竹荪 # Dictyophora
穿心莲 # Andrographis paniculata # Andrographis
,刺儿菜 # Cephalanoplos getum # Cephalanoplos
,刺老芽 # Stab old bud # Aralia elata # Thorn old buds
,大蓟叶 # Thistle leaf # Cirsium japonicum leaf #
,冬菜 # Spiced cabbage # Prerved cabbage # Prerved vegetables
豆腐果 # Tofu fruit
,独行菜 # cress # Lepidium
,蒿子杆 # Caraway rod # Wormwood bar # Sargassum rod
,红菜苔 # Red bolt # Red cabbage moss
胡枝子 # lespedeza
槐花 # Sophora japonica
黄麻叶 # Jute leaf
,碱蓬菜 # The alkaline food # Suaeda salsa #
,菊花菜 # Chrysanthemum food # Chrysanthemum nankingen # Chrysanthemum dish
苦苣菜 # Bitter rcad面积怎么算
adicchio dishes # Sonchus
,苦细叶生菜 # Bitter fine leaf lettuce # Egeria bitter lettuce
马兰头 # Malan head
牛至 # Oregano
,掐不 # Device is not # Clutch is not # Not pinch
,酸模 # sorrel # Rumex
,土三七 # Soil notoginng
,梧桐子 # Firmianae
,香茅 # Citronella # Lemongrass
,小旋花 # Small Convolvulus # Small bindweed
,野菊 # Chrysanthemum indicum #
,茵陈蒿 # Artemisia capillaris # Tarragon
鱼腥草 # Houttuynia cordata
,紫草 # Radix arnebiae u lithospermi # Shikonin # Comfrey
,鲑鱼籽酱 # Salmon roe sauce # Salmon caviar
,海带菜 # Kelp # Seaweed
海冻菜 # Sea frozen vegetables
,斑节对虾 # Spot ction prawns # Penaeus monodon
,北极贝 # arctic # Arctic Bay
,参鱼 # Pompano #
,柴鱼 # Fire情侣古风网名
wood fish
,鲳鱼 # pomfret # Butterfish
,长毛对虾 # Long-haired prawns # Penaeus penicillatus
,赤贝 # Ark shell
,赤眼鳟 # Red eyes trout # Squaliobarbus curriculus
,刺蛄 # Mantis sting # Spiny crayfish # Thorn mantis
,带鱼 # hairtail # Ribbonfish
,堤鱼 # Dike fish # Embankment fish
,鲷鱼 # snapper # Bream
,鲽 # sole #
比目鱼 # Flounder
,凤尾虾 # Phoenix Tail prawns # Pteris shrimp
干海带 # Dried aweed # Dry kelp
,干苔菜 # Stem green moss # Dried aweed
,干紫菜 # Dry laver # Dried aweed
,鳡鱼 # Hanyuhe # Bambusa
海河鲜 # a river food
,海虹 # Rainbow
,海鳗 # Conger eel # Moray
,海兔 # Aplysia
,蚝豉 # Dried oyster meat
蚝干 # Dried oyster # Dry oyster
,红螺 #
,红娘鱼 # Matchmaker fish
,红衫鱼 # Cardinal fish
,花蟹 # Spend crab
,黄姑鱼 # Spotted maigre # Nibea
,黄颡鱼 # Pelteobagrus fulvidraco # Catfish
黄鳝丝 # Eel slices
黄蚬 # Yellow clam
,黄钻鱼 # Canary fish # Gold Fish
,湟鱼 # Huangshui fish # Huang fish
鮰鱼 # Channel catfish
,活蜢虾 #live Grasshoppers shrimp
,基围虾 # shrimps
,甲鱼 # turtle # Soft shelled turtle #
,甲鱼蛋 # Turtle egg
,尖嘴白 # Long no white
,鲒花 # Oyster flower
金鳇鱼 # Gold sturgeon fish
,金线鱼 # Gold fish # Nemipterus
,浸海带 # Soak aweed # Dip kelp
浸鱿鱼 # Soak squid # Dip squid
,锯缘青蟹 # Scylla rrata
,孔鳐 # Hole rays # Hole skate
,濑尿虾 # Seto urine shrimp # Mantis shrimp
,鳓鱼 # herring # Shad
,鲢鱼 # Silver carp # Chub
,鲢鱼头 # Silver carp head
,庐山石鸡 # Lushan mountain partridge # Lushan chukar
,梅童鱼 # Baby croaker
鱼 # Miichthys miiuy
,鳘鱼 # SLATE cod croaker fish # Cod fish
,明太鱼 # Walleye pollack
,墨鱼 # cuttlefish
,墨鱼圈 # Squid ring
,墨鱼丸 # Cuttlefish ball
,木鱼花 # Wooden fish flower
,泥蚶 # Mud cockle
,鸟贝 # Bird shellfish
皮皮虾 # Pipi shrimp
琵琶虾 # Pipa shrimp # Lute shrimp
,平鱼 # Flat fish # Butterfish
,鲆 # gram-negative # Flounder # Maximus
青虾 # Freshwater shrimp
,青蟹 # Green crab # Scylla rrata #
,琼脂 # AGAR
,秋刀鱼 # In the fall of the knife
,裙带菜 # wakame # Undaria pinnatifida
,日月贝 # The sun moon bay
,沙尖鱼 # Sardine
,沙钻鱼 # Sand drill fish # Shazuanyu # Sand drilling fish
,舌鳎 # Tongue sole # Sole # Cynoglossidae
,蛇鲻 # snake mullet # Saurida
,石螺 # Stone screw # Stone spiral
,梭鱼 # Barracuda # Pike
,梭子蟹 # Swimming crab # Blue crab
鲐鱼 # Chub mackerel # Mackerel
,塘鳢鱼 # Eleotridae fish # Snakehead fish pond
,乌 # Dark
,武昌鱼 # Wuchang fish #
,虾仁 # Shrimp meat # shelled Shrimp
,虾仁肉丸 # Shrimp meatballs
,夏威夷贝 # Hawaii
,蟹黄 # Crab roe # Crab ovary #
蟹柳 # crab fillet
雪蛤 # Forest frog # Snow c芝麻油的功效与作用
lam # Hashima
,鳐鱼 # rays # Skate
,鳙 # it # Bighead carp # Bighead
,鳙鱼 # Aristichthys nobilis # Bighead
,油抒 # Oil express
,鱼筋 # Fish muscle # Fish Bar
,鱼奇 # Fish, # Fish odd # Odd Fish
,鱼子酱 # caviar # Roe sauce
,鸳鸯贝 # The mandarin duck Bay # Tony duck
,月鳢 # Month Li # Channa
,中国鲎 # Chine horshoe crabs # China Limulus
, 八宝菜 # Eight treasure pickles
,八角 # octagon # Star ani
,白扣 # White button # White buckle
,百香果果酱 # Passion fruit jam # Passion fruit sauce
,陈皮 # Dried tangerine or orange peel # Citrus peel
臭豆腐 # Stinky tofu
,粗盐 # Coar salt # Crude salt
,醋精 # Vinegar concentrate
,冬菜 # Spiced cabbage # Prerved cabbage # Prerved vegetables
,豆瓣 # Bean # Watercress
豆瓣辣酱 # Watercress sauce # Bean sauce #
,剁椒 # bell pepper Chopped
力冈 # The force, # Oregano # Russian forces Gang
,发酵粉 # Baking powder
,蜂乳 # Royal jelly
干花椒叶 # Dried prickly ash leaf # Dried pepper leaves # Dry pepper leaf
,柑橘橘皮果酱 # Orange peel jam #citrus Peel marmalade
,贡菜 # Tribute dish
,桂花酱 # Osmanthus sauce # Sweet scented osmanthus sauce
,黑醋 # Black vinegar # Balsamic
,红曲 # Red kojic rice # Monascus # Red Yeast
,胡葱 # Hu Onions
,胡椒粉 # pepper
湖盐 # Lake salt
花椒 # Chine prickly ash
花椒粉 # Chine prickly ash # Pepper powder
,花椒油 # Zanthoxylum oil # Pepper oil
,黄酱 # Mayo # Miso
,黄皮酱 # Yellow skin sauce # Yellow butter # Yellow sauce
基础白少司 # Basic white sauce
,吉士 # custard
,酱姜 # Sauce, ginger,
,决明子 # Cassia ed #
苦豆子 # Bitter beans
,老抽 # Soy sauce
蜜糖 # Honey
,南乳汁 # S有关茶的诗句
outh milk
,嫩肉粉 # Tender meat powder # Meat tenderizer
,酿水榄 # Stuffed olives
,芡粉 # thickening # Rhizomes #
,青芥辣 # Green mustard # Wasabi
,沙姜 # Sand ginger
,生抽 # Light soy sauce # Soy sauce
,生石灰 # Quicklime
十三香 # Thirteen incen #
,食用色素 # Edible pigment # Food coloring
,熟石膏粉 #cooked Gypsum powder #cooked Plaster powder
,酸豆 # Acid beans # Tamarind # Capers
,蒜蓉辣酱 # Garlic sauce
,糖色 # Caramel # Sugar, color
甜醋 # Sweet vinegar
,甜面 #
,甜面酱 # Sweet bean sauce # Fermented flour paste #
,五柳料 # Five willow material
,细叶芹 # chervil
虾油 # Shrimp oil
鲜味王 # king of freshness
,香醋 # Balsamic vinegar # Aromatic vinegar
,香蜂草 # Vanilla grass # Lemon Balm
,香精 # Esnce
,香茅 # citronella # Lemongrass
,香叶 # geranyl # Geranium # Pelargonium
,香糟 # Incen wor # Marinated # Hong bad
,小米辣 # Capsicum frutescens # Millet spicy
雪菜 # Pickled cabbage
腌芥菜头 # Pickled mustard head
糟卤 # Bad halogen # Bad brine
柱侯酱 # Chu Hou sauce
大麻油 # Big same oil # Hemped oil
胡麻油# Lined oil # Sesame oil
鸡油 # Chicken oil
,菌油 # oil # Truffle oil # Bacteria oil
起酥油 # shortening
,龙虾蓉面 # Lobster noodle
白玉米面 # White corn flour # White cornmeal
,白糟 # White wor # White bad
大黄米 # Large yellow rice
粉皮 # Sheet jelly
粉丝 # Vermicelli
,粉条 # Dry noodles
富强粉 # Rich and strong powder flour
,干切面 # Dry ction
高粱米 # Sorghum rice
,梗米 # Stem meters # Japonica rice # Terrier meters
红籼稻谷 # Red indica rice
饺子皮 # Dumpling wrapper # Dumpling
,筋 # reinforcement #
,粳米 # Japonica rice # Polished round-grained rice #
,粳米饭 # Steamed Japonica Rice #
粳米粥 # Japonica rice porridge # 营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作 << 汉英英汉营养学大辞典 >>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.
英文食谱英文 英文食谱的英文 英文菜单的英文 英文菜谱及做法 菜谱英文怎么说 英文菜谱的英文 中餐菜谱英文 中餐西餐菜谱英文 中国菜名翻译 中文菜名翻译 英文菜名英文翻译 英文菜单英文 英文菜单的英文 英文菜单翻译 菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜名翻译 菜谱翻译哪里好 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 求翻译菜谱 求助英文菜谱翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱 英文翻译食谱 英语菜单翻译 英语菜品翻译 英语菜谱翻译 中国菜谱翻译 中文菜单英文译法
菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜谱翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱 英语菜品翻译 英语菜名翻译英语菜单翻译英语菜洋酒度数
粳糯米 # Japonica glutinous rice
,面肥 # rising # Fertilizer # Leaven
芡实 # Gordon euryale ed
,芡实米 # Gordon euryale ed meter
荞麦面 # Buckwheat noodles # Soba
,切面 # ction #
,太白粉 # Potato starch # Cornstarch
特等晚籼 # Special grade late indica rice
,特一粉 # Special powder # A special powder
,团粉 # Cooking starch
晚籼 # Late indica rice #
籼米 # Indica rice
籼米饭 牛和鼠相配婚姻如何
# Steamed indica Rice
籼米粉 Indica Rice noodles # Indica rice flour
籼米粥 # Indica rice porridge
籼糯 # Indica glutinous rice
,须素面 # Must be element face
薏米 # # Barley
薏米面 # Barley noodle
,银丝面 # Silver noodle
玉米糁 # Corn grits
玉米笋 # Baby corn
,芋精粉 # Taro powder # Konjac powder # Taro flour
早籼 # Early indica rice #
,中筋面粉 # High-gluten flour
,紫米 # Brown rice # Purple Rice #
,西点 # West Point
薄脆 # Crispbread
朵类 # One class #
粉皮 # Sheet jelly
粉条丝# Vermicelli
,贡菊 # GongJu
,珍珠鸡 # Guinea fowl
煮荷包蛋 # Boiled Poached Egg
煮鸡蛋 # Boiled egg
,仔鸡 # chicks # Broiler
,仔鸭 # Tsai duck
,走地鸡 # Go to the chicken # Going to chicken # Go to chicken
,蓄肉 # Storage of meat
棒骨 # Bar bone # Stick Bone
叉烧肉 # Roast pork # barbecued pork
,茶肠 # Sausage # Tea intestine
,脆皮肠 # Crispy im # Crisp sausage # Crispy intestine
冻羊肉 # Frozen lamb # Frozen mutton
肥 # fat
肥牛 # Fat cow # Beef
肥膘肉 # Fat meat
肥肠 # Fatty intestine
瘦牛肉 # Lean beef
肥猪肉 # Fat pork
,风肉 # Wind dry meat
,腑肋牛肉 # Relieving rib beef
,股内牛肉 # Shares in beef # Shares in beef # The shares of beef
后腱牛肉 # beef tendon
后腿牛肉 # hind legs of beef
后腿羊肉 # Hind leg of mutto汽水肉蒸多长时间
n # Hind leg of lamb
,后臀尖 # After the rump # Haunch
,后臀尖肉 # After the rump of meat # Haunch of meat # After haunch of meat
,后肘猪肉 # elbow pork
,麂子肉 # goat meat
肩部牛肉 # Beef shoulder
腱子肉 # Tendon # Sinew meat
,酱骨头 # Paste bone # Butter bones
,酱肉 # That tradition # Sauce # Sauce
,颈肉 # Neck meat # Chuck
咖哩牛肉干 # Curry beef jerky
,烤羊肉串 # kebabs # Mutton cubes roasted on a skewer
,腊肠 # sausage # Dachshund
,腊羊肉 # La mutton # The sacrificial mutton # December lamb
肋条肉 # Rib meat
,里脊 # fillet # Tenderloin
,里脊牛肉 # Beef tenderloin # Fillet of beef
,里脊猪肉 # Pork tenderloin # Loin of pork
,良杂大猪 # Good noi big Pork # Benign mixed big Pork # Liang hybrid pigs
,卤牛肉 # Spiced beef
卤肉 # pork in Gravy
扣肉 # Braid pork
驴肉 # Donkey meat
梅花肉 # plum flower meat # Plum meat
奶脯猪肉 # Milk prerved pork
泥肠 # Sausage
牛大肠 # Cattle intestine# Cow intestine # Beef intestine
牛肺 # Beef lung
牛肝 # Beef liver
牛骨 # Beef bone
牛脊髓 # Beef spinal cord
牛腱子肉 # Beef shank
牛肋条肉 # Cattle rib meat # Beef rib meat
牛里脊 # fillets of beef # Beef tenderloin
牛里脊肉 # Beef sirloin # Beef tenderloin
牛腩 # beef flank # Sirloin
,牛脑髓 # Cattle encephalon # Beef brain
牛排 # beef Steak
牛片 # Cattle piece # Sliced beef
牛肉干 # Beef jerky # Dried beef
,碎牛肉末 # Ground beef
,牛肉松 # Beef
牛肉熏肠 # smoked Beef sausage
,排 # row #
前腿牛肉 # Front leg beef # Forelegs beef
,前肘猪肉 # elbow pork # Antecubital pork
,腔骨 # Tibial bone
,肉皮清冻 # Frozen pork skin clear
五香熏肉 # Spiced bacon # Spicy Bacon
,羊肠 # Sheep # Catgut
,羊肚 # Morel
羊脊髓 # Sheep spinal cord
羊里脊肉 # Lamb fillet # Lamb Tenderloin
羊腰 # Lamb loin # Sheep loin
,羊腩 # Lamb pieces
羊肉干 # dry Mutton # Dried lamb
,# jerk
腱 # tendon