
更新时间:2023-04-26 04:07:48 阅读: 评论:0






图表的种类很多,一般把各种数字资料,按照一定的顺序,通过表格形式蓝莓山药做法 表现出来的叫表(table),

利用点、线、图等把信息资料通过图像表现出来的叫图graphchart常用的图形有柱形图bar graph

曲线图line graph圆形图circular graph图解图diagram饼形或百分比图pie or percentage

graph),象形图(pictorial graph),流程图(flow chart)等等。


2.1. 读懂标题,然后根据主题进行分析。虽然文章的中心思想和细节是通过图表来表示的,但同一



上面两张图如果命题为“The Similarities and Differences of the Two Marketing Concepts”,


Development of Marketing Concept”,本文的重点则偏重于市场营销观念的变化及其变化的原因。写作




The Similarities and Differences of the Two Marketing Concepts

Let us take a look at the two circular graphs and compare the similarities and differences

of the two marketing concepts

The concepts illustrated in Fig1and Fig2 are roughly the same in their main business

mentality and tacticsBoth are new and advanced concepts in business administrationMoreover

both lay stress on an orientation predominated by market demandThe latterhoweveris also

quite different from the formerFirstthe marketing focal point in Fig1 is not the same as

the in Fig2In the formermeeting consumers' needs and making a profit form the basis of business

operationswhile in the latter social long-term interests are also taken into accountSecond

the former only considers two aspects of the problem in supplying products and rvices But

in contrastthe latter has to achieve a better bal快的英语 ance between the three aspectsbusiness profit

consumer demand and public social interestsThereforethe latter is more advanced and more

beneficial to social developmentIn additionit has a more practical and revolutionary



The Developm ent七年级数学教案 of Marketing Concept

Let us take a look at the two circular graphs and analyze the caus for the development

of marketing concepts

Fig2 is quite different from Fig1but is obviously born out of Fig1The former refers

to the concept predominated by market demandwho stress is laid on the link between consumer

demand and business profitwhile the latter stands for the one led by society and market demand

which emphasizes the balance between social public interestsconsumer demand and business profit

Some reasons may account for the development of marketing conceptFirstconsumer demand

is not always in agreement with social long-term interestsFor examplewhen houhold appliances

with great power consumption do not accord with the demands of economy on electricitycompanies

should consider improving on the product fro当兵给多少钱 m social long-教育背景英文 term interestsSecondmeeting consumer

demand on short-term basis is no longer business standard of conductA companywhich can meet

bothconsumers current demands and social long-term interests is more welcomedFinallyin

commodity productioncompanies should pay attention to environmental protection and ecological

balancebecau they are cloly related to consumers and society

It is just becau of the that comes the development of marketing concept








The line graph in Fig3 shows the relationship between scientific and technological

development and productivityFrom the graph it can be en that the progress in productivity

depends largely on scientific and technological developmentThe more advanced the science and

technologythe higher the productivity

Whether from the Stone Age to the Bronze Ageor from the Iron Age to the Steam Ageor

from the Motor Age to the AtomicComputer and Space Agethe influence of science and technology

on productivity is dramatically feltIn the early period of human historyproductivity was very

lowHoweverwith the development of science and technologyproductivity is getting greater

and greaterThereforeas it is putproductivity is bad on science and technology

From the above we can come to the conclusion that science and technology is the key to the

development of greater productivityWithout itwe can hardly imagine how to improve productivity

and how to better our livesSo we must keep 法开头的成语 in mind that science is power and lay stress on and

devote major efforts to developing science and technology





W水浒传读后感200字 hich region can be considered as underdevelopedwhy

Studying the bar chart in Fig4we find that the Far East is the most underdeveloped region

while North America is the most developed

To certify this statementlet us compare them in populationagricultural land and incomeThe

two regions differ considerably in three aspectsFar East has 51 percent of the world's population

the largest in the worldyet it covers only 19 percent of world agricultural landIn addition

its income occupies only 15 percent of world totalIn North Americahoweverthe population

is not bigabout 8 percent of world totalyet its per capita agricultural land is more than

that in most other regi祁克果 onsMost important of allits income is the largestabout 40 percent

of world total

From the figure we c工作措施 an conclude whether a region is developed or underdeveloped is cloly

related to its populationincome and agricultural landThe less populationthe more income

and agricultural land the area getthe more advanced it isOtherwithe area is considered

as underdeveloped




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