirements and guidelines were t up according to the requirements of the EU REACH regulation and the responsible division of SMPV.
5.1 要求 5.1 Requirement
5.1.1 供应商提供的零部件中材料或物质的使用应符合REACH法规中禁/限制使用要求。5.1.1The u of materials and substances within components from suppliers should comply with prohibited and restricted require-ments of the REACH regulation.
5.1.2 供应商提供的物品雨水
(零部件或维修备件)中SVHC质量分数应小于0.1%;若大于或等于0.1%,应对含SVHC材料予以替换。5.1.2The articles (components or repair/s -pare parts) from the supplier are required with a mass fraction of SVHC below 0.1%. If above 0.1% the SVHC material should be removed or replaced with a suitable alte rnative.
5.1.3 若供应商提供的物品(零部件或维修备件)中含SVHC质量分数大于0.1%,且不能进行材料替换,必须向上海汽车DRE提供以下信息(CSR或SDS):材料所含SVHC的名称、重量及质量分数、使用该SVHC可能出现的危害、危害发生后的急救处置方法及车辆报废时的处理方式等。5.1.3 If the articles (components or repai -r/spare parts) from the supplier are require d with a mass fraction of SVHC equal to o r greater than 0.1% , and a suitable altern ative is not available, the following infor
mati on (CSR or SDS) must be prented to th e DRE of SAIC Motor. The name, weight a nd mass fraction of the contained SVHC, t he potential damage in u, first aid treatm ent after damage and disposal at the end of life vehicle. Risks to human health and t he environment must be considered.
5.1.4 供应商应通过IMDS系统如实向上海汽车申报零部件材料信息,不得隐瞒SVHC含量及其质量分数等信息。若不能确定是否含有SVHC 或是否超标,应将零部件送交经上海汽车认可的第三方实验室进行检测。5.1.4 Suppliers must declare the real infor-mation of materials ud in components del ivered to SAIC Motor through the IMDS, an d are not allowed to conceal the informatio n about contained SVHC and its mass fract ion. If the SVHC content is uncertain, the c omponent should be tested by the third par ty laboratory authorized by SAIC Motor.
5.1.5 当供应商提供的物品(零部件或维修备件)中物质满足以下条件时,供应商应要求其下级供应商根据REACH法规要求履行责任,为该物质进行注册:
a)其在物品(零部件或维修备件)中的总量超过1 吨/年;
b)该物质是设计在正常使用情况下有意释放的。5.1.5 If the article (components or repa冬季夜钓
ir/s pare parts) provided by the supplier meet t he following conditions, they should (or ask sub-vendor to) fulfill the obligation accordin
g to REACH requirements, and register suc
h substance if:
a) The total annual mass of the article
(components or repair/spare parts) is
above 1 ton;
b) The substan女人尿急
ce is intended to be re-
lead under normal u.
5.2 指南 5.2 Guideline
5.2.1 MG汽车英国有限公司负责作为上海汽车欧盟唯一代理人处理所有REACH法规要求相关事宜。5.2.1 As the only reprentative of SAIC Motor within the EU, MG Motor UK Ltd. takes charge of all affairs on requirements of REACH regulation.
5.2.2 当物品(整车或维修备件)中SVHC总量超过1吨/年、质量分数含量大于0.1%时,MG汽车英国
有限公司应根据需要向ECHA进行通报。5.2.2 When the total SVHC within an article (vehicle or repair/spare part) is above 1 ton/year, or the mass fraction contained is above 0.1%, MG Motor UK Ltd. should inform the ECHA if required.