Liu Hui is very excited. The students in a school in Shanghai will go to the USA with his parents during the Spring Festival.“Overas touring has always been a dream for me,” he said happily. Nowadays, Chine people enjoy longer holidays, such as the three “Golden Week Holidays”(the Spring Festival, May Day and National Day). They have more time to travel. Rising incomes also make travelling abroad realistic for ordinary Chine people. Nearly 7 million Chine travelled overas in 2001, according to the National Tourism Administration(国家旅游局). The most common problem travellers face is how to choo the best routes(路线). By the end of 2002, Chine citizens were allowed to travel to 19 foreign countries and regions at their own expen. The top 10 places included Hong Kong, Macao and Thailand. European countries are also becoming increasingly popular. “More and more Chine people have shown interest in travelling to Europe, particularly France and Finland,” said Tan Wen, a general manager of China Youth Travel Service. “Sooner or later, there will be a peak(高峰) in European tours.” Another consideration is choosing the right travel agencies and finding the best price. The China Consumers’ Association(CCA,中国消费者协会)offered tips to consumers on choosing the right travel agencies to help prevent a relaxing vacation from turning into a costly disaster. “Price should not be the single most important factor in choosing a travel agency,” said Zhang Yuanchao, CCA vice-cretary general. Consumers are advid to choo large State travel agencies with good reputations and official approval to organize overas tour groups. Zhang’s association dealt with more than 5, 000 complaints about travel agencies(旅行社) last year. And the majority of the complaints were about random changes in travel routes, bad tour guides, and forced shopping. Travellers were warned to look carefully at their contracts with agencies and to buy travel insurance(保险). 小题1:How many reasons are given in the article as to why ordinary Chine people are traveling abroad more today?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.小题2:According to the passage, what is the biggest problem Chine travelers face when going overas?A.Choosing the best travel agent.B.Deciding the best way to get to the places they want to go to.C.Traveling to Europe.D.Cost.小题3:According to the passage, what ems to be the most common result of choosing a bad travel agency?A.People buy more souvenirs than they had planned to.B.People spend more money than they had planned to.C.People go to different places than they had palnned to.D.People complained more than they had planned to.小题4:The underlined part “random changes” probably means that .A.the travelers agreed with the changes.B.the travel agency didn’t make any changes.C.the travel agency refud to changes the routes.D.the travel agency changed the routes or time without following the original plan. 题型:未知难度:其他题型答案
据考高分专家说,试题“Liu Hui is very exci.....”主要考查你对 [日常生活类阅读 ]考点的理解。 日常生活类阅读日常生活类阅读的概念:
【题型说明】该类文章内容涉及到人们的言谈举止、生活习惯、饮食起居、服饰仪表、恋爱婚姻、消遣娱乐、节日起源、家庭生活等。文章篇幅短小,追根溯源,探索各项风俗的历史渊源,内容有趣。命题也以送分题为主,如事实细节题、语义转换题、词义猜测题和简单推理判断题等。虽然这类文章读起来感觉轻松,试题做起来比较顺手,但绝不能掉以轻心。因为稍不留神,就会丢分。 【备考提醒】为了保证较高准确率,建议同学们做好以下几点: 1、保持正常的考试心态。笔者在教学中发现,越是容易的试题,同学们越是容易失分。为什么呢?因为在这种情况下,同学们极易产生麻痹思想,认为题目好做,就不引起高度重视,于是思维不发散、不周密。而命题人就是利用同学们的这一弱点,设计陷阱题。所以,无论试题难易与否,我们都要保持正常的考试心态。试题容易,不欣喜;试题难,不悲观。 2、根据前面讲到的方法,认认真真、细细心心做好事实细节题。 3、做好语义转换题。这类题是根据英语中一词多义和某些词语在文中能表达一定的修辞意义的原则而设计的。要求同学们解释某生词的含义,确定多义词或短语在文中的意思,确认文中的某个代词所指代的对象,或者对英语中特有的表达、格言、谚语进行解释。这种题要求同学们一定要根据上下文猜测词义或理解句子,切不可望文生义。 4、做好简单推理判断题。简单推理判断题要以表面文字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断。这种推理方式比较直接,只要弄清事实,即可结合常识推断出合理的结论。
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