英美法中的判决书⼀般称为司法判决书(court reports),包括官⽅判决书(Official Report)和⾮官⽅判决书(Unofficial
Report),其中官⽅判决书是法院将判决结果印成的书⾯判决;⽽⾮官⽅判决书(Unofficial Report)则是指民间出版商将判
Official or unofficial reports of cas decided by a court or by one or more courts, giving in full the opinions rendered in the
cas, usually including concurring and disnting opinions, and having headnotes or syllabi prepared officially by the court
reporter or unofficially by an editor of the publisher’s staff.
诉讼过程(Prior proceedings)
双⽅主张(theories of parties)
可适⽤法律(applicable law)
判决拘束原则(Stare Decisis;The Doctrine of Precedent),也称遵循先例原则,是英美法中⼀项最重要的原则,也是英美
Stare decisis
The doctrine or principle that decisions should stand as precedents for guidance in cas arising in the future. A strong
judicial policy that the determination of a point of law by a court will generally be followed by a court of the same or a lower
rank in a subquent ca which prents the same legal problem, although different parties are involved in the subquent
同时,判决书中并不是全部内容都有拘束⼒,其中具有判决拘束⾥的部分叫做Ratio Decidendi:
Ratio Decidendi
The reason for deciding, the reasoning or principle, or ground upon which a ca is decided延伸的近义词
法律(Rule of Law);
事实(Finding the facts);
A promi given for what the promisor is already bound to do is without consideration and void.
其中的⼤前提是法律(Rule of law):A promi without consideration is void. 没有对价的承若⽆效,
⼩前提是事实:A promi given for what the promisor is already bound to do is without consideration. 承诺⼈承诺既存义务之
最后结论:(Therefore,such a promi)is void. 所以该承诺⽆效。
然⽽这也不是定式,法律不是数学,简单带⼊公式即可得出答案。就像美国著名法官 霍尔姆斯曾说The life of law
has not been logic; it has been experience. 法律的寸和英寸
最后我们欣赏⼀下丹宁勋爵在1970年Hinz v Berry案中的所做的著名判词。1964年本案中的原告,妻⼦在⼀起车祸中⽬睹⾃⼰
It happened on 19th April 1964. It was bluebell time in Kent. Mr. and Mrs Hinz, the plaintiff, had been married some ten years,
and they had four children, all aged nine and under.
The plaintiff was a remarkable woman. In addition to her own four, she was foster mother to four other children. To add to it,
she was two months pregnant with her fifth child.
On this day they drowve out in a Bedford Dormobile van from Tonbridge to Canvey Island. They took all eight children with
them. As they were coming back they turned into a lay-by at Thurnham to have a picnic tea. Mr. Hinz was at the back of the
Dormobile making the tea. The plaintiff had taken Stephanie, her third child, aged three, across the road to pick bluebells on
the opposite side.
There came along a Jaguar car out of control by Mr. Berry, the defendant. A tyre had burst. The Jaguar rushed into this Lay-
by and crashed into Mr. Hinz and the children. Mr Hinz was frightfully injured and died a little later. Nearly all the children
were hurt.
此时,被告Berry 先⽣驾驶的⼀辆捷豹车因⼀个轮胎爆胎⽽失控。捷豹车冲进这个临时停靠地并撞向Hinz先⽣和孩⼦
Blood was streaming from their heads. The plaintiff, hearing the crash, turned round and saw this disaster. She ran across
the road and did al she could. Her husband was beyond recall, but the children recovered.
An action has been brought on her behalf and on behalf of the children for damages against the defendant. The injuries to
the children have been ttled by various sums being paid.
The pecuniary loss to the plaintiff by reason of the loss of her husband has been found by the judge to be some 15,000
pounds; but there remai心情分享
ns the question of the damages payable to her for her nervous shock – the shock which she suffered
by eing her husband lying in the road by the van dead, and the children strewn about.
The law at one time said that there could not be damages for nervous shock; but for the last 25 years, it has been ttled
that damages can be given for nervous shock caud by the sight of an action, at any rate to a clo relative.
Very few of the cas have come before the courts to asss the amount of damages. O’Connor J fixed the damages at the
sum of 4,000 pounds for nervous shock. The defendant appeals saying that the sum is too high.
本案的⼀审法官O’Connor 法官判给原告精神损害赔偿4000英镑,被告觉得⾦额太⾼⽽提起上诉。
美国联邦地区法官 劳拉•泰勒•斯韦恩
After a more than five month trial, thirty-one counts of the above-captioned[8] Superding Indictment[9] were submitted to the
jury, and Defendants Daniel Bonventre (“Bonventre”), Annette Bongiorno (“Bongiorno”), Jo Ann Crupi (“Crupi”), Jerome
O’Hara (“O’Hara”) and George Perez (“Perez,” collectively, “Defendants”) were convicted of each of the crimes with which
they were charged. The charges included: conspiracy to defraud investment advisory clients and conspiracy to commit
curities fraud; conspiracy to engage in accounting fraud and to defraud banks; conspiracy to commit tax fraud; curities
fraud; falsifying the records of a broker-dealer; falsifying the records of an investment advir; causing a fal and misleading
filing to be made with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”); bank fraud; making and subscribing to fal income
tax returns; corruptly obstructing the lawful administration of the internal revenue laws; and tax evasion. Fewer than all of the
Defendants were charged in some of the counts.
I would like to pay at once a tribute to the insurance company fo主板英文
r the considerate and fair way in which they have dealt with
the ca. In English law no damages are awarded for grief or sorrow caud by a person's death. No damages are to be
given for the worry about the children, or for the financial strain or stress, or the difficulties of adjusting to a new life. Damages
are, however, recoverable for nervous shock, or, to put it in medical terms, for any recognisable psychiatric illness caud by
the breach of duty by the defendant.
There are only two cas in which the quantum of damages for nervous shock has been considered. One is Schneider v.
Eisovitch [1960] 2 Q.B. 430. The other, Tregoning v. Hill, The Times, March 2, 1965. But they do not help us here. Somehow
or other the court has to draw a line between sorrow and grief for which damages are not recoverable, and nervous shock
and psychiatric illness for which damages are recoverable. The way to do this is to estimate how much Mrs. Hinz would have
suffered if, for instance, her husband had been killed in an accident when she was 50 miles away: and compare it with what
she is now, having suffered all the shock due to being prent at the accident. The evidence shows that she suffered much
more by being prent. I will consider first the grief and sorrow if she had not been prent at the accident. The consultant
psychiatrist from the hospital in Maidstone said:
"It is common knowledge that there is a 'mourning period' for all of us, and that normally time dispels this. In the average
person it might be a year, but in a predispod person it can be greatly prolonged. ..."
Mrs. Hinz was not predispod梳妆台英语
at all. She was a woman of great capa热力学三大定律
city, level-headed, hard working, happily married. She
would have got over the loss of her husband in, say, a year. Consider next her condition, as it is, due to being prent at the
accident. Two years after the accident, the consultant psychiatrist said: "There is no medical doubt at all that she is suffering
from a morbid depression; she is now officially ill." He went on to give some of the symptoms. She sai富氢水的功效
d to him: "It does not
em worth going on. I 阳澄湖大闸蟹多少钱一斤
feel I cannot cope at all. I get so dreadfully irritable with the children too. It is wrong but I feel like
killing him," that is, the posthumous child. The consultant went on: "She feels exhausted, has frequent suicidal ruminations
and at the same time is covered with guilt at being like this." The posthumous baby "now saddens her even more becau it
cries 'Dad, Dad,'" and one of the elder children persists in saying "You have not got a Dad"; and then the other fatherless
children join in the chorus." The consultant concluded: "In other circumstances I would probably have brought her into
hospital, at least for a rest, but possibly for electrical treatment and it may come to that yet." At the trial, five years after the
accident, she frequently broke down when giving her evidence. She brought the children to court. They were very well turned
out. The judge summed up the matter in this way: "I am satisfied that she was of so robust a character that she would have
stood up to that situation, that she would have been hurt, sorrowful, in mourning, Yes; but in a state of morbid depression,
No." He awarded her oe4,000 on this head. There is no suggestion that he misdirected himlf.
We can only interfere if it is a wholly erroneous estimate. I do not think it is erroneous. I would dismiss the appeal.