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第一条 甲方根据人才培养和事业发展的需要,派遣乙方出国留学,乙方按受甲方的派遣,出国留学合同范本。
第二条 甲方派遣乙方以 身份赴 国留学,期限为 年 个月(自出国 之日起计算)。
第三条 甲方指导乙方制订具体的留学计划,甲方和乙方商定的留学内容是:
第四条 甲方在乙方出国留学期间,指定(姓名、单位、职称)
第五条 甲方对乙方留学期间在国内的直系亲属,根据国家的政策、规定,给以必要的关心和帮助。
第六条 甲方根据国家的政策规定,保证乙方在如下方面的待遇:
出国置装费(金额)及支付办法: ;
出国国际旅费(金额)及支付办法: ;
第七条 甲方在乙方回国后,负责安排乙方的工作,并积极创造必要的工作和生活条件,发挥乙方的作用。
第八条 乙方保证按本协议书第二条、第三条的规定,在国外努力完成学业,并按期回国服务。留学期间每 个月向甲方报告一次学习情况,合同范本《出国留学合同范本》。
第九条 乙方抵达留学所在国后,一个月内中国驻该国使、领馆报到。乙方在国外期间,保证遵守中国法律和中国对出国留学人员的规定,遵守所在国的法律。
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第十一条 乙方留学期满回国后,应在一个月内向甲方报到,按甲方规定办理有关手续。乙方根据本协议书第三条的规定,向甲方提交书面的留学总结、学术报告(或科研论文、科研成果报告)。
第十二 条 乙方有责任回国后至少在甲方工作 年。缩短工作年限,由甲方决定。
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甲方法定代表人 乙方(签字)
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年 月 日 年 月 日
法国留学生合同范本 第二篇关于留学中介市场的情况,杭州市消费者协会的叶秘书长接受了浙江日报记者专访,她告诉我们,随着自费出国的发展,留学中介服务业开始进入了品牌时代。20xx年留学中介的投诉案例有了明显下降,这说明前些年的出国留学市场不规范竞争已经得到了有效的遏制。当然,留学中介市场仍然存在着问题,叶秘书长提醒家长、学生要注意三个方面。
法国留学生合同范本 第三篇据悉,普通工人和职员的长期聘用合同(CDI)试工期是两个月。基层领导(领班、工段长)和技术员是三个月。高层管理干部是四个月。聘用毕业班实习生时,实习期可抵扣试工期的50%。若行业协议的规定更为优惠,则按行业协议执行。
法国留学生合同范本 第四篇甲方:
法国留学生合同范本 第五篇法国留学申请文书标准
Dear _,
Two scenes stand out in my mind from my visit to Brazil’s Wetland: Forests burning before ed planting and trees as hedgerows. Before the planting ason, I could e the leafless remnants of burnt trees still standing. The burning of pristine forests destroys both the habitats and countless species which depend on and thrive in the habitats. The few remaining bare, scarred trees silently convey the cost to our natural resources of pursuing our economic interests. Some forests are prerved by government edict issued in respon to international pressure. But most of this prervation occurs alongside major roads — not to protect the ecosystem, but to prevent disturbance to ranches and farms along the highways. The clash between economic and environmental concerns that I witnesd in Brazil fascinates me and attracts me to the Environmental Studies Program.
Two cours in my geography department incread my interest in the connection between the environment and economics: Conrvation of Underdeveloped Countries and Environmental Impact Analysis. In the former, we studied the problems of natural resource management in developing countries. The balance is always tilted toward economics growth at the expen of environmental prervation. For example, becau the Pantanal Wetland could become a highly productive agricultural system once it’s drained, it is drained regardless of the destruction that drainage caus to the ecosystem. Only portions of the wetland are prerved for tourist purpos.
The other cour that piqued my interest is an interdisciplinary cour called Environmental Impact Analysis in which we, as a group, created matrix and flow diagrams discussing the economic and environmental impact of logging and prervation of old growth forests. I was able to u tools that I acquired in my economics and environmental studies class. In general, logging creates economic benefits at the local level. It increas employment in the timber industry and subquently in related non-timber industries; it also benefits local government. Yet, it has great deleterious environmental effects: soil erosion, watershed destruction, and a decrea in specie diversity due to loss of habitat. The logging industry reprents the classic clash between economic and environmental interests.
I also took two quential class in the economics department that are related to Resource Management — Theories of Growth & Development and Policies for Economic Development. Becau the cours were taught by a professor who is concerned chiefly with economic growth, I learned the standard economic rationalizations for development unrestrained by environmental concerns.
In addition to my interest in resource management policies, I have a specific interest in Geographical Information System (GIS), a powerful tool for natural resource management. After taking veral related class in GIS, I began interning for the National Park Service (NPS). After I learn how to u ARC/INFO, a leading GIS package, I will assist the NPS in constructing projects. Some of my duties include spatial and non-spatial data analysis, digitizing themes such as fire locations, vegetation, wildlife habitats, etc., and tabular and graphical prentation of results. I hope to u the tools I acquire during this internship in my continuing study of our environment.
I would like to study the social and economic factors that influence environmental policy formation. For example, becau people worry more about pollution than endangered species, laws and regulations concerning environmental pollution are more numerous and stricter than for bio-diversity. Within the School of Environmental Studies, I have a particular interest in the emphasis: Economics, Policy, and Management. This emphasis deals with how economic factors can create negative externalities, such as pollution, and need to be regulated. This emphasis also tries to consider non-economic values, such as aesthetic pleasure and specie diversity. It also discuss tools like GIS and system analysis that apply to environmental management. Becau of my interest in GIS, economics, and environmental studies, this emphasis suits me perfectly. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary approach of the School of Environmental Studies attracts me since it combines social science’s strengths with a knowledge of the natural sciences necessary to protect and prerve the environment.
After completing my masters program, I would like to continue my education and obtain a . in natural resource management. This degree would enable me to combine a teaching career with advising business and government on natural resource management issues. Teaching college students is more than a one-way channel; I would also learn from their questions like my professors have from mine. In advising business and government, I can help them strike a balance between economic and environmental concerns. GIS will be a uful tool in helping me give them crucial information.
I have enjoyed an interdisciplinary approach in my environmental studies major and become fascinated by the clash between social interests, especially economics, and environmental needs. I pursued an additional major in economics to better understand this conflict. Furthermore, my work for the NPS will train me in the latest techniques in natural resource management. I would like to continue exploring this clash and resource management in the School of Environmental Studies. Ultimately, I would like to teach and work in natural resource management. Ideally, I would like to find ways for allowing development while preventing the burning of beautiful and valuable eco-systems like the Pantanal Wetland.
Yours sincerely,
法国留学生合同范本 第六篇Dear _,
People once asked me: “Why did you choo architecture?” I couldn’t give a simple answer for that. Maybe it was becau I like painting and construction since childhood. I also earnestly yearn to create beautiful things on my own and architecture can satisfy my imagination in space, materials, and color. My born interest in this ctor is also becau of my parents, who are both structural engineer and electrical engineer, influencing me gradually and unconsciously since I was a kid and giving me perceptual knowledge in the field. After my five-year study in the Department of Architecture, and one-year work experience in architectural design, I ask mylf this same question. The result is that aside from the factors mentioned above, what really makes me choo architecture is its intrinsic appeal, which is just like the maxim written inside the building of the Department of Architecture: “Architecture is the combination of art and technology.”
Perhaps when a person is engaged in what his keen interest blossoms, he will never feel tired, instead he would feel motivated and have an enriching experience. Five years‘ academic study in the School of Architecture and Arts of University of _ transformed my instinctive excitement and imagination about architecture into systematic knowledge and comprehensive understanding. This transformation, first of all, lies in my skills in the fine arts. Differing from my previous mere interest in fine arts, the study of architecture makes me begin to ponder on how to draw using aesthetic elements from fine arts such as color, lighting and composition to apply to architecture. I was so dedicated to such brainstorming and imagination that I would always work around the clock in the studio for days on end. Secondly, the study of basic architectural cours, such as architectural structure, mechanics and materials science, makes me realize that architecture not only gives importance on aesthetics, but also on the more esntial functionality and practicality. In that process, I realized that architecture is not only an art, but also more importantly a sort of technology. Five years of college study gives me a deeper comprehension of architecture, that is, architecture is also part of other cultures - it is subject to other cultures‘ influence, and at the same time it influences other cultures.
Becau of my childhood architectural background, coupled with my lasting keen interest in architecture, I gained excellent achievements in the major cours of my college study, ranked top three in the class, and also received first prize scholarships and many other scholarships for five concutive years. Besides, owing to my understanding of architecture, I am not satisfied with mere textbook knowledge. I believe architecture is not only a skill but also, more importantly, a combination of creativity and imagination. An excellent architecture designer needs not only solid architectural skills and knowledge, but also needs nourishment from fine arts, materials science, engineering and culture. For that purpo, I read quite extensively, understood the architectural history of different countries - especially European architectural history, learnt from works of modern and contemporary architectural masterpieces, and gained insights on their design conceptions that are full of creativity and connotation. The knowledge I have gained from the efforts heightens my interests and my desire for creation.
I had the opportunity to put to practice this desire for creation during the last stage of my college study. During the cond mester of my fourth year, I interned with _ for half a year where I participated in the environmental design of the _ astronomical station and the conceptual design of the Phoenix Residential Complex in _. The experiences gave me insights into the relationship between a building‘s space and its functionality, as well as architectural design‘s feasibility, which is an important factor to consider when designing.
After graduating in 2002, I worked with an excellent architectural design institute, engaging in architectural design. In the meantime, I participated in the conceptual design and design drafts of the janitor’s room, the main machine hall of _ Company Ltd. I was also responsible for the design of the drafts of the multi-purpo hall in _ , _ and the renovation design of the _ Archives of the _. Becau of my prominent achievements, I was quickly promoted as an exception from draftsmen to designer, and I later got the assistant engineer certificate in a short period of time.
The design experiences from the projects made me very interested in creatively applying materials in projects. Meanwhile, I also continuously learned new ideas in architecture from different countries, and especially saw a lot of design drawings of overas architectural masters. All the experiences have a great impact on me, sparking my intention of studying abroad to learn more in-depth contemporary international architectural conceptions. I especially aspire to get to know in more detail modern western architectural history in the hopes of forming my own architectural conceptions.
Besides this, another inten desire of mine is to comprehensively learn the relationship between architecture and culture, and through the study of western architecture, to determine China‘s own architectural style. China once boasted of a developed ancient architecture, while its modern architecture los the characteristics of its indigenous culture, a great deal of architecture lingers merely on the stage of rough and superficial imitation of western architecture. I hope to form a sort of architectural design conception with characteristics of China‘s traditional culture after extensively absorbing modern architectural theories and technologies. That is what I yearn to do and also what I believe I can make.
Yours sincerely,
法国留学生合同范本 第七篇法国硕士留学申请文书
Dear _,
There has been criticism in the media of Chine young people for being egocentric and lacking a n of social responsibility. In my opinion however, this is not the ca of my friends and I. While studying finance at Ohio State University, I paid clo attention to social issues in China. Some people are benefiting from the developing economy, while many others do not. In order to change this situation, and redistribute social resources more reasonably, government support and policy reforms are required. I hope I can provide the Chine government with valuable consultation in the future so as to enable more people to benefit from this economic development.
My studies at Ohio State University enabled me to acquire a deep understanding of economics, finance, and accounting. It also gave me an opportunity to learn about American financial systems and operations. The American subprime mortgage crisis which caud a Financial Tsunami brought about whole new schools of thought regarding the global economy. I realized that there is excessive government intervention in resource allocation, especially with regards to loan investment and loan projects. Nowadays, American financial regulations are transforming from institutionally bad and functional to objectives-bad. This is giving new ideas to other countries as to how they could reform.
I did not start thinking about the issues in an offhanded manner. I have been in deep thought as to the financial systems ud in Chine villages for veral years. China us parated financial supervision, which has created many problems including repeated supervision, high cost, and lack of an effective coordination mechanism. Farmers find it difficult to take out loans creating a delay in economic development. If this situation is not improved, more than 60% of farmers will be unable to lift themlves out of poverty, and there will be no social justice.
The differences I have obrved between the Chine and American financial systems has inspired me to learn more about China’s current situation. In , I was awarded the chance to take an internship in a commercial bank. I mainly helped my supervisor organize materials, but I also participated in interviews with customers. One day for instance, all of the banks supervisors were too busy to receive a customer requiring consultation. Fortunately, my experience following my supervisor around, combined with my academic knowledge of financial systems, allowed me to confidently deal with the customer. I introduced the financial products available, and their characteristics. My supervisor later clod the deal, but was aware of my conduct which won me respect and more chances to work independently. Whilst working at this bank, conversations with my colleagues enabled me to understand in greater depth why China is facing a lack of credit. People in poorer areas have less access to credit, which is why there is less investment. I feel that I now understand one of the biggest caus of the gap between rich and poor.
I have also taken part in a number of charity initiatives. In the summer of , I worked for “Yixin Web” as an intern, joining a project called “warm school hou”. In Shaanxi province in China, gas poisoning caud a number of children to lo their lives. Later, their school removed its coal stove, but lacked the funds to install a new heating system. Yixin Web raid 50,570RMB and nt out electric heaters to four schools in the area. Although the leaders from Yixin Web warned me that the area was desperately poor, but I was still shocked on arrival. The hills were bare. A local teacher told me that the soil in the hills had to be improved in order to plant crops there, but a lack of funds had left large areas desolate. The government has t out poverty alleviation policies providing interest free loans, but there are still many difficulties. The main problems stem from the lack of a holistic financial system.
Four-years of college life have helped me truly realize that finance should not be ud as a means for personal gain, but instead as a device to help lift people out of poverty. In the last 30 years China has developed rapidly, yet the gap between the rich and poor has widened. In order to improve this situation, the system needs to be reformed through policy analysis and the help of experts. On the basis of strong financial theories and excellent professional skills, I hope to study an MPA program and go on to enhance my decision-making, analytical, organizational and coordination abilities.
I truly hope to obtain a professional degree in MPA from Cornell University Graduate School. I believe the Graduate School will help me balance study with my life, such as the Student Governance-Cornell University Graduate and Professional Student Asmbly, which allows me to have many chances to do practice. I very much appreciate and value how the school helps new students adapt to their new environment. This proves to me that Cornell University really focus on the students themlves. I am quite sure that what I will learn in Cornell will give me everything I need to build my future career.
Yours sincerely,
法国留学生合同范本 第八篇20申请留学法国文书格式
Dear x,
Academically, I have always been a very determined and studious individual,hence why I knew that a degree at University would be the definite next step. Ihave a broad interest in many subject areas yet feel drawn towards a law orbusiness orientated degree. With regards to Business, the reasoning behind mychoice is the complex and intriguing nature of the subject. I particularly enjoythe way business so appropriately blends in with everyday issues. Since takingthe subject at A-Level my interest has grown and matured and I am able to viewmany business analytically and make suggestions regarding . Law is an area which has interested me from an early age. I enjoyextensive reading and recogni that this is esntial in studying law. Iconsider mylf to be well suited to a career in law as I pay much attention todetail and take pleasure in undergoing work which rais social issues intoday's society and requires the skill to manipulate evidence and prentpersuasive arguments. I also believe that the Psychology A-Level I have hasaided me in obrving the actions of others and how their opinions and memoriesare influenced by external factors. This area of work requires much confidencewhich I believe I poss and can u to my advantage in order to gainrecognition in this competitive field of work.
My work experience is very broad due to a variety of positions I have heldin differentiating working environments. My experience working for RoyalWorchester & Spode in the Debenhams' department store has been the mostinfluential. The up-market company requires a confidant disposition from a SalesAdvisor such as mylf and a proficient memory in order to ensure productknowledge is to an optimum standard. I was also given the responsibility totrain a new employee which displays the high degree of trust my employers havefor me.
My educational experiences have been of great u to me from a position ofform captain in Secondary School to aiding the organisation of mass celebrationsin College. Responsibilities such as the have helped me to mature and take mypositions riously so that I am respected by staff. My position of EnglishPrefect in Year 11 required a large portion of my time as I was in charge ofaiding the entire English department. My interest in the Italian language hasalso led me to have an article I wrote regarding the exploitation of women onItalian Television published in 'L'Italiano' newspaper, to which I was verycontent to have my views expresd.
During Secondary School I also attended evening Italian class where I wasprented with 'The Student of the Year Award' due to my excellent standard ofwork. The class required me to organi my time efficiently so that otherschoolwork did not suffer as a result of my extra GCSE. As a result of theclass and of my Italian parents I now speak the language fluently
Sport and leisure also interests me and during college I decided to uthis interest to do charity work for RNIB where I raid GBP250 and abiled120ft down Westminster University. I played Netball for the Harrow Netball Teamand competed in the OGI UK Games for the Harrow and Wembley team where I wasawarded veral trophies and a gold and bronze medal for long jump andjavelin.
yours Sincerely
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法国留学生合同范本 第九篇Dear _,
Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. As a nior at Beijing University majoring in Economics, I feel that my field is fundamental to the progress of my country. Yet, at the same time, I realize only too well that what I have learned as an undergraduate is far from enough. Therefore, it is my desire to pursue a graduate degree I Economics at your university. If accepted, my intended concentration would be Economic Development and Public Economics.
In the process of preparing mylf for advanced rearch, I obtained a solid academic background in mathematics, computer science and basic economic theory. In order to enhance my capabilities and further establish my background, I plan to take Probability and Econometrics as my electives during my last mester at Beijing University. During my undergraduate career I was fortunate to be able to audit veral advanced graduate level cours taught by overas professors such as Comparative Economic Systems and Advanced Macroeconomics. The class not only introduced me to new economic concepts and theories, but also broadened my perspective and gave me new insights into the depth of my field.
After over three years of studying economics and extensive reading in related fields, I have developed my own understanding of the prent Chine economy with system. I feel, and it is an idea shared by many, that the Chine government is prently struggling to adapt a policy which would peacefully integrate the advantages of a marked economy with the current Socialist system. to a certain extent, I feel that the government has been successful in implementing this aim. However, many problems have yet to be resolved. Chief among the is the problem of rejuvenating and restructuring the large, state-owned enterpris. As a result under the Chine socialist system, the companies not only lack a spirit of competition, but are also hopelessly overstaffed. There is a definite need to cut back on workers, many of whom are unskilled and prent an unnecessary burden on the companies.
The fundamental problem here is that China lacks unemployment and social curity programs, which would be able to assist and re-train the workers should they be laid off. As there are no options for them, the companies are forced to retain the laborers, creating a stagnant state which limits both production levels and net profits. While foreign-imported goods and foreign companies were scare in China, this was not a major problem. However, the influx of foreign goods and corporations has forced China into a predicament where it can no longer afford to maintain uless employees for the benefit of the State. Should the situation here continue unchecked, China risks loosing its domestic marked to foreign companies.
The ideas were the result of my field rearch conducted during my junior year. During that time, I studied first-hand edly China’s system of public economics and found it lacking in many ways. I feel that if China is ever to be a rious competitor in the world market it needs first to develop a more progressive system of public policies. For this, China will have to look to other systems, which have struggled and successfully handled this same problem. My goal is to continue my education in the United States where I can not only witness the dynamics of an economic system different from ours, but also study the ways in which America’s public policy could be adapted and utilized by China.
In terms of global economics, China still has much to learn. The government is far from reconciling itlf with many of the principles that underlie the modern market. I also feel that the Chine situation is unique, and , that in order to be successful, policy makers must take into consideration regional characteristics, historical tradition and social psychology when defining the cour of the future. However, it is also esntial that the future generations of leaders, administrators and teachers learn from other countries in order to better understand the complexity of China’s role within the global economic situation.
The more China’s economy is prosperous, the more it needs its own economists. Therefore, at the end of my graduate study, I intend to return to my country and contribute to China’s economic progress. My ultimate goal is to teach introducing advanced Western rearch methods to my country and, if possible, tackle some of the economic problems faced by my country.
I am also applying for overas graduate study becau of the fact that the United States holds the leading position in the rearch of my chon field. Your institution, known for its careful and exacting work ethic and nurturing academic atmosphere, is the university I have long admired. I am confident that with your distinguished faculty and recognized facilities, my potential will develop into knowledge and experience beneficial to both the United States and China.
Yours sincerely,
法国留学生合同范本 第十篇2021法国留学通用文书
Dear _,
People once asked me: “Why did you choo architecture?” I couldn’t give a simple answer for that. Maybe it was becau I like painting and construction since childhood. I also earnestly yearn to create beautiful things on my own and architecture can satisfy my imagination in space, materials, and color. My born interest in this ctor is also becau of my parents, who are both structural engineer and electrical engineer, influencing me gradually and unconsciously since I was a kid and giving me perceptual knowledge in the field. After my five-year study in the Department of Architecture, and one-year work experience in architectural design, I ask mylf this same question. The result is that aside from the factors mentioned above, what really makes me choo architecture is its intrinsic appeal, which is just like the maxim written inside the building of the Department of Architecture: “Architecture is the combination of art and technology.”
Perhaps when a person is engaged in what his keen interest blossoms, he will never feel tired, instead he would feel motivated and have an enriching experience. Five years‘ academic study in the School of Architecture and Arts of University of _ transformed my instinctive excitement and imagination about architecture into systematic knowledge and comprehensive understanding. This transformation, first of all, lies in my skills in the fine arts. Differing from my previous mere interest in fine arts, the study of architecture makes me begin to ponder on how to draw using aesthetic elements from fine arts such as color, lighting and composition to apply to architecture. I was so dedicated to such brainstorming and imagination that I would always work around the clock in the studio for days on end. Secondly, the study of basic architectural cours, such as architectural structure, mechanics and materials science, makes me realize that architecture not only gives importance on aesthetics, but also on the more esntial functionality and practicality. In that process, I realized that architecture is not only an art, but also more importantly a sort of technology. Five years of college study gives me a deeper comprehension of architecture, that is, architecture is also part of other cultures - it is subject to other cultures‘ influence, and at the same time it influences other cultures.
Becau of my childhood architectural background, coupled with my lasting keen interest in architecture, I gained excellent achievements in the major cours of my college study, ranked top three in the class, and also received first prize scholarships and many other scholarships for five concutive years. Besides, owing to my understanding of architecture, I am not satisfied with mere textbook knowledge. I believe architecture is not only a skill but also, more importantly, a combination of creativity and imagination. An excellent architecture designer needs not only solid architectural skills and knowledge, but also needs nourishment from fine arts, materials science, engineering and culture. For that purpo, I read quite extensively, understood the architectural history of different countries - especially European architectural history, learnt from works of modern and contemporary architectural masterpieces, and gained insights on their design conceptions that are full of creativity and connotation. The knowledge I have gained from the efforts heightens my interests and my desire for creation.
I had the opportunity to put to practice this desire for creation during the last stage of my college study. During the cond mester of my fourth year, I interned with _ for half a year where I participated in the environmental design of the _ astronomical station and the conceptual design of the Phoenix Residential Complex in _. The experiences gave me insights into the relationship between a building‘s space and its functionality, as well as architectural design‘s feasibility, which is an important factor to consider when designing.
After graduating in 2002, I worked with an excellent architectural design institute, engaging in architectural design. In the meantime, I participated in the conceptual design and design drafts of the janitor’s room, the main machine hall of _ Company Ltd. I was also responsible for the design of the drafts of the multi-purpo hall in _ , _ and the renovation design of the _ Archives of the _. Becau of my prominent achievements, I was quickly promoted as an exception from draftsmen to designer, and I later got the assistant engineer certificate in a short period of time.
The design experiences from the projects made me very interested in creatively applying materials in projects. Meanwhile, I also continuously learned new ideas in architecture from different countries, and especially saw a lot of design drawings of overas architectural masters. All the experiences have a great impact on me, sparking my intention of studying abroad to learn more in-depth contemporary international architectural conceptions. I especially aspire to get to know in more detail modern western architectural history in the hopes of forming my own architectural conceptions.
Besides this, another inten desire of mine is to comprehensively learn the relationship between architecture and culture, and through the study of western architecture, to determine China‘s own architectural style. China once boasted of a developed ancient architecture, while its modern architecture los the characteristics of its indigenous culture, a great deal of architecture lingers merely on the stage of rough and superficial imitation of western architecture. I hope to form a sort of architectural design conception with characteristics of China‘s traditional culture after extensively absorbing modern architectural theories and technologies. That is what I yearn to do and also what I believe I can make.
Yours sincerely,
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