Ted spent ven years as a prisoner of war. There he discovered the power of 1 . For more than half of that 2 he was in isolation (隔绝). He lived for ten months in total 3 . Tho ten months was the longest of his life. When they 4 with wooden boards the window of his little ven-by-ven foot cell, shutting out the light, he 5 if he was going to make it.Ted spent hours a day exercising and thinking. But at times he felt he could do 6 but scream. Not wanting to give his 7 the satisfaction of knowing they’d 8 him, he placed clothing into his mouth to lesn the noi 9 he screamed at the top of his lungs.One day Ted got down on the 10 and crawled (爬) under his bed. He found a hole that 11 air from the outside. As he approached the hole, he saw a 12 ray of light. Ted put his eye next to the wall and discovered a small crack in the building. It allowed him to glimp 13 , though all he could e was a 14piece of grass. But when he saw this, he felt a surge of joy, excitement and 15 that he hadn’t had in years. “It reprented life, growth and 16 ,” he later said. It was the small hope that helped Ted 17 this nearly unbearable experience.The human spirit is 18 . It ems to run forever 19 nothing but a faint (微弱的) hope. Without it, you have nothing. With it, nothing el 20 — even the worst conditions.1. A. thought B. scream C. support D. hope2. A. prison B. war C. time D. month3. A. happiness B. sadness C. darkness D. silence4. A. strengthened B. fixed C. covered D. broke5. A. reminded B. required C. wondered D. feared6. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything7. A. soldiers B. friends C. enemy D. army8. A. wounded B. quitted C. satisfied D. broken9. A. till B. since C. as D. after10. A. window B. floor C. wall D. board11. A. let in B. put out C. took in D. gave off12. A. weak B. soft C. strong D. sharp13. A. inside B. outside C. above D. below14. A. very B. right C. specificD. single15. A. gratefulness B. ufulness C. fulfillment D. establishment16. A. courage B. perverance C. choice D. freedom17. A. by B. out C. over D. through18. A. straight B. strong C. lucky D. interesting19. A. against B. from C. on D. over20. A. matters B. relates C. changesD. happens 题型:未知难度:其他题型答案
1. D。全文主旨是讲希望的力量。2. C。that time指他在牢狱的7年时间。3. C。根据后面的“shutting out the light”可知他完全生活在黑暗中。4. C。根据后面可知,窗户被挡住了。5. C。根据下文可知,他也有觉得忍无可忍的时候,因此这里是表示他不确定自己能否撑得过去。6. B。根据句中的But可知,他有时除了尖叫,什么事都干不了。7. C。根据文章第一段首句中的“spent ven years as a prisoner of war”及下文中的情景可知,此处指他不想让敌人(enemy)感到满意。8. D。敌人挡住了窗户,是为了在精神上折磨Ted,因此这里选D,指精神上的跨掉。9. C。as引导时间状语从句,表示他在尖叫时往嘴里塞上衣服以减弱发出的声音。10. B。从下文的crawled under his bed可知,此处填floor。11. A。let in意思是“允许……进入”,符合语境:外面的空气通过这个小洞进入牢房。12. A。根据后面“a small crack in the building”,可知仅有微弱的光透进来。13. B。Ted透过裂缝往外看。14. D。根据前面的“though all he could e was”,可知这里表示他看到的仅仅是一块草地。15. A。这里应选与与joy、excitement语境一致的词。16. D。小草在牢房外,意味着自由。17. D。through暗含度过某种困境的意思。18. B。根据后面的“nothing but a faint (微弱的) hope”,可知这里表示人的精神的坚强。19. C。run on表示“*……运转”。20. A。该句中的it指代上文提到的hope,该句的意思是:没有希望,你什么都没有;有了希望,别的任何东西都不重要。matter是不及物动词,意为“有关系,重要”考点
据考高分专家说,试题“Ted spent ven year.....”主要考查你对 [人生感悟类阅读 ]考点的理解。 人生感悟类阅读人生感悟类阅读的概念:
一、文章特点: 生活感悟类的文章就是指能给人心灵以启迪,使人从中受到教育的文章。这类文章的体裁可以是记叙文,如生活中一些感人故事或情感故事,有点类似心灵鸡汤一样的短文。有时故事的结尾会有一句“点睛之笔”,点出全文的中心思想,就像《伊索寓言》里的寓言一样。还可能是夹叙夹议的哲理散文或生活随笔。散文随笔通常会阐述一种朴素易懂,耳熟能详的人生道理或宝贵品质。文章的结构和议论文类似,一般是总分总或总分结构。每段首句或尾句为主题句(论点),其它句子围绕主题展开论述(论据),论证方法多种多样,或举例,或引用名言,或正反对照等。二、解题技巧:针对生活感悟类文章的特点,做这类文章的完形填空时,要特别注意以下几点:1、重点理解全文的首句。如果是记叙文,找出when,where,who,what等基本要素。如果是散文随笔,充分理解文章的中心句—全文的主题。2、阅读全文的结尾段或结尾句,有助于理解文章所阐述或蕴含的哲理、感悟或忠告等。3、调动自己的背景知识和情感。这类文章不会讲大道理也不会涉及到一些很专业的知识技术领域,而是谈一些小事和简单的道理,所以如果读者能和作者产生感情上的共鸣,读者会更好地把握作者的意图态度,从而提高做题的准确度。因此,考生在平时要做一个有心人,即用心去感悟生活中发生的小事,思考人生的一些基本道理,多阅读一些短小精悍的美文,多写写自己的心情故事和对生活学习的感悟。只有平时多用心,做题时才能调动自己的背景知识和情感。
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