A modified Poisson-Boltzmann theory and Monte
Carlo simulation study of surface polarization
effects in the planar diffu do中考押题 uble layer
期刊名称: Molecular Physics
作者: Bhuiyan, L. B.,Outhwaite, C. W.,Henderson, D.,Alawneh, M.
年份: 2007年
期号: 第10期
关键词: intramolecular tunnelling;hydrogen;malonaldehyde;local anharmonic
states of motion
摘要:The equilibrium st台灯的英语 ructural properties of a龙争虎斗是什么意思 n electric double layer in the
prence of a dielectric discontinuity at a plane charged interface are studied
through a modified Poisson–Boltzmann equation and some Monte Carlo
simulations. The diffu double layer is m度量读音 odelled by a symmetric valency restricted
primitive model electrolyte next to a uniformly charged planar wall who relative
permittivity () is, in general, different from that of the electrolyte () leading to
polarization or image forces. The situations when the wall is a conductor (, ), or
when the wall is an insulator (1, ) are treated and contrasted with the ca , that is,
no imaging. The results show that 小学教师资格证考几科 the influence of image forces on the diffu
double layer structure can be substantial, espe局域网控制 cially at or near zero surface charge
density. The theoretical
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