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英文版借款合同范本 第一篇

有限公司(以下简称甲方)系外商投资经营企业,现聘用 (以下简称乙方)为甲方合同制职工。根据《劳动法》和《上海市劳动合同条例》以下简称(条例),甲乙双方本着诚信、*等、协商的原则,一致同意签定本合同。

(hereinafter referred to as “party A”) is a foreign- invested enterpri and employs xx hereinafter referred to as “party B”) as an employee by contract, according to the“labor law” and the “ordinance on shanghai labor contract”, (hereinafter referred to as “regulation”), both parties agree to sign the contract on the principle of good faith, equality and consultation.

第一条 合同期限 article 1 term of the contract

合同有效期限自 至 止,为期壹年。其中 至 为试用期。

The term of contract starts as from to ; totally one year(s). the probation period thereof is as from to .

第二条 工作岗位 article 2 work position










Party B shall engage office manager in. party B shall perform his duties according to instructions of party A. party B’s basic duties are detailed as follows:

(1)labor management

(2)import the products from German headquarter

(3)manage the daily office routine

(4)monitor and collect market information

(5)customer rvice

(6)support accountant with relevant information

(7)support the sales team with relevant information

(8)warehou management ,including the goods and samples.

2. 甲方因工作安排需要和根据乙方的工作能力和工作表现,可随时更改乙方劳动报酬,但应在国家法律规定的范围内。

According to the needs of work, the work ability and the work performance of party B, party A can change the income of party B at any time, but subject to the regulations made by the state.


If party A thinks that party B’s work ability and work performance can not meet the requirements under item 1 of this article , party A has the right to change party B’s work position, the location of working, the income, or terminate the labor contract at any time.

第三条 工作条件和劳动保护 article 3 working conditions and working protection


Party A shall provide party B with the safe and healthful working environment and esntial working protection according to the prc regulations.

第四条 工作时间 article 4 working time

1. 乙方每天和每周工作时间参照甲方有关规定。

The daily and the weekly working time refer to party A’s relative regulations.


Party B is entitled to mandatory public holidays, the annual leave and other leaves according to laws and regulations and labor handbook.


After working for party A for 12 months, party B is entitled to 10 days annual leave with full income each year. after working for party A for 5 years, party B is entitled to 15 days annual leave with full income each year. after working for party A for 10 years, party B is entitled to 20 days annual leave with full income each year. when party B wants to have a vacation, party B should provide an application in writing one month in advance. upon the written approval from party A, party B may have a vacation with full income. but party B may enjoy at most five days’ trans- year annual leaves that shall be completed by the last day of march in the next year.

第五条 劳动报酬 article 5 compensation

1. 乙方收入参照本合同中附件1的规定。甲方实行新的工资制度时,乙方的工资待遇按新的制度予以调整。

The income of party B is t out in appendix i of this contract. the income of party B will be adjusted accordingly when party A carries out a new income system.

2. 甲方实行年12个月薪金制,工作满一年后,每年十二月份发双薪。发薪日为第二个月的5号左右。甲方视乙方在服务的上一年中的表现和甲方的.财务状况决定乙方是否享有年终奖金。乙方若在得到年终奖金后的六个月内辞职的,应在其离开公司前返还其全额年终奖金。 Party A carries out a system of 12 months’ income each year,after he or she have worked for one year,he or she can get the double salary in decmber of each year. the day of payment is about the 5th day of the next month. the annual bonus is subject to party A’s financial situation and party B’s work performance in the previous year. if party B resigns within 6 months after party B received the annual bonus for the previous year, party B shall refund this bonus back to party A before party B leaves the company.

第六条 劳动保险和福利待遇 article 6 insurance and welfare


If party B gives birth, retires, falls in sickness, is injured, disabled, died, party A shall deal with it according to the national and local regulations relating to birth, pension, sickness, injure, disability and death.

第七条 劳动纪律及奖惩 article 7 working regulations, reward and punishment

1. 乙方应遵守国家的法律法规,并遵守甲方的各项规章制度。

Party B should abide by the law and regulations and the internal rules made by party A.

2. 乙方被依法追究刑事责任的, 合同自动解除。

this contract shall be terminated automatically if party B is accud by criminal charge.


Without the writing approval by party A, party B shall neither have a part time job outside at the same time nor in any form u or permit any person to u any information obtained during the period of its working for party A, including but not limited to, divulging or leaking any technical, market or financial documents or information to any third party. any disobey shall be considered as the rious breach of the contract. once found out, party B shall pay a penalty fee, amounting to 50,000 yuan to party A. if such breach caus the loss of party A, party B shall bear all liability for compensation.


As to the advance granted by party A to party B for the business needs, in the normal ca, party B shall provide invoices or bills for ttlement required by party A, refund the remainder and complete the ttlement with party A within ten working days from the date of the granting; in any event, such advance shall be ttled in one month from the date of the granting.

第八条 合同的解除 article 8 terminate of the contract

1. 符合下列情况之一(除了第四项),甲方可以无需事先通知乙方解除本合同:

If any following situation (exclusive of item 4) occurs, party A has the right to terminate the contract without the notice in advance;


During the probation, party A may dismiss party B without any reason at any time;


Party A thinks that party B riously violates the working discipline and stipulations;

(3) 乙方严重失职、营私舞弊、泄露重要商业信息;

Party B has rious neglect of duty,jobbery or leak out of important business information;

(4) 甲方认为乙方工作表现及能力不能达到本合同第二条第一款的要求;

Party A thinks that party B’s work performance and ability cannot meet the requirements under article 2 item 1 hereunder;

(5) 如果乙方严重违反最新<>及其他不时制定的规章制度。

If party B riously violates any rules or regulations t out in the latest version of “labor handbook” and internal rules stipulated from time to time.

2. 符合下列情况之一的,甲方不得解除本合同,但本合同第八条第一款规定和法律法规规定的情况除外。

If any following situation occurs, party A has no right to terminate the contract, but except the situation t out in article 8 item 1 and laws and regulations.

(1) 乙方因病或非因工负伤在规定的医疗期内。

If party B is sick or injured, party A has no right to terminate the contract during the treatment or convalescence period.

(2) 实行计划生育的乙方(指女方)在孕期、产期和哺乳期间。

During the period of the pregnant, giving birth and lactation of party B who abide by the birth control regulation of prc.

3. 乙方提出辞职的。应提前以书面形式向甲方提出申请。未经甲方书面批准,乙方不得辞职。甲方只有在每年下述两个时期对乙方辞职申请进行答复。该两个时期为每年五月至六月(针对去年十一月至当年四月提出的申请),十一月至十二月(针对当年五月至当年十月提出的申请)。 在甲方批准乙方的辞职,乙方将工作项目与甲方交接后,并将所使用的所有仪器、工具以完好,清洁,功能正常的状态返还给甲方后,方可办理解除或终止合同的手续,但是前提是乙方还应自甲方接受其辞职后根据甲方要求,继续为甲方工作二个月,除非甲方放弃该权利。该二个月期满后,双方劳动关系最终解除或终止,乙方所享有的所有待遇如工资都即刻终止,其放弃提出任何经济要求。如果乙方不按照上述规定办理离职手续,在劳动关系正式解除前未经甲方同意即停止工作或不办理交接,即视乙方放弃所有根据法律和合同其享有的权利和待遇,如休假、任何补偿金等,甲方也不再对乙方负有任何责任,并有权追究其违约责任。

If party B wants to resign, she should provide party A with a written application in advance. without the written approval, party B is not allowed to resign the job. party A only makes a re* in respon to party B’s application of resignation during the following two periods, which is the period from may to june and the period from november to december each year, respectively. the re* during the period from may to jun each year is made for the application provided in the period from november last year to april this year. the re* during the period from november to december each year is made for the application provided in the period from may to october this year. after party A approves, in writing, the resignation, party B handed over the works it is responsible for to party A and delivered all working tools ud by party B in complete, clean, and good condition back to party A, party B can be allowed to go through the procedure of terminating the contract, provided however that per requirements of party A, party B shall continue working for party A for two months as from the date of the acceptance by party A of his resignation, unless party A waives the right of such requirement. when such two months expires, the contract is formally terminated, any claim and right enjoyed or had by party B, such as income claims, shall be deemed as termination or expiration. party B gives up all rights of any claims against party A. if party B fails to handle the procedure of resignation stipulated above, stop working for party A or reject handing over his works to party A without the connt of party A before the formal termination of labor contract, such activities of party B shall be deemed as the waive of any right and claims party B enjoys or provides according to the labor contract and laws, such as holidays and verance payment in all kinds, and therefore party A has no any liability to party B and has the right to take action against it.

4. 甲乙双方任何一方提出解除合同,应提前壹个月书面通知对方 ( 本合同第和 条规定的情况除外)。该书面通知原则上应由双方签字。如接受通知一方不同意签字,则通知方可将该通知以挂号信的方式邮寄至下述对方地址即视为送达。但按照本合同第条(1)、(2)、(3)、(5)项规定解除劳动合同的不必提前通知对方除外。

If any party wants to terminate the labor contract, a written notice should be given to the other party 1 month in advance (exclusive of any one of article and article ). both parties should sign on this notice in principle. if the party receiving the notice is not willing to sign this notice, the notifying party shall post the notice by registered letter to the other party At the following address, which shall be deemed as delivery. according to any one of article 8. regulation 1. item (1),(2), (3),and (5),a written notice in advance is not required to be given by one party to the other party. party A’s address:

第九条 双方约定其他条款 article 9 other provisions agreed by parties

1. 在合同期间,所有与甲方雇用有关或执行甲方的任务或者主要是利用甲方提供的条件所完成的发明创造和成绩,无论是通过脑力或体力,均属职务发明创造,归甲方所有,未经甲方批准不得以乙方名义申请专利,不得对外公开或交付其他方使用。

All inventions and other achievements of party B whatever through intellectual as well as physical, which are made during and in connection with the employment at party A, or for completing the assignment of party A, or by the condition provided by party A, shall be deemed as employment invention and achievement and therefore belong to party A. without the approval by party A, party B shall not ap* for patents and make it public and u it by other methods in the name of party B.

2. 对于甲方在本合同期内向乙方提供的培训,乙方应遵守甲方的培训规定, 并不得向第三方泄露培训涉及的事宜.

For each training provided by party A to party B during the term of the contract, party B shall follow the traininging instructions of party A strictly. any information provided relating to such training is not allowed to be disclod to any third party.


Where party B has access to technical, patent or management crets, it is strictly forbidden for party B to leak out any of the information to any third party, even after termination of this contract. if party B wants to terminate this contract he should notify party A 6 months in advance with written resignation letter so that party A may move the position of party B. party B agrees that during said period, the income of party B is calculated according to the income standard for new position for party B.

第十条 违约责任 article 10 breach liability

1. 乙方违反本合同第八条第3款和第4款规定的时限解除劳动合同,必须支付相当于乙方一个月收入的赔偿金。

If party B violates the provisions relating to the time for terminating the contract prescribed in article 8. regulation 3 and 4 to terminate the contract, such party shall pay one-month income of party B to the other party As compensation.

2.无论双方以任何形式解除劳动关系,乙方必须及时根据甲方的要求办理完整工作交接手续,否则甲方将要求乙方支付相当于乙方一个月收入乘以乙方在甲方工作年限数的赔偿金。 Party B shall completely hand over the job in time to party A no matter under which condition to terminating the contract, otherwi party B should pay party A a compensation, amounting to one month income of party B multi*ing the amount of years party B has been working for party A.

3. 乙方如违反本合同第九条任意一款,乙方必须支付甲方至少50,000元人民币。

If party B violates any regulation of article 9. party B shall pay at least 50,000 rmb a penalty to party A.

第十一条 劳动争议 article 11 dis*

本合同在上海签订. 甲乙双方发生劳动争议时,由争议的一方或双方向上海市 区劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。

this contract is signed by both parties in shanghai. if any dis* aris between party A and party B, the dis* can be solved by ap*ing for arbitration with the district’s labor arbitration commi* of shanghai.

第十二条 其他 article 12 miscellaneous

1. 本合同一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份,经甲方法定代表人或授权人签字和乙方签字并加盖甲方公章后生效。两份合同具有同等的法律效力。双方间的劳动关系正式从乙方的招工录用手续办理完毕之日起开始计算。

The contract is made in 2 originals, each party holding one. this contract becomes effective upon the execution of the legal reprentative of party A or authorized persons and party B, together with the company al of party A. both originals have the same legal force. the labor relationship between both parties shall formally commerce as from the date of the completion of recruitment of party B.

2. 本合同签署后,乙方应配合甲方办理其招工录用手续。如因乙方个人原因导致招工录用手续无法及时办理完毕,乙方应承担由此引起的一切后果。

After the execution of this contract, party B shall cooperate with party A to handle the procedure of recruitment. in the event that party B’s personal reason caus the failure of completion of such recruitment, party B shall bear all liability incurred.

3. 如果与合同条款有关的国家法律法规有所变更, 该合同其他部份将继续有效。

If any clau or regulation of this contract is or will become invalid due to the change of national laws and regulations, the rest of this contract will remain valid.


The internal rules and employee handbook stipulated or modified by party A from time to time constitute a part of this contract.

甲方: party A: 代表: reprentative: 盖章: stamp

乙方 party B: 身份证号码

英文版借款合同范本 第二篇

日期: 合同号码:

date: ntrat

买 方: (the buyers) 卖方: (the llers)


this ntrat is ade by and between the buyers and the llers; whereby the buyers agree t buy and the llers agree t ll the under-entined gds subjet t the ters and nditins as stipulated hereinafter:

(1) 商品名称:

nae f dity:

(2) 数 量:


(3) 单 价:

unit prie:

(4) 总 值:

ttal value:

(5) 包 装:


(6) 生产国别:

untry f rigin :

(7) 支付条款:

ters f payent:

(8) 保 险:


(9) 装运期限:

tie f shipent:

(1) 起 运 港:

prt f lading:

(11) 目 的 港:

prt f destinatin:




within 45 days after the arrival f the gds at the destinatin, shuld the quality, speifiatins r quantity be fund nt in nfrity with the stipulatins f the ntrat exept th lais fr whih the insurane pany r the wners f the vesl are liable, the buyers shall, have the right n the strength f the inspetin ertifiate issued by the and the relative duents t lai fr pensatin t the llers





fre ajeure :

the llers shall nt be held respnsible fr the delay in shipent r nn-deli-very f the gds due t fre ajeure, whih ight ur during the press f anufaturing r in the ur f lading r the llers shall advi the buyers iediately f the urrene entined abve the within furteen days there after . the llers shall nd by airail t the buyers fr their aeptanea ertifiate f the under suh irustanes the llers, hwever, are still under the bligatin t take all neessary easures t hasten the deliveryf the




arbitratin :

all dis*s in nnetin with the exeutin f this ntrat shall be ttled friendly thrugh in a n ttleent an be reahed, the a then ay be subitted fr arbitratin t the arbitratin issin f the hina unil fr the prtin f internatinal trade in ardane with the prvisinal rules f predure prulgated by the said arbitratin issin . the arbitratin i* shall be final and binding upn bth and the arbitratin fee shall be brne by the lsing

买方: 卖方:

--------------------- ---------------------

(授权签字) (授权签字)

——英文版租房合同范本 (菁华1篇)

英文版借款合同范本 第三篇


NRA Date: ntrat

he Buyers: he Sellers: his ntrat is ade by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree t buy and the Sellers agree t ll the under-entined gds subjet t the ters and nditins as stipulated hereinafter: (1) Nae f dity: (2) Quantity: (3)Unit prie: (4) tal Value: (5) Paking: (6) untry f rigin : (7)ers f Payent: (8) Insurane: (9) ie f Shipent: (1)Prt f Lading: (11)Prt f Destinatin: (12)lais: Within 45 days after the arrival f the gds at the destinatin, shuld the quality, Speifiatins r quantity be fund nt in nfrity with the stipulatins f the ntrat exept th lais fr whih the insurane pany r the wners f the vesl are he Buyers shall, have the right n the strength f the inspetin ertifiate issued by the and the relative duents t lai fr pensatin t the (13)Fre ajeure: he llers shall nt be held respnsible fr the delay in shipent r nn-deli-very f the gds due t Fre ajeure, whih ight ur during the press f anufaturing r in the ur f lading r he llers shall advi the Buyers iediately f the urrene entined abve the within furteen days there he Sellers shall nd by airail t the Buyers fr their aeptane ertifiate f the Under suh irustanes the Sellers, hwever, are still under the bligatin t take all neessary easures t hasten the delivery f the (14)Arbitratin:All dis*s in nnetin with the exeutin f this ntrat shall be ttled friendly thrugh In a n ttleent an be reahed, the a then ay be subitted fr arbitratin t the Arbitratin issin f the hina unil fr the Prtin f Internatinal rade in ardane with the Prvisinal Rules f Predure prulgated by the said Arbitratin he Arbitratin i* shall be final and binding upn bth And the Arbitratin fee shall be brne by the lsing

英文版借款合同范本 第四篇


Legal Reprentative:






Nationality:鶬D Card No.:

This Contract is signed on a mutuality voluntary basis by and between the following Employer and Employee in accordance with the Labour Law of People’s Republic of China.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_

of the Contract:

The term of this contract is for one year and shall commence on_____,_____, and shall continue until _____,_____,unless earlier terminated pursuant to this Contract. The Employee shall undergo a probationary period of three months.


The Employer agrees to employ Mr./(name)as ________(job title) in ________Department, located in________(office location and city).

3. Remuneration of Labour

salary of the Employee shall bemonthly paid by the Employer in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of . It shall be paid by legal tender and not less than the standard minimum salary in Tianjin.

b. The salary of the Employee is RMB$______ per month in the probationary period and RMB$ _____ after the probationary period.

c. If the delay or default of salary takes place,the Employer shall pay the economic compensation except the salary itlf in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

Hours & Rest & Vocation

normal working hours of the Employee shall be eight hours each day, excluding meals and rest for an average of five days per week, for an average of forty hours per week.

Employee is entitled to all legal holidays and other paid leaves of abnce in accordance with the laws and regulations of the PRC and the company ’s work rules.

c. The Employer may extend working hours due to the requirements of its production or business after consultation with the trade union and the Employee ,but the extended working hour for a day shall generally not exceed one hour; If such extension is called for due to special reasons, the

extended hours shall not exceed three hours a , the total extension in a month shall not exceed thirty-six hours.

Security & Welfare

Employer will pay for all mandatory social curity programs such pension insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance of the Employee according to the relevant government and city regulations.

the period of the Contract, the Employee’s welfare shall be implemented accordance with the laws鷄nd relevant regulations of .

Protection & Working Conditions

Employer should provide the Employee with occupational safety and health conditions conforming to the provisions of the State and necessary articles of labor protection to guarantee the safety and health during the working process.

Employer should provide the Employee with safety education and technique training; The Employee to be engaged in specialized operations should receive specialized training and acquire qualifications for such special operations.

c. The Employee should strictly abide by the rules of safe operation in the process of their work.


Employer may draft bylaws and labour disciplines of the Company, According to which, the

Employer shall have the right to give rewards or take disciplinary actions to the Employee;

Employee shall com* with the management directions of the Employer and obey the bylaws and labour disciplines of the Employer.

Employee shall undertake the obligation to keep and not to disclo the trade cret for the

Employer during the period of this Contract; This obligation of confidentiality shall survive the

termination of this Contract for a period of two (2)years.

, Modification, Renew and Discharge of the Contract

a. The relevant claus of the Contract may be modified by the parties:

specific clau is required to be modified by the parties through


to the force majeure, the Contract can not be executed;

relevant laws and regulations have been modified or abolished by the time of signing the


Contract may be automatically terminated:

i) This Contract is not renewed at the expiration of this Contract;

ii) The Employer is legally announced to be bankruptcy, dismisd, or canceled;

iii)The death of the Employee occurs;

iv) The force majeure takes place;

v)The conditions of termination agreed in the Contract by the parties ari.

Contract may be renewed at the expiration through consultation by the parties with the fulfillment of the procedure within 15 days to the expiration;

d. The Contract may be discharged through consultation by the parties;

Contract may be discharged by the Employer with immediate effect and the Employee will not be compensated:

Employee does not meet the job requirements during the probationaryperiod;

Employee riously violates disciplines or bylaws of the Employer;

Employee riously neglects his duty, engages in malpractice for lfish ends and brings

significant loss to the Employer;

Employee is being punished by physical labour for its misfeasance

Employee is being charged with criminal offences:

Contract may be terminated by the Employer by giving notice in written form 30(thirty) days in advance:

Employee fails ill or is injured to (other than due to work) and after completion of medical

treatment, is not able to perform his previous function or any other function the Employer assigns to him;

Employee does not show satisfactory performance and after training and adjusting measures is still not able to perform satisfactorily;

circumstances have materially changed from the date this Contract was signed to the extent that it is impossible to execute the Contract provided, however,that the parties cannot reach an agreement to amend the contract to reflect the changed circumstances.

Employer is being consolidated in the legal consolidation period on the brink of bankruptcy or the situation of business is riously in trouble, under such condition, it is required to reduce the

emplouee.(in legal procedure)

Employee shall not be dismisd :

i. The Contract has neither expired nor conformed to ;

Employee is ill with occupational dia or injured due to work and has been authenticated fully or partly disabled by the Labour Authentication Commission in Baodi County, Tianjin.

iii. The Employee is ill or injured (other than due to work) and is within the period of medical leave provided for by applicable PRC law and regulations and Company policy;

Employee is woman who is pregnant, on maternity leave, or nursing a baby under one year of age; or

applicable PRC laws and regulations otherwi prohibit the termination of this Contract.

Contract may be dicharged by the Employee by giving notice in written form 30(thirty) days in advance. However, the Employee may inform the Employer to discharge the Contract at random under the following occasions:

Employee is still in the probationary period;

Employer force the Employee to work by violence, duress or illegal restriction to physical


iii. The Employer does not pay the remuneration of the Employee accordance with the relevant clau in the Contract;

Employer violates the relevant regulations of State or Tianjin for its terrible safe and health

condition, which is harmful to the Employee’s health.

Contract can not be terminated by the Empl

英文版借款合同范本 第五篇

Contract Number:BORROWER:Address:LENDER:Address:In accordance with provisions of Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China and Bank of China, after reviewing the status and the request of the Borrower, the Lender agrees to grant the Borrower a line of credit on . The Borrower, Lender and Guarantor, through friendly negotiation, have executed this Contract as follows:

ARTICLE 1 CURRENCY, AMOUNT AND TERM OF THE The Currency under this loan is The Line of the loan is

The period of this loan is 12 months from the date of effectiveness of this 2 THE PURPOSE OF THE The purpo of this loan is ud for working capital Without written approval of the Lender, the Borrower could not u the loan out of the scope of the

ARTICLE 3 INTEREST RATE AND CALCULATION OF Interest rate: The interest rate shall be [***] During the loan term, if the countrys related authority adjusted the interest rate or the manner of calculation of interest, the interest of this contract shall be adjusted accordingly after one year from the date of execution of this adjustment shall be conducted when the interest rate are executed one is not obliged to inform the Borrower when the adjustment of The interest shall be calculated from the date of first drawdown and the actual days the borrower One year shall be calculated as 360 The payment of interests: The Borrower shall pay the interests per The payment date shall be , and If the payment for the last installment is not on the payment date,the interests shall deduct the interest from the bank account of the the event that the Borrower fails to pay the interests on time and the balance of the account of the Borrower is not enough for the payment of interest, the Lender shall have rights to collect a penalty being [***] of the outstanding amount per day for the Borrowers breach of

ARTICLE 4 OVERDUE INTERESTS AND MISUSING If the Borrower fails to repay the loan and can not reach a agreement with the Lender regarding the extension, the Lender shall collect an overdue penalty for [***] of the overdue amount per If the Borrower fails to us the loan in accordance with the provisions t forth in this contract, the Lender shall have right to charge a interests for the misusing part at a rate of [***] per

ARTICLE 5 ACCOUNTThe Borrower shall open Reiminbi basic account and/or foreign currency account at the Lender or Lenders branch for the u of draw-down, repayment,payment of interests and

ARTICLE 6 The loan under this contract is revolving, the balance of this contract shall not more than the line of The Borrower shall nd a draw-down application as the form herein attached in this contract 7 days before the date of The Borrower shall not draw the loan less than 1

ARTICLE 7 CONDITIONS FOR DRAW-DOWNThe following conditions shall be satisfied in advance of the draw-down The Borrower has opened foreign account and Reiminbi account at the office of the Lender or the branch of the Lender; This contract and the appendices have been effective; The Borrower has provided the recognition of the investment or certificate of the investment to the Lender; The Borrower has provided the board resolution and power of attorney regarding this loan contract; The Borrower has provided the list and the signature sample of the authorized person who empower to sign this contract and documents; The Guaranty under this contract has been effective; The Borrower has been satisfied the warrants under Article 11 of this contract; The other requirement for the draw-down have been

ARTICLE 8 REPAYMENT PLAN AND The Borrower shall repay the loan in accordance with the status of its The Borrower shall inform the Lender the payment amount and date [***] prior to make the The Borrower shall be obliged to repay the principal and related interests on due date without any The payment made by the Borrower and the deduction from the account of the Borrower shall be ud for repaying the interest at first and then for repaying the In the event the Borrower fails to repay the loan, the Lender shall have rights to deduct the debt from the bank account of the Borrower at the Lender or empower the branches of the Lender to deduct the debt from the bank account of the Borrower at the Lenders branches; The installment of repayment shall not less than 1

ARTICLE 9 DEBT CERTIFICATEThe Lender shall keep record in the Lenders account for the principal,interests and fees and other fees of the Borrower under this contract; The above mentioned record and the documentation for the draw-down, repayment and payment of interest is the certificates of the debts between the Borrower and the

ARTICLE 10 (the _Guarantor_) shall be the guarantor for the loan under this contract and take jointly During the term of this contract, if the guarantors financial status become deteriorated or the liabilities for repayment of debts become weak, the Lender shall have right to request the Borrower changes guarantor or provide mortgage and pawn cured for this loan under this

ARTICLE 11 REPRESENTATIONS AND The Borrowers reprents and warrants as The Borrower is a company duly organized and validly existing under the law of the Peoples Republic of China and has the power and authority to own its property to consummate the transactions contemplated in this contract and join the The Borrower has the power to handle it asts ud in The Borrower is at its option to sign and perform this is the Borrowers true meaning and has the power to sign this contract and it is not breach it article of association or regulations or The procedure for signature and performance of this contract has been gone through and fully The all documents, materials, reports and certificates provided to the Lender by the borrower for consummation of this contract is true, real, compete and The Borrower shall not conceal the following events which is being happened or have been happened which will cau the Lender refu to extend the loan:(1) The Borrower or the principal executives of the Borrower involve in material events which breach regulations, laws or compensation to others;(2) Pending actions and arbitration;(3) The Borrowers debts or propod debts or liens and other encumbrances;(4) The other * will impact the financial status or abilities of repayment for the debts;(5) The Borrower breached contract which is between the Borrower and other The Borrower hereby warrants as Using the capital of the loan as usage t forth in this contract, the Borrower will not u the loan as Equity investment; The Borrower will not u the capital of the loan invest in curity, future, real estate The Borrower will not lend to the others privately or involving other maters which is prohibited by the The Borrower will not misusing or appropriation of the Making payment and related expens in accordance with the provisions t forth in this contract; Providing updated financial statement or financial bulletin every quarter; Providing the audited financial report at the first quart of each year; Providing operation report, financial report or other files and materials and shall warrant the reality, correct and effectiveness for the files and materials; Any anti-guaranty or other similar documents will not make any impact on the rights and benefits of the Lenders; Accepting the supervision of the Lender, provides assistance and cooperation for the Lenders supervisions; Will not reduce the registration capital; Prior approval from the lender shall be required when the Borrower changes of shareholders and operation manner(including but not limited to joint venture, cooperation, jointly cooperation; dissolution, clodown, liquidation, transformation; merger; change to share company, u the housing, machinery or other real asts or trademark, intellectual property, Knowhow, landing using rights or other intangible asts to invest in share company or investment company, trading of operation right or own right by contracting, joint operation, trusteeship) The Borrower shall inform the Lender and warrants the liability under its curity will not more than net asts of the Borrower when the Borrower guarantee for other party or mortgage its The Borrower warrants that will not dispo the asts which will make adver impact on its ability of paying The Borrower will not pay the other similar loans prior to the Lender; The Borrower warrants to inform the Lender immediately when the following events occurred:(1) The event of breach of contract under this contract or other loan or guaranty contracts between the Borrower and any branches of Bank of China or other banks, non-bank financial organization;(2) The Borrower changes shareholders or revi the article of association;(3) The Borrower suffer difficulties and bad result in financial and operation;(4) The Borrower involves in material actions or arbitration; The Borrower shall keep sufficient balance for repayment prior [***] to the due The Borrower shall keep its bank transactions regarding income collection, ll foreign currency or buy foreign currency Shall be conducted at the Lender or other branches of the The turn-over for the capital shall satisfy the demand of the Lender; The Borrowers reprentations and warrants hereunder this contract shall be effective even though any mendment, supplements or revid to be made to this

ARTICLE 12 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTS OF THE The Lender reprents and warrants as The Lender is a state-owned commercial bank or branch duly organized and validly existing under the law of and approved by the Industry and Commercial Administration and holds the financial institutions legal person licens and financial institutions operation licen to be qualified to operate financial The Lender has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution of this contract and performance of its obligations under this The Lender is duly authorized to extend this The Lender warrants as The Lender shall extend the loan in accordance with the provisions t forth in this Collect interests in accordance with the regulations of the Peoples

ARTICLE 13 EVENTS OF BREACH CONTRACT AND Settlement of the Borrower breach of Event of breach of contract:(1) The Borrower fails to u the loan in accordance with the agreed usage of the Loan;(2) The Borrower fails to repay the due principal and pay the interests, expens or other payable in accordance with the agreed term of this contract;(3) The Borrower breaches the reprentation and warrants t forth in Article (4) The Borrower breaches other loan agreements or guaranty agreements or the Guarantor breach the guaranty agreement which may make impact the Borrower to perform the obligations under this (5) Conclusive evidence to show that the Borrower lo the capacity of credit or during performance of the obligation under this contract, the financial conditions of the Guarantor are riously deteriorating or other reasons caud the Guarantor the capacity of credit (6) The Borrower breaches the other obligations under this Under the above circumstances, the Lender shall have right to:(1) Request the Borrower to rectify within the period designed by the Lender;(2) Cea in extending the loan or cancel the credit;(3) Declare the loan under this contract is due and the Lender shall have right to deduct the outstanding amount from the account of the The Borrower shall not appeal against the (4) Declare the loan is due under other loan agreements between the Lender and the Borrower, request the Borrower to repay the loan principals, interests, and other The ttlement for the Lender breach of the The Lender fails to extend the loan as agreed in this contract without any reasons; The Lender breaches the agreed interest rate and collection add interests or other fees; The Lender breaches the provisions t forth in Article 12; Under the above circumstances, the Borrower shall have right to:(1) Request the Lender to rectify;(2) Repay the loan ahead of time and refu to pay any compensation for

ARTICLE 14 DEDUCTIONThe Borrower shall pay in full for the payment without any counteraction or any

ARTICLE 15 ASSIGNMENT OF THE DEBT AND The Borrower shall not assign its right and liability under this contract to other third party without any written approval of the Lender; In the event the Borrower assign its right and liability under this contract to other third party under the written connt of the Lender, the third party shall abide this contract without any

ARTICLE 16 PERFORMANCE OF OBLIGATION AND WAIVER OF The Borrower is independent contractor under this contract, it will not impact by any other relations between the Borrower with other party except the other provisions t forth in this The Lender give any extension, toleration, favor to the Borrower or permit the Borrower to delay of performance any obligation under this contract shall not impair any rights of the Lender in accordance with this contract and laws, regulation, it shall be deemed to have waived its rights under this contract and the obligation shall be performed by the Borrower under this

ARTICLE 17 AMENDMENT, SUPPLEMENT AND INTERPRETATION OF THE This contract could be amended and supplemented upon the written agreements conclude by the Any a amendment and supplement shall be integral party of this In the event change of laws, regulations or legal practice which will cau any terms contained in this Contract become illegal, invalid or loss of practice, the other part of this contract shall not be impaired by The both parties shall make efforts to change the illegal, invalid or loss of practice For the * not referred in this contract shall be construed in accordance with the provisions of the Peoples Bank of

ARTICLE 18 DISPUTE RESOLUTION, GOVERNING LAW AND WAIVER OF The conclusion, interpretation and dis* resolution shall be subject to the Laws of the Peoples Republic of The dis*s arising from the execution of this contract shall be ttled through friendly consultation by both In ca no ttlement can be reached, the dis*s shall be submitted to the Peoples Court of the location of the Lender for The Borrower shall not reject any obligation during the ttlement of The execution and performance of this contract and the related transaction is civil The Borrower shall not appeal to take action to exempt from the obligation under this (if both parties agree to ap* arbitration, the above term shall be:) The conclusion, interpretation and dis* resolution shall be subject to the Laws of the Peoples Republic of The dis* arising from the execution of this contract shall be ttled through friendly consultation by both In ca no ttlement can be reached, the dis*s shall be submitted to China International Economic and trade arbitration commission for The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration Law of Peoples Republic of China and Provisional Rules of Procedure of China international economic and trade arbitration During the Arbitration, this contract shall be effective and the Borrower shall not disclaim the any obligations under this The execution and performance of this contract and the related transaction is civil The Borrower shall not appeal to take action to exempt from the obligation under this


ARTICLE 20 APPENDICESThe following appendices shall be integral part of this Draw-down application

ARTICLE 21 Any notice, payment notice or telecommunications shall be forwarded to the following address:To: The Borrower:Address:Post Code:Fax:To: The Lender:Address:Post If any change of address shall inform the other party Any notice, payment request or communication shall be forwarded to the above The dates on which notices shall be deemed to have been effectively given shall be determined as follows:(1) If given in letter it shall be deemed effectively given on the fifth day after the date mailed by registered airmail, postage prepaid;(2) If given by telex it shall be deemed effectively given on the date the other party returned the information;(3) If given by facsimile it shall be deemed effectively given on the first date of transmission;(4) If given by personal delivery it shall be deemed effectively given on the date of personal delivery;This contract become effective after signed by the authorized reprentatives of both parties until the loan and the interests and other related expens be cleared contract is executed in _____ original and be equally of the Borrower, the Lender shall hold ____

英文版借款合同范本 第六篇

为了明确旧机动车时买卖双方各自应承担的法律责任及义务,经双方自愿同意签定以下协议:(售车方简称为甲方,购车方简称为乙方) 售车方(甲方):购车方(乙方):

一、甲方将车主 的 轿车,牌号 ,发动机号 ,车架号 转让给乙方,双方达成成交总额为(人币) ,小写 。


三、该车若须办理过户事宜,过户费由 方承担,过户时双方应主动配合办理转户所需手续及车辆。该车自交车之日起,该车以后所需费用均由乙方负责购买(包括养路费、年审费及保险费)。



英文版借款合同范本 第七篇

Contract No.:

The Buyers:

The Sellers:

This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby theBuyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to ll the under-mentioned goodssubject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:

(1)Name of Commodity:

(2) Quantity:

(3) Unit price:

(4)Total Value:

(5) Packing:

(6) Country of Origin:

(7) Terms of Payment:

(8) insurance:

(9) Time of Shipment:

(10) Port of Lading:

(11) Port of Destination:


Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination,should thequality,Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with thestipulations of the contract except tho claims for which the insurance companyor the owners of the vesl are liable,the Buyers shall,have the right on thestrength of the inspection certificate issued by the and the relativedocuments to claim for compensation to the Sellers.

(13)Force Majeure:

The llers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment ornon-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure,which might occur during theprocess of manufacturing or in the cour of loading or transit. The llersshall advi the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the withinfourteen days there after . the Sellers shall nd by airmail to the Buyers fortheir acceptancea certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances theSellers,however,are still under the obligation to take all necessary measuresto hasten the deliveryof the goods.


All dis*s in connection with the execution of this Contract shall bettled friendly through negotiation. in ca no ttlement can be reached,theca then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of theChina Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with theProvisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission .the Arbitration commi* shall be final and binding upon both parties. and theArbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.

(The Buyers):

(The Sellers):

英文版借款合同范本 第八篇




he Buyer:________________________

地址: __________________________

Address: _________________________

电话(el):___________ 传真(Fax):__________



he Seller:_________________________


Address: __________________________

电话(el):_________ 传真(Fax):___________



he Seller and the Buyer agree t nlude this ntrat subjet t the ters and nditins stated bel dapness, rust, isture, ersin and shk, and shall be suitable fr ean transprtatin/ ultiple he Seller shall be liable fr any daage and lss f the gds attributable t the inadequate r iprper he easureent, grss es int effet, pen an irrevable Letter f redit in favr f the he Letter f redit shall expire ____ days after the pletin f lading f the shipent as

(2) 付款交单:货物发运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的付款跟单汇票,按即期付款交单(D/p)方式,通过卖方银行及_____银行向买方转交单证,换取货物。

Duents against payent: After shipent, the Seller shall drabined ransprtatin/Land Bills f Lading and blank endrd arked freight prepaid/ t llet;

(2) 标有合同编号、信用证号(信用证支付条件下)及装运唛头的商业发票一式__份;

Signed erial invie in ______pies indiating ntrat , L/ (ers f L/) and shipping arks;

英文版借款合同范本 第九篇

contract no:


the buyer:

the ller:

the contract, made out, in chine and english, both version being equally authentic, by and between the ller and the buyer by the ller agrees to ll and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods subject to terms and conditions t forth hereinafter as follows:

1 name of commodity and specification

2 ry of origin & manufacturer

3 unit price (packing ges included)

4 quantity

5 total value

6 packing (aworthy)

7 insurance (to be covered by the buyer unless otherwi)

8 time of shipment

9 port of loading

10 port of destination

mark shown as below in addition to the port of destination, package number, gross and net weights, measurements and other marks as the buyer may require stencilled or marked conspicuously with fast and unfailing pigments on each in the ca of dangerous and/or poisonous cargo(es), the ller is obliged to take care to ensure that the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each

12 terms of payment:

one month prior to the time of shipment the buyer shall open with thebank of _______an irrevocable letter of credit in favour of the ller payable at the issuing bank against prentation of documents as stipulated under clau of ction ii, the terms of delivery of this contract after departure of the carrying the said letter of credit shall remain in force till the 15th day after

13 other terms:

unless otherwi agreed and accepted by the buyer, all other * related to this contract shall be governed by ction ii, the terms of delivery which shall form an integral part of this any supplementary terms and conditions that may be attached to this contract shall automatically prevail over the terms and conditions of this contract if such supplementary terms and conditions come in conflict with terms and conditions herein and shall be binding upon both

for the ller for the buyer

ction 2

14 fob/fas terms

the shipping space for the contracted goods shall be booked by the buyer or the buyer's shipping agent

under fob terms, the ller shall undertake to load the contracted goods on board the vesl nominated by the buyer on any date notified by the buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in clau 8 of this

under fas terms, the ller shall undertake to deliver the contracted goods under the tackle of the vesl nominated by the buyer on any date notified by the buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in clau 8 of this

10-15 days prior to the date of shipment, the buyer shall inform the ller by cable or telex of the contract number, name of vesl, eta of vesl, quantity to be loaded and the name of shipping agent, so as to enable the ller to contact the shipping agent direct and arrange the shipment of the the ller shall advi by cable or telex in time the buyer of the result should, for certain reasons, it become necessary for the buyer to replace the named vesl with another one, or should the named vesl arrive at the port of shipment earlier or later than the date of arrival as previously notified to the ller, the buyer or its shipping agent shall advi the ller to this effect in due the ller shall also keep in clo contact with the agent or the

——银行借款合同英文版 (菁华1篇)

英文版借款合同范本 第十篇

英文版 个人租房

n this _____ day f _________by and between:-

ghazala waheed w/ abdul waheed, *, r/ hu , dha, lahre antt, (hereinafter t as the lessr f the ne part).


* ***,r/ hina, refereed t as the lese f the ther (expressin “lessr”

and “lese” wherever the ntext s perit shall always ean and inlude their respetive heirs, suessrs legal reprentative and assignees).

whereas the lessr is the lawful wner and in lawful psssin f hu n,***-*,dha,

lahre antt, nsisting f 4 bedrs with bath, d/d,tv; lunge, kithen, stre, rvant, quarter tgether with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter lletively alled the deid preis).

and whereas the lessr has agreed the lea and the lese has agreed t take n lea the deid preis n the ters and nditin as given belw:-

this agreeent in nly valid if lese is renewed and extended fr the lea

the lessr lets lese takes the deisd preis fr a perid f 12 nths

ening fr 15th january the lea is renewable fr a further perid as ay be utually agreed in writing n expiry f the lea perid

the rent f the deid preis shall be usd3,3/-(us dllars three thusand and three hundred nly) per nth

the lessr hereby aknwledges reeipt f the su f ,8/-(us dllars nineteen thusand and eight hundred nly) per

it is hereby agreed between the parties that the lese shall pay the afresaid nthly rent

3,3/-(us dllars three thusand and three hundred nly) as the nthly rental advane by 2th f eah alendar nth fr whih if is due after pletin f advane rent perid ending n 15th july

that the lessr hereby aknwledges reeipt f the su f ,/-(rupees sixty thusand nly) fr the lese as fixed edpsit urity whih shall be refunded t the lese n giving bak the vaant psssin f the deid preis after dedutin f daages/shrtages utstanding bills fr eletriity, water, gas and telephne harges et, against the deid

the lese herby nvenants with lessr as fllwing:

t pay t the lessr the rent hereby rerved in the anner befre

that the lese shall nt at any tie during the ters, withut the nnt in writing f the lessr, pull dwn, daages r ake any struture alteratins t the deid prees prvided always, the lese shall have g write install any fixtures and fittings exluding air-nditiners in the deid prees, t detah and repsss the sae subjet t the restratin f the deid prees t their riginal state at his st (reasnable wear and tear exepted) n the expiry f this lea r any renewal

t u the deis preis fr residen

tial purp and wuld nt be ud fr a erial purp the deis prei wuld nt be ud upied by ****


nt t sublet the whle r any part f the

t pay regularly the bills fr eletriity, gas, water and telephne harges in respet f the deid a py f all the paid utility bill be frwarded t the lessr every three nth in a f disnnetin f any faility due t nn-payent, lese will be respnsible t get the restred and pay the all dues ust be leared befre the expiry f the

the lese shall keep and aintain the said preis in gd and tenantable nditins during the tenure f the

the lessr hereby nvenants with the lese as fllwing:-

t pay all existing and future rate, taxes assnts and ther harges f a publi nature whether ip by the uniipality, gvernent r any ther authrity in respet f deid

nt t eret r t up a building r struture n the deis preis nr t add t any existing building r struture during the perid f lea r any renewal withut the written nnt f the

it is hereby delear and uturally agreed between the lessr and lese ans fllwing:=

the lese and the lessr shall have the right and ptin t terinate this lea at any tie nly after the expiry f the lea perid , 24 nths, prvided they give ne (1) nth ntie in advane t either f the

the eter reading f varius utilities are as given belw:-

utility eter nuber tday’s reading

a) eleriity ———————— ————————

b) gas ———————— ————————

) telephne ———————— ————————


lea agreeent

this agreeent f lea is ade n this 16th day f deeber XX by and between:-

ghazala waheed w/ abdul waheed, *, r/ hu ***-*, dha, lahre antt, (hereinafter t as the lessr f the ne part).


* ***,r/ hina, refereed t as the lese f the ther (expressin “lessr”

and “lese” wherever the ntext s perit shall always ean and inlude their respetive heirs, suessrs legal reprentative and assignees).

whereas the lessr is the lawful wner and in lawful psssin f hu n,***-*,dha,

lahre antt, nsisting f 4 bedrs with bath, d/d,tv; lunge, kithen, stre, rvant, quarter tgether with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter lletively alled the deid preis).

and whereas the lessr has agreed the lea and the lese has agreed t take n lea the deid preis n the ters and nditin as given belw:-

this agreeent in nly valid if lese is renewed and extended fr the lea

the lessr lets lese takes the deisd preis fr a perid f 12 nths

ening fr 15th january the lea is renewable fr a further perid as ay be utually agreed in writing n expiry f the lea perid

the rent f the deid preis shall be usd3,3/-(us dllars three thusand and three hundred nly) per nth

the lessr hereby aknwledges reeipt f the su f ,8/-(us dllars nineteen thusand and eight hundred nly) per

it is hereby agreed between the parties that the lese shall pay the afresaid nthly rent

3,3/-(us dllars three thusand and three hundred nly) as the nthly rental advane by 2th f eah alendar nth fr whih if is due after pletin f advane rent perid ending n 15th july

that the lessr hereby aknwledges reeipt f the su f ,/-(rupees sixty thusand nly) fr the lese as fixed edpsit urity whih shall be refunded t the lese n giving bak the vaant psssin f the deid preis after dedutin f daages/shrtages utstanding bills fr eletriity, water, gas and telephne harges et, against the deid

the lese herby nvenants with lessr as fllwing:

t pay t the lessr the rent hereby rerved in the anner befre

that the lese shall nt at any tie during the ters, withut the nnt in writing f the lessr, pull dwn, daages r ake any struture alteratins t the deid prees prvided always, the lese shall have g write install any fixtures and fittings exluding air-nditiners in the deid prees, t detah and repsss the sae s

ubjet t the restratin f the deid prees t their riginal state at his st (reasnable wear and tear exepted) n the expiry f this lea r any renewal

t u the deis preis fr residential purp and wuld nt be ud fr a erial purp the deis prei wuld nt be ud upied by **** and

nt t sublet the whle r any part f the

t pay regularly the bills fr eletriity, gas, water and telephne harges in respet f the deid a py f all the paid utility bill be frwarded t the lessr every three nth in a f disnnetin f any faility due t nn-payent, lese will be respnsible t get the restred and pay the all dues ust be leared befre the expiry f the

the lese shall keep and aintain the said preis in gd and tenantable nditins during the tenure f the

the lessr hereby nvenants with the lese as fllwing:-

t pay all existing and future rate, taxes assnts and ther harges f a publi nature whether ip by the uniipality, gvernent r any ther authrity in respet f deid

nt t eret r t up a building r struture n the deis preis nr t add t any existing building r struture during the perid f lea r any renewal withut the written nnt f the

it is hereby delear and uturally agreed between the lessr and lese ans fllwing:=

the lese and the lessr shall have the right and ptin t terinate this lea at any tie nly after the expiry f the lea perid , 24 nths, prvided they give ne (1) nth ntie in advane t either f the

the eter reading f varius utilities are as given belw:-

utility eter nuber tday’s reading

a) eleriity ———————— ————————

b) gas ———————— ————————

) telephne ———————— ————————

d) water ———————— ————————

that the lese has als agreed with the lessr fr a andatry inrea in rent by 1% per annu, the rent wuld be enhaned t ,3/-( rupees thirty six thusand and three hundred nly), shuld the lessr and i ese utually t renew the it an be negtiated between the

wheref the parties heret have exeuted the prents n the and day abve


ghazala waheed




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