阅读理解。 For the most part, you are probably only expod to the music that is played on your favorite radio stations and TV shows, music Web sites, or the music that your friends and family members enjoy. While you probably know a lot about your favorite type of music, it can be a rewarding experience to enlarge your horizons (眼界), discovering artists and types of music that you're not familiar with. Who knows, you might discover you like certain types of music you never even considered. Have you ever wondered about the history and influences of your favorite types of music ? For example, did you know that rock 'n' roll originated (起源) from the blues, and that the blues began as a form of musical expression for African Americans during slavery (奴隶制度)? Did you know that most hip-hop is heavily influenced by early rhythm blues and jazz ? There are many fun ways to learn about different musical styles and their historical roots. For example, if you like hip-hop, listen to some of your favorite CDs and take note of the samples the performers ud to create the songs. There is a possibility that the artist ud parts of older songs to create the music. You can go to the library or online to learn more about the artists and listen to more of their music by checking out CDs from the library or downloading songs online for a small fee. You can learn so much about culture and history just by paying attention to different types of music and what is being expresd in the songs. There are so many different styles of music to learn about, and you owe(欠)it to yourlf to make an effort to listen to and learn about them.1. The main topic of this passage is _____.A. creating musicB. performing musicC. enjoying your favorite musicD. learning about music2. What music did African Americans u to express their feelings of being slaves ?A. Rock 'n' roll.B. The blues.C. Hip-hop.D. Jazz.3. How can you learn about culture and history through music ?A. By writing down the names of the music.B. By creating music from older songs yourlf.C. By caring about what is being expresd in music.D. By keeping a record of fees after downloading songs online.4. By saying the underlined ntence in the last paragraph, the author probably means that _____.A. you should try harder to learn about musicB. you should return something to musicC. you should borrow music CDs from othersD. you should buy music CDs yourlf 题型:未知难度:其他题型答案
1-4: DBCA解析
据考高分专家说,试题“阅读理解。 For .....”主要考查你对 [历史文化类阅读 ]考点的理解。 历史文化类阅读什么是历史文化类阅读:
【题型说明】历史文化类阅读理解文章属高考常选材料之一。这类文章常涉及历史、文化、法制、宗教等方面的文学艺术、发明创造、文化遗产保护、宗教与文化、风俗与习惯、道德与法制、中外文学名著节选、等等。这类材料的命题点往往落在主旨大意题、事实细节题上。 【答题方法】在做这类阅读理解题时,我们应注意以下几个方面: 1、采用先题后文:先读题目,再带着问题读文章。这类阅读理解文章相对来说事实细节题稍多一点,如果带着问题读文章,有利于我们抓细节。 2、先做细节题。因为做完了局部性的事实细节题后,自然会加深我们对文章的理解,这样更有利于做主旨大意题。 3、重点敲定主旨题。主旨大意题提问的形式主要有两大类:一类是Main idea型;一类是Topic或Title型。在解答这类试题时应注意以下几点: a.读首句抓大意。文化教育类阅读理解文章多采用说明文、议论文体裁,而这类文章大都采用文章段落的中心,即主题句在文章开头。因此,要寻找这类文章的主旨大意就需要研究文章的首句。 b.读尾句抓大意。有时这类文章的主题句安排在文章的结尾,作为对全篇的总结。 c.读首段抓大意。有些文章或段落的开头和结尾部分都有主题句。这种结构是为了突出主题思想而使用两次点题的写作方法。这两个主题句在句子结构和用词上有所不同,而且在内容上前句和后句也不重复。 d.从段落中抓大意。有些文章或段落的主题句在文章中,这种文章或段落往往以一句话或几句话引出要表达的主题,在主题句出现后,再举例子陈述细节或继续论证。 e.归纳要点抓大意。有些文章或段落无明显的主题句,只是暗示性地体现主题。这就要求同学们在阅读过程中根据文中所叙述的事实或线索来概括总结主旨大意。
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