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英语人物描写万能句子 精选44句

1. 有时候真实比小说更加荒诞,因为虚构是在一定逻辑下进行的,而现实往往毫无逻辑可言。——马克·吐温

2. 心不知道为什么跳动个不停,越跳越快,越跳越快,就像节奏越来越快的鼓点,时而大声,时而节奏不一。

3. 英语测验得了分,小明抑制不住内心的喜悦,像小鸟一样飞进了家门。

4. They will nd him to work in Japan for one year. (改为被动语态

5. 非谓语动词完成句子练习

6. They grew some sunflowers in their garden last year.(改为否定句)

7. She is shorter than I am and is very has straight,shoulder-lenghth thinks she is pretty.

8. Yang Li wei said to us, xxxI'm going to visit your school tomorrow. xxx We were all plead.

9. He came in and was followed by his students

10. Crow

11. 这个喜讯使他的眼睛里有了神采,额头和嘴角两旁深深的皱纹里似乎也蓄满笑意,连一举手一投足都渐渐地带上了一种轻快的节奏。

12. 眼眶中突然掉下什么东西,潮湿地划过我的脸颊,在干燥的皮肤上留下一道曲折的线。

13. A true great man will neither trample on a worm,nor sneak to an emperpor.真正的伟人既不大肆践踏小人物,也不会在皇帝面前奴颜卑膝。

14. He had a brown skin,black hair,bright eyes and strong white teeth.

15. 他的头发胡子全白了,如银丝一般,闪着晶莹的白光。

16. After the bridge had been completed, it went through a hard time becau of the bad weather.

17. 概述

18. 雕雕刻的。

19. He is a fine young man,ahout 25 years old,tall and well-built,with a kind face and a nice smile.

20. 忧郁是因为自己无能,烦恼是由于欲望得不到满足,暴躁是一种虚怯的表现。——大仲马小说《三个火*》

21. He doesn’t em to mind by others. (make

22. *静的湖面激起了浪花,我的心情也像浪花一样欢腾。

23. .S。S李老师是我的语文老师,她大约岁左右,她长的又漂亮,又年轻,她的卷发是棕色的。

24. 妹妹今年十岁读小学三年级她那红扑扑的脸蛋上一双水灵灵的大眼睛适着聪明伶俐的神色乌黑的头发下两条弯弯的眉毛像那月牙儿她那一排雪白的牙齿当中缺了颗门牙一笑起来就成了个豁牙巴十分逗人喜欢

25. 我不知道当我把自己彻彻底底地展示给你看时,你是否能够从这具躯体上咀嚼出一份爱情的味道。小说《绝色倾城》

26. 介绍妈妈的XX My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. With her eyes,she obrved my mood, gave me courage and made me strong. Therefore, I could face difficulties. When I was a baby learning to walk, my mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to get up while I fell d...

27. 心,若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是流浪……——三毛

28. She was not only admired but also genuinely respected by members of both xes. 无论男人或是女人,不仅羡慕她,而且打心里尊重她。

29. Meaningless information is difficult for the little boy to remember. (保持原句意思)

30. They store much information in the computer. (改成被动语态

31. 一声撕肝裂胆的呼喊,边哭边尽力合上她睁大着的双眼。

32. Lily ud to have long straight hair. (改为反意疑问句

33. Mike doesn’t like classical music. Billy doesn’t either. (合并成一句) _________ Mike nor Billy __________ classical music.

34. I’ve already saved enough money to buy a new car. (改为否定句

35. It took Mary two weeks to prepare for the exam.

36. Don't throw stones at your neightbours,if your own windows are glass.假如你家的窗户是玻璃做的,别用石头打你的'邻居。

37. This is the most interesting film I have ever en. I have ____en _____ an interesting film before.

38. 关于人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说),在他们看来,

39. 读音:英 [ʃɔːt] 美 [ʃɔːrt]

40. 她只觉得心烦意乱,痛苦难堪;向前走一步,心里也更紧张一步,仿佛全身的血液一下子都注人了心里似的,煎熬得忍受不住。

41. 他大约有十三四岁又黑又胖的小脸上嵌着一个尖尖的翘鼻子长长的头发好久没理了浓浓的眉毛下闪着一对大眼睛乌黑的眼珠挺神气地转来转去

42. 棕色的眼睛里流露出的神秘让人心里产生害怕,和他眼睛颜色最配的头发更是体现了他的神秘,忽然的温柔让人无法招架 ,快速变化的冷淡又人异常难受。

43. bright

44. she has long brown curly hair wih be riotous with colour glass.她带着五颜六色的眼镜还有长棕色卷发(原创)

英语人物描写万能句子 精选106句

1. 这一来倒吓 我一跳仰头一看一个十二三岁的女孩子高高地坐在一枝树杈上手里还拿着一只口琴正准备吹哩她穿着火红色的绒绒衣套一条豆绿色的短裙子两只穿着力士鞋的小脚悬空的搭拉着怪自在的她那梳着小辫子的脑袋歪倚在右肩头上水灵灵的大眼睛向我玩皮地眨巴着鼻子略显有些上翘显露出一副淘气相只要你一看见她就会从心眼里喜欢她

2. The excellency of hogs is fatness,of men virtue.猪的优点在于肥壮,人的优点在于美德。

3. She could hardly understand this passage. (改为反意疑问句

4. 若无其事,原来是最狠的报复。——林夕小说《想哭》

5. Could you tell me where the East Street Hospital is? Excu me, ____ is the _____ to the East Street Hospital?

6. Do you know the boy who is called Tom.

7. 语篇填空 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(一)

8. He's really a party animal、

9. 解题时需注意的几个要点

10. Remember to ring me up as soon as you get to Nanjing Make ____ to give me a ring as soon as you _____ Nanjing.

11. The sun never repents of the good he does,nor does he ever demand a recompence.太阳绝不为它所做的善事后悔,也从不指望任何报酬。

12. 看着这景象,愤怒的人群如同涨满河槽的洪水,突然崩开了堤口,咆哮着,势不可挡地涌进了大厅 我的心绷得紧紧的这怎么忍受得了呢?我担心这个年轻的战士会突然跳起来,或者突然叫起来我不敢朝他那儿看,不忍眼巴巴地看着我的战友被活活地烧死但是我忍不住不看我盼望出现什么奇迹火突然间熄灭我的心像刀绞一般,泪水模糊了我的眼睛 老师的关心,使我心里像打翻了五味瓶,真不是滋味 我那颗忐忑不安的心越跳越快,我不敢往下想了XX激动的上言不搭下语~欣喜: *静的湖面激起了浪花,我的心情也像浪花一样欢腾。

13. We must keep the noi under 50 dbs.(分贝(改成被动语态)

14. If time permits, we will

15. Kitty does well in English.

16. Clean your finger,before you point at my spots.先洗浄你的手指,再指出我的污迹。

17. Judging from / by his words/what he said

18. 语态:主动语态变为被动语态的谓语结构

19. Johnson denied cheating in the competition.(改为反意疑问句)

20. I prefer walking there to going by bus.

21. Mr. Wang washes his car once a month. (改为一般疑问句)

22. To go fishing is fun. (句意不变 )

23. She was so careless that she couldn’t find the mistakes in her test paper. (保持句意基本不变

24. Did they know the answer to the question? Ididn’t know… (合并为一句 I didn’t know ________ they had ________ the answer to the question.

25. I crosd the street so as not to meet him, but he saw me and came running towards me.

26. The book is exciting to read.

27. 他乐得下嘴唇往上嘴唇包,脸蛋儿耸成个肉疙瘩。

28. They couldn't catch the train becau of the heavy traffic. The heavy traffic _____ them from _____ the train.

29. This is an article (由五部分组成)five parts. (consist

30. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

31. Mark's flown to Hainan Island for winter holidays. (改为反意疑问句

32. *静的眼睛里放出淡淡的光,*整的短发和*淡的脸正好相配,温善的性格是一种无与伦比的美丽。

33. Your father ud to ride a bike. (改成反意问句)

34. 简单句和复合句之间的互换常见的有:带有疑问词的宾语从句改为特殊疑问词+to+动词原形的不定式;结果状语从句so…that…改为enough to或too…to…的简单句。

35. 改反意疑问句时注意hardly, never, ldom, few, little, no等词表达的是否定意义,变反意疑问句时用肯定形式。

36. My friend Christine took part in the 800-meter race. She had received training many times, so she kept calm before the race. After 400 meters, though she looked tired, she still tried her best to run. We screamed and beat the drum when we saw she pasd by. She won the medal, and we were proud of it. (把短文中的从句或并列句改成非谓语动词

37. The moon, which travels round the earth once every month, is a natural satellite of the earth.

38. 读音:英 [braɪt] 美 [braɪt]

39. 你带着一串笑声从屋外走进客厅,轻松随便地穿一套红色运动衫,那么美丽多姿,那么热情似火,又那么恬淡简朴,一种不可名状的爱慕之情,蓦然在我心中升起。

40. Li Lei decided to move to Canada when he was thirty.

41. The elderly man pushed the birds into the river.(改为被动语态)

42. He has two Wrinkled hands他有双满是皱纹的手

43. He looks very funny with that hat on. (改为感叹句

44. “A或者B”类议论文模板:

45. This is the man who organized the activity.

46. 习题

47. 树丛被拨开了一个小孩的脑袋钻了进来这是个男孩子大约有十二三岁又黑又瘦的小脸上满是灰尘头发约有二寸多长乱蓬蓬的活像个喜鹊窝

48. 脸型(face): round 圆的; thin 瘦的; long 长的; square 方的。

49. 时态:不同的时态相对应的助动词

50. 正反观点式议论文模板

51. 我要你知道,在这个世界上,总有一个人是会永远等着你的。无论什么时候,无论在什么地方,总会有这么一个人。小说《半生缘》

52. They couldn't catch the train becau of the heavy traffic. The heital?

53. 过了一会儿,她又开始呜咽,并再一次试图用手掩盖他的痛苦,他那不时的啜泣变成持续不断的低声哭泣,他眼睛紧闭着,用牙咬着自己的拳头,想竭力制止抽泣。

54. You're still wet behind the ears、

55. 分词

56. 他是一位银行家常年戴着一顶黑色的帽子帽子底下那双小小的又十分有神的眼睛,冷冷地直勾勾地盯着交易柜台,那双眼睛中透着一种冷漠而又犀利的眼神。那张面无表情的脸的中间,高高地立着一个笔直的鼻梁。鼻子底下是一张紧闭着的嘴。

57. 你像一片轻柔的云在我眼前飘来飘去,你清丽秀雅的脸上荡漾着春天般美丽的笑容。在你那双又大又亮的眼睛里,桔红色的西服自然敞开,展现出红白相间的绒衣,湖蓝色的紧身长裤,衬托出修长的腿,既潇洒又富有美感。你的装扮是成功的!

58. Unless I have a quiet room, I cannot do any work. (保持句意不变)

59. 读音:英 [bɔːld] 美 [bɔːld]

60. We will have to finish the work hardly if you don't help us. We can't finish the work _____ _____ ______

61. Though he had been told veral times, he didn’t understand me.

62. but she wears short skirts ,I wear T-shirts ,she is cheer captain and I am on the bleachers

63. 中间过渡篇

64. A quite conscience sleeps in thunder,but rest and guilt live far adunder.平静的良心能在雷声中入睡,而安宁和负罪则无法毗邻。

65. You can choo only one of the two: a mini-TV or a DVD player. (改为选择疑问句

66. 头发(hair): 发型(hair style): straight 直的; curly 卷发的; pigtails 辫子; crew cut 平头; bald秃头的。

67. 总而言之,我们离不开_______但是同时我们必须尽力找出解决可能出现问题的新办法。

68. 对划线部分提问

69. short

70. Lucas has a lot on the ball、

71. bald

72. Nancy is too young to dress herlf.

73. The English people hardly ever shake hands between the strangers .( 改为反意疑问句

74. Sinking the fish falls wild goo 沉鱼落雁。

75. Have delicate looks 眉清目秀。

76. 动名词及不定式作业讲解

77. (对划线部分提问) _________ _________ has he been a top fashion designer?

78. Tom’s sister can speak English and Japane very well. (改为反意疑问句

79. 他穿着一身紫色直裰朝服,腰间扎条同色金丝蛛纹带,Hei发束起以镶碧Zuo金冠固Ding着,修长的身体挺De笔直,整个Ren丰神俊朗中You透着Yu生俱来的高贵,依旧如前世般让Ren觉得高不可攀低至尘埃。

80. 现在,很普遍,许多人喜欢,因为,另外(而且)。

81. The rugged face of the old sailor老水手满是皱纹的脸上(百度)

82. If you don't hurry up, you can't catch the train.

83. When you're good to others,you are best to yourlf.善待他人,即是最善待自己。

84. to go to the People’s Square by underground. (对划线部分提问

85. 读音:英 ['sæŋɡwɪnnes] 美 ['sæŋɡwɪnnes]

86. 在句子意思不变的情况下用分词或不定式改写下列句子:

87. She put the digital camera on the bed just now. (改为否定句

88. 已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中引发激烈的辩论。

89. If John doesn’t apologize for what he did, I will tell the teacher about his bad behavior.

90. 英语作文中介绍人物的姓名、描述人物出身的词汇 1)她于1990年11月7日出生于广东湛江。

91. He never hesitates to help if I have any problem.

92. There is no man so bad,but he cretly respects the good.再坏的人都会暗自敬重好人。

93. He's good-time c

94. 现在,,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,;其次,。更为糟糕的是。

95. The little girl didn’t go to bed unless the grandmother told her a story. (保持句意基本不变

96. 今日也穿着窄袖骑Zhuang,没有戴皮帽,只用Zuo空雕花的金冠束着头发,Yi身黑衣袖口禄口也缀着明黄缎边儿,瞧着比*日多,几分英挺和潇洒,端的是意气风发。

97. Every time I was in trouble, he had no hesitation in helping me.

98. She's said to be a jinx、

99. My brother has been away from home for two days.

100. 读音:英 [slɪm] 美 [slɪm]

101. 只有记忆成了身外之物我们才可以在这陵园一样的人间走得远些。小说《春别》

102. The flowers his friend gave him will die unless it is watered every day.

103. “Can I borrow your bike for a while or not?”( 保持句意基本不变)

104. Jane doesn't go to work by bus any longer.

105. He has some money left.(改成否定句)

106. When the test was finished, we began our holiday.

英语人物描写万能句子 精选87句

1. 学长,你喜欢我吗?不喜欢,但是……我可以试着去喜欢。小说《良辰多喜欢》

2. 保持原句意思改写句子时注意时态不变。

3. 眼泪似乎源源不断的落了下来,眼睛红红的,看了就令人心疼。

4. Do you know the boy who knows Japane?

5. Jane drinks milk every morning.(改为一般疑问句)

6. 漆黑的眼睛里有着深邃 ,可给人的感觉竟是那样随便,细柔的头发和他那张精致的面孔仿佛生来就是最好的材料。

7. The Smiths will invite the professor to take part in the party. (改成被动语态 to take part in the party by the Smiths.

8. sanguinenes

9. 例句:He shaved his head bald.

10. We do our homework every evening. (改为否定句)

11. We can’t finish the work in such a short time. (保持原句意思

12. Becau he is a physicist, he could well explained how to do the rearch.

13. 他心里好像有种说不出的滋味,好像全世界的蛇胆都在自己肚子中翻腾,他受不了,想把这种苦吐掉,但是这东西刚倒嘴边,又硬生生地咽了回去,空留他一口苦涩。

14. I think trying to stop the couple quarrelling will be of no u.

15. Don’t throw rubbish here and there. Our teacher said to us. (合并为一句

16. The plane is so big that it can carry 300 pasngers at one time. (改为简单句)

17. 观点论述类议论文模板:

18. The annual school sports meeting was held yesterday. It prented a marvelous opening ceremony.

19. It's the easiest thing in the world for a man to deceive himlf.自欺是世上最易之事。harlie, feeling no worries and anxieties、

20. People throw away millions of plastic bags in our city every day. (改成被动语态)

21. He has already been there .(改为一般疑问句

22. 俊美绝伦,脸如雕刻般五官分明,有Leng有角的脸俊美异常。外表看起来好象放荡不拘,但眼里不经意流露出的精光让人不敢小看。Yi头乌黑茂密的头发被金冠高高挽起,一双剑眉下却是一对细长的桃花眼,充满了多情,让人一不小心就会沦陷进去。高挺的鼻子,Hou薄适中的红唇Zhe时却漾Zhuo另人目眩的笑容。

23. I have already finished the test paper.(改为否定句)

24. The words on the notice board are very small. I can’t e them clearly.(保持句子原意

25. The manager arrived here a few minutes ago. (保持句意不变)

26. 她那长长的睫毛上挂满了泪珠,犹如出水芙蓉般清丽。

27. 他的脸像蜡一样的黄,嘴唇都发白了,灰白的胡子一颤一颤地,全身都在瑟瑟地发抖,一双深陷在眼窝里的眼睛,像一对火珠子一样,直盯着小商。

28. 例句:The bright moonlight showed the Taj Mahal in all its glory.

29. I don't know where we can grow vegetables in the city. (改为简单句 I don't know _________ _________ grow vegetables in the city.

30. she's a natural crier

31. Dolphins are so clever that they can follow the instructions.(保持句意基本不变) Dolphins are ________ ________ to follow the instructions.

32. After the opening ceremony, we sat in the ba of our class. We waited patiently for the beginning of the race.

33. 作句子独立成分(分词有自己的逻辑主语时,称为独立主格结构。)

34. consisting of / which consists of

35. 一个接一个的失败,像灭火剂一样把我心头的期望之火浇灭了。

36. We can solve the problems with the help of the teacher. (改为被动语态 The problems can _________ _________ with the help of the teacher.

37. He followed his students and came in.

38. 例句:His colour sometimes betwixt yellow and black, but for the mod parts more sanguin then otherwayes: a bold man and resolute, his hair curling.

39. Dog

40. I was late for school becau of the traffic accident. The traffic accident _____ me _____ getting to school on time.

41. Gold is less valuable than diamond. (保持句意不变

42. Jim was too careless to pass the exam last term.

43. 一双蓝色的眼睛还带有着不可轻看的神秘色彩,直直的长发中还透着一丝淡淡的柔光,在这丝光芒里 ,她那头漆黑的直发更是让人震惊 ,可是她的性格孤冷 ,会常常对人产生一种距离感 ,让人无法靠*。

44. It ems that the boys of the class are playing football on the playground.

45. You may be more happy than pinces,if you will be more virtuous.如果你能多做善事,你会比王子还要幸福。

46. 作表语。

47. His mother knew why the little boy was unhappy all day. (改为一般疑问句

48. 翻译:

49. beautiful 漂亮。

50. After the problem was solved,he took a rest.

51. 勇者愤怒,抽刃向更强者;怯者愤怒,却抽刃向更弱者。——鲁迅小说《华盖集·杂感》

52. 作状语。分词和分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、行为方式等意义。表示时间和原因的分词短语相当于对应的状语从句。

53. dating back to/from (which dates back to/from

54. 面临,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来。一方面,另一方面,

55. she saw the ashen face of one of the officers.她马上看到一个脸上毫无血色的脸(原创)

56. (划线部分提问)

57. Cao Fei joined the League three years ago.

58. He was born on the 18th of January, 1979 in Taiwan, and he was raid by his mother and was shy and quiet during his childhood.

59. 小玛拉哈(蒙古族)眉清目秀唇红齿白圆脸蛋高鼻梁一脑袋乌黑卷曲的头发挺俊气的只是耳朵长得老长真难看 可老人们说那是“佛相”有福气

60. 听到这个好消息,姐妹俩手拉手跳着,笑着,花裙子迎风摆动,活像一对活泼愉快的花蝴蝶。

61. He wears small,round glass and they make him look smart.

62. The couple couldn’t decide which flat they should choo at first. (保持原句意

63. 每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。——尼采

64. 例句:You've cut my hair very short.

65. Cat

66. 根据他的话判断), he did well in his exam. (judge

67. Snow-white skin of a beautiful woman 冰肌玉骨。

68. If you don’t improve your handwriting, you will lo marks in the exam. (合成同义句

69. He donated over 10 billion dollars in order that he could sponsor education, culture, sports, and public welfare in the earth-stricken area.

70. They realized Hainan was a beautiful place after they reached there.

71. He was born a hooked no.

72. slim

73. People ud to enjoy themlves chatting on MSN when it worked well. (保持句意基本不变

74. 作宾语补足语。

75. Jack's mother asked him, xxxHave you packed your things?xxx Jack's mother asked him ____ he ____ packed his things.

76. 眼泪一粒一粒地从眼眶里掉落出来,我不愿擦干,也不愿停止哭泣。

77. 翻译:红润

78. 任何事物都是有两面性,也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

79. My dictionary isn't so thick as yours.

80. Dick was so short that he couldn’t touch the top of the bookshelf.(保持句意基本不变)

81. My friends lost their way when they were traveling in Hong Kong. (改为一般疑问句

82. 关于人们有不同的观点。一些人认为

83. He is very tall——almost is the tallest boy in my class.

84. The room is so dirty that we can’t live in it.(保持句意不变)

85. Bell is said __________ the telephone. (用不定式

86. They invited the astronaut and his wife to the party on Christmas Eve.(改为被动语态

87. Sam does some cleaning in the morning. (改为否定句

英语人物描写万能句子 精选34句

1. No one knows when we will start tomorrow. (保持原句意思)

2. It ems that the students in that class have all pasd the qualified exam.

3. Some of my classmates work very hard, and they hope to fulfill their dream. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. As time goes by ,he becoms aware of it.

5. She likes singing better than dancing. She ____ singing ____ dancing.

6. It is likely that the typhoon will sweep across the island.

7. 例句:I wish I was as slim as you.

8. 合并下列句子

9. It ems that they have known each other.

10. 一种纯然的快乐情绪就像酒精在血管里一样,开始把半痴半呆转化成兴奋的晕眩。

11. He told the children to go and watch his tank of Ghost fish. (改为被动语态 The children ________ ________ to go and watch his tank of Ghost fish.

12. It happened that he had been invited

13. When the national flag is being hoisted, all the students stand at attention, . (fix

14. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题,这个问题变得越来越严重。

15. 图表作文框架

16. 林黛玉的眼泪很多,一遇到不开心的事,泪水就流个不停。

17. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢

18. He's really a law-down dirty shame、

19. If you are not brave, you’ll lo your last chance.(保持原句意思)

20. 眼泪像断不了的线一样,随风而飞。

21. xxxMy grandpa doesn't like coffee or cokexxx said Bob

22. 在合并句子时,有些连词如not only…but also…, neither…nor…, either…or…是就近原则,连接两个主语时动词形式取决于与动词邻近的主语。而both…and…连接两个主语时,主语是复数。

23. 她是一个多愁善感的女人,不管遇到什么事,受到一点委屈就嚎啕大哭

24. 介绍兵坛名将(邓亚萍)Deng Yaping, 28, from Henan Province. And I hope that I can go to visit him soon. I am the apple of his eye, but when it comes to my study he is very strict。

25. -Thank you very much. -You're welcome.

26. I don’t decide what I should do.

27. He wears black hat and black jacket and dark blue cotton他带着黑布小帽,黑布大马褂,深青色布棉袍 (《背影》朱自清)

28. My watch doesn't work well.

29. 俊美绝伦,脸如雕刻般五官分明,有Leng有角的脸俊美异常。外表看起来好象*不拘,但眼里不经意流露出的精光让人不敢小看。Yi头乌黑茂密的头发被金冠高高挽起,一双剑眉下却是一对细长的桃花眼,充满了多情,让人一不小心就会沦陷进去。高挺的鼻子,Hou薄适中的红唇Zhe时却漾Zhuo另人目眩的笑容。

30. 颤栗地发出动物哀鸣般的哭泣。

31. 痛苦来临时不要总问:“为什么偏偏是我?”因为快乐降临时你可没有问过这个问题。——韩寒

32. That detective film is so amazing. (改为感叹句)

33. 一进园门就有个男孩子粘上我了他大约十一二岁穿着红背心蓝短裤腰带耷拉着一截;浑身是土像个小土地爷毛茸茸的*头衬着一张白皙的小圆脸儿使我联想到蒲公英他像飞蛾见了火似的在我身前身后转悠伸着脖子看我的镁光灯

34. 像琥珀一样美丽的眼睛,头发是一片代表阳光的金色,活泼的性格非常的讨人喜爱 ,脸上偶尔还会露出清风般的笑容。

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