Customer Complaint Handling Procedure
11 目的Purpo
The purpo of the procedure is to ensure fast reaction to the customer complaints and the problems which were feedback from After-sales Service; reduce the influence to the customer of quality problems which has delivered and ensure customer can implement normal production.Analyze the root cau of the quality problem andimplement the corrective and preventive action and ensure the same problem not happen again.
12 适用X围 Appli处女男双鱼座女
cation Scope
The procedure is suitablefor the customer complaint, After-sales rvice quality problem feedback and the handling of the returned product with quality problem.
13 规X性引用文件 Normative Reference
The following terms will be the standard terms after the standard reference. All the referenced document which were noted date, and the following changed form <the corrective contents excluded>or the recension is not available for the standard. The referenced documents which are without date, the latest version of the documents are applied to the standard.
ISO9001:2008质量管理体系要求 7.2.3顾客沟通 8.3不合格品控制
ISO9001: 2008 Quality Management System Requirement 7.2.3 Communication with Customer 8.3 Unqualified Product Control
IRIS 02国际铁路行业标准 7.2.3顾客沟通 8.3不合格品控制
IRIS 02 International Railway Industry Standard 7.2.3 Communication with Customer8.3 Unqualified Product Control
14 术语和定义Terms and Defines
4.1 NCR〔Non conforming Report〕:不合格产品报告
4.2 8D〔8 Discipline>:解决问题的一种方法,主要是由8个步骤组成:1D成立团队、2D描述问题、3D围堵行动、4D原因分析、5D纠正措施、6D验证措施、7D预防再发、8D肯定贡献
8D<8 Discipline>: one of the method to solve problem, mainly compod with 8 steps: 1D establish a team; 2D problem describe; 3D containment action; 4D root cau analysis; 5
D corrective action; 6D verification action; 7D preventive action; 8D confirm the contribution
4.3CAR〔Correct Action Report〕:纠正措施报告
15 部门职责Responsibilities of Department
5.1 质量部质量管理工程师职责 Quality Management Engineer’s Responsibilities in QM
Manage company customer complaints mailbox, register and transfer the complaint information in time;
Register the quality information which feedback by After-sale Service and transfer the quality information.
Follow up and update the feedback quality problems from the customer complaints or the After-sales Service
5.2质量经理职责Quality Manager Responsibilities
Organize related departments to hold a rapid respon meeting and implement the temporaryaction.
In the whole complaints management process, through the project manager to inform customer;
Help the responsible dept to find the root cau and confirm solution.
Confirm effectiveness of the action
5.3 责任部门职责Responsibilities of Responsible Department
Inform all the related operators about the quality problem information.
Coordinate inspectors of various workshopsto pick out all the unqualified products in production.
Analyze the root cau of the problem and feedback the related information to the Quality Manager.
Implement the corrective action to ensure the problem was solved actually.
Report the action implementation status of the corrective action.
5.4 项目经理职责 Project Manager Responsibilities
Communicate and confirm with the customer in time.
Audit the 《8D Report》 which will be forwarded to the customer.
5.5 最终检验和进货检验职责Responsibilities of the Delivery Inspection and Incoming Inspection
According to the quality alert to do the product inspection and record the inspection result on the quality tracing note.
Report all the unqualified status to the quality manager;
5.6 售后服务人员职责
After-sales Service Staffs Responsibilities