Before starting preparation for this exam, I had zero experience with AWS. But after two months, I’m certified! Do I say
that this is an easy exam? NO! Absolutely wrong. The scope of this exam is extremely large and nearly most of the AWS
rvices involved. In this article, I will share how I studied and pasd the AWS Certified Solutions Architect (SAA-C02).
在开始准备此考试之前,我对AWS 零经验。 但是两个⽉后,我获得了认证! 我说这是⼀个简单的考试吗? 没有! 绝对错误。 该考试的
范围⾮常⼤,涉及⼏乎所有的AWS服务。 在本⽂中,我将分享我如何研究和通过AWS认证解决⽅案架构师(SAA-C02)。
培训班 (Cours)
I attended various cours, both in-person and online.
讲师指导 (Instructor-Led)
My company organized an instructor-led cour in the office and I’ve attended for free (Nice benefit!). It is more
understandable when you are listening to the instructor teaching with your mother-tongue (My mother-tongue is not
我的公司在办公室组织了⼀个讲师指导的课程,我免费参加了(很⾼兴!)。 当您⽤母语听⽼师讲课时,这更容易理解(我的母语不是英语)。
The other advantage of attending an instructor-led cour is that you can ask questions immediately during the class
whenever you have doubts about the material prented. It helps you to learn more in-depth and customize. Also, it is a
good learning process when your classmates ask as well. Sometimes you just think we know the stuff but when your
classmates ask the questions you never think of, you will find that you actually don’t understand the materials at all! This
happened many times during my cour and we learned a lot throughout this Q&A process.
参加由讲师指导的课程的另⼀个好处是,如果您对所提交的材料有疑问,您可以在上课时⽴即提出问题。 它可以帮助您更深⼊地学习和⾃
定义。 同样,当您的同学也提问时,这是⼀个很好的学习过程。 有时您只是认为我们知道这些知识,但是当您的同学提出您从未想到的问
题时,您会发现您实际上根本不理解这些材料! 这在我的课程中发⽣了很多次,我们在整个问答过程中学到了很多东西。
In the cour, we need to do six hands-on labs in Qwiklabs. It is very good practice to do hands-on exercis right after you
learn the related concepts. It helps you consolidate what you have just learned by making your hands dirty. But if you don’t
have a Qwiklabs account, you can always u AWS free-tiers to do your experiments. There are many hands-on exerci
guides on the Internet to guide you using rvices in AWS. I followed many hands-on practices in ACloudGuru cour.
在课程中,我们需要在Qwiklabs中进⾏六个动⼿实验。 在学习相关概念之后⽴即进⾏动⼿练习是⾮常好的做法。 它可以使您的⼿变脏,从
⽽帮助您巩固刚刚学到的东西。 但是,如果您没有Qwiklabs帐户,则始终可以使⽤AWS免费套餐进⾏实验。 互联⽹上有许多动⼿练习指
南,可指导您使⽤AWS中的服务。 我在ACloudGuru课程中遵循了许多动⼿实践。
The disadvantage is 自己的缺点
if you need to pay for this cour, it is quite expensive. Another disadvantage is that you cannot replay
the lesson, unlike online cours. When I was preparing the exam, I constantly went back and review the content that I
forgot. It is possible if you are taking online cours but not in a classroom lesson. You need to drop your own notes during
the class.
缺点是,如果您需要为这门课程付费,那是相当昂贵的。 另⼀个缺点是,您不能像在线课程那样重播课程。 在准备考试时,我经常回去查
看我忘记的内容。 如果您正在参加在线课程,但没有参加课堂课程,则有可能。 您需要在上课时写下⾃⼰的笔记。
阿云⼤师 (ACloudGuru)
I purchad on Udemy for around $13 when there was a discount. You can also subscribe ACloudGuru learning portal.
有折扣时,我在Udemy上以⼤约$ 13的价格购买了 。 您还可以订阅ACloudGuru学习门户。
This cour starts with a broad overview of the AWS platform and then deep dive into the individual elements of the AWS
platform. You will explore Route53, EC2, S3, CloudFront, Auto Scaling, Load Balancing, RDS, RedShift, DynamoDB, EMR,
VPC, etc.
本课程⾸先概述AWS平台,然后深⼊研究AWS平台的各个元素。 您将探索Route53,EC2,S3,CloudFront,Auto Scaling,负载平
ACloudGuru was the perfect place to start. They give lectures and hands-on labs that are informative and will keep you
ACloudGuru是理想的起点。 他们会提供内容丰富的讲座和动⼿实验,让您参与其中。
They updated this cour with new content from around June to July 2020. Since the AWS landscape is continuously
changing, it can be challenging to find current resources. There are ctions focusing on the new content in SAA-C02, they
marked the ction with a bracket [SAA-C02]. Pay special attention to the ctions as they will occur in the SAA-C02
他们从2020年6⽉⾄2020年7⽉左右⽤新内容更新了该课程。由于AWS格局不断变化,因此寻找现有资源可能会⾯临挑战。 有⼏节专门
介绍SAA-C02中的新内容,并⽤括号[SAA-C02]标记了该部分。 请特别注意这些部分,因为它们将在SAA-C02考试中出现。
There are ction summaries that help you focus on the most critical parts of each lecture. I recommend you review the
summaries before the exam day.
这⾥有⼀些⼩节摘要,可帮助您专注于每个讲座的最关键部分。 我建议您在考试⽇之前查看这些摘要。
ExamPro的Andrew Brown的Freecodecamp(免费!) (Freecodecamp by Andrew Brown of
ExamPro (FREE!))
There is a completely free cour on . It’s around 10 hours and covers all rvices necessary to pass the exam. If you
don’t want to spend any money on taking the cours, I recommend you to watch this cour.
上有⼀个完全免费的课程。 ⼤约需要10个⼩时,涵盖了通过考试所需的所有服务。 如果您不想花任何钱参加这些课程,我建议您观看本课
学习资料 (Study Material)
教程Dojo练习考试 (Tutorials Dojo Practice Exams)
I recommend all of you to pass the practice exams before attending the real exam. It provides simulated questions that
are very similar to the actual exam.
我建议⼤家在参加真实考试之前通过这些实践考试。 它提供了与实际考试⾮常相似的模拟问题。
One of the lling points of this practice exam is that each question contains detailed explanations that will help you gain a
deeper understanding of the AWS rvices. It not just explains what the correct answer is, but also explains why other
answers are wrong. It is extremely helpful to make you recognize the difference between similar rvices.
这项实践考试的卖点之⼀是,每个问题都包含详细的解释 ,这些解释将帮助您更深⼊地了解AWS服务。 它不仅解释了正确答案是什么,⽽
且还解释了为什么其他答案是错误的。 使您认识到类似服务之间的区别是⾮常有帮助的。
Another thing is that the exam pattern is really clo to the actual exam. It simulates very well. The questions are really
similar to the actual exam. I would say I get prepared after doing all the 6 practice exams.
另⼀件事是,考试模式确实接近实际考试。 模拟效果⾮常好。 问题确实与实际考试相似。 我会说,在完成所有这6次实践考试之后,我已
教程Dojo作弊表 (Tutorials Dojo Cheat Sheet)
The cheat sheets are extremely uful, they give you a quick overview of the important AWS rvices that you need to
know very well to be able to pass the AWS certification exams. They are conci and easy to read and follow. One of the
most helpful p如何做四有好老师
arts is the comparison of similar rvices. Often in the exam, there are two similar answers that em can
solve the problems of the given scenarios. But the minor difference between the rvices leads to one answer but not the
other. Familiar yourlf with all the rvices with the comparison table/chart helps you to pass the exam.
这些备忘单⾮常有⽤,它们为您提供了重要的AWS服务的快速概述,您需要⾮常了解这些重要服务才能通过AWS认证考试。 它们简洁明
了,易于阅读和遵循。 最有⽤的部分之⼀是⽐较类似服务。 通常在考试中,有两个类似的答案似乎可以解决给定情况下的问题。 但是,服
务之间的细微差别会导致⼀个答案,⽽不会给出另⼀个答案。 通过⽐较表/图表熟悉所有服务,可以帮助您通过考试。
AWS⽩⽪书 (AWS Whitepapers)
Although it is recommended to read all the related whitepapers and learn all the concepts and strategies from them, I
didn’t read the whitepapers. AWS has just updated the whitepapers of the Well-Architected Framework and the Five Pillars.
If you have sufficient time, reading tho whitepapers will be a great supplement to your exam preparations and will help
you gain a better understanding of the different AWS rvices.
尽管建议阅读所有相关的⽩⽪书并从中学习所有概念和策略,但我没有阅读⽩⽪书。 AWS刚刚更新了结构完善的框架和五个Struts的⽩⽪
书。 如果您有⾜够的时间,阅读这些⽩⽪书将对您的考试准备⼯作有很⼤的帮助,并将帮助您更好地了解各种AWS服务。
考试技巧对于⾮英语母语⼈⼠: (Exam Tips For non-native English speakers:)
You can request an extra 30 minutes if you are non-native English speakers.
Follow the steps in this reference and request accommodation to receive an additional 30 minutes to complete it.
结论 (Conclusion)
Finishing the certification is not the end of the story, in fact, this is just the beginning of my cloud journey. If you are
interested, join me on this journey. I didn’t pass the exam with a high score, just barely pasd. I still have a lot of things to
learn about AWS. The exam motivated me to learn all the latest cloud technologies and the exam re孕妇能吃豆芽吗
sult keeps me learning.
It is a life long learning process!
事的结局,实际上,这仅仅是我的云之旅的开始。 如果您有兴趣,请加⼊我的旅程。 我没有以⾼分通过考试,只是勉强
通过了考试。 关于AWS,我还有很多事情要学习。 考试激励了我学习所有这些最新的云技术,并且考试结果使我不断学习。 这是⼀⽣的
I wish you the best of luck! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, plea feel free to leave a respon, and I’ll
get back to you as soon as possible.
祝你好运! 如果您有任何疑问,意见或疑虑,请随时回复,我们会尽快与您联系。