From:IP Address: (originates from France)Date:Mon, 02-Feb-2011 09:37:04amAttachment:(No attachment)Subject:[G-Spam] PLEASE REPLY BACK.Message:ConFIDENTIAL BUSINESS PROPOSAL.FROM THE DESK OF: MR. JOSEPH YANA.AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB)BURKINA-FASO.Dear Sir / Madam, I am the Bill and Exchange (assistant) Manager of the African Development Bank, MR. JOSEPH YANA. In my department I discovered an abandoned sum of USD$9.900.000 in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customers who died along with his wife and two children in July 2002 in a plane crash. Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin(近亲属) to come over and claim his money, but unfortunately we learnt that all his suppod next of kin or relation died alongside with him in the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. It is therefore upon this discovery that I in my department now decided to make this business proposal to you and relea the money to you as next of kin or relation since nobody is coming for it and we don't want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The banking law and guidelines here says that if such money remains unclaimed after ten years, the money will be transferred into the bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The request of the foreigner in this transaction(办理) is necessary becau our late customer was a foreigner. We agree that 30% of this money will be for you as foreigner partner, 5% will be t aside for expens incurred during the business and 65% would be for me, after which I shall visit your country for disburment(开支) according to the percentages indicated. Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you as arranged, you must apply first to the bank, and nd your account number, your private telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and location where the money will be nt. Upon receiving your reply, I will nd to you by fax or e-mail the text of the application which you shall retype and fax to us. Trusting to receive your urgent reply through my alternative Email : jyana96 @ yahoo.com.id Best regards. MR. JOSEPH YANA.小题1: A foreigner who receives this letter should ________.A.be a clo relative of the dead.B.nd hundreds of dollars to AfricaC.go to African Development Bank for the wealthD.not take it riously.小题2:Which of the following is true according to the text?A.Many millionaires died in the plane crash.B.Any money unclaimed will be given to a poor foreigner.C.the division of the money ems quite reasonable.D.AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK doesn’t exist at all.小题3: A person who believes “__________” will fall into it.A.Nothing ventured, nothing gained.B.There's no such thing as a free lunch.C.All rivers run into the aD.A short cut is often a wrong cut 题型:未知难度:其他题型答案
据考高分专家说,试题“From:一、广告布告类阅读试题的文体特点: 此类文章不同于其他文体的文章,其目的是为了向读者传输信息,措辞简洁明了,直截了当,一般说来,广告布告类阅读试题具有以下特点:1、选材特点:信息量大,文句精炼,形式灵活,用最少的篇幅表达最大量的信息。2、内容特点:生活化,实用化,多样化,如产品宣传、服务介绍、通知、海报、启示、招生招聘等。3、形式特点:标题醒目,重点突出,条理清晰,常用粗体字或各类项目符号使文章结构更鲜明。4、语言特点:人名、地名、专有名词多;生词多;缩略词、祈使句、省略句多;结构不完整。5、命题特点:主要考察考生提取信息和处理信息的能力,既注重特定细节的筛选、类比、综合,又注重推理判断题的考查,题目设置相对较容易。 二、解题技巧点拨: 阅读这类文章时,也应该在整体把握文章结构的前提下,主要注意细节信息。细节题题干都是相应原文的变形(如同义改写、词性转换等),因此要找到答案一定要找到题干在原文中的出处,再把原文和选项相比较。做题时,根据所提问题用寻读、跳读的方法可达到事半功倍的效果。同时,在阅读时也要特别注意文中以粗体、大写、下划线等方式加以提示的文字,因为这很有可能是文章的核心或某一部分内容的概括。具体答题策略如下:1、先题后文:先读试题,了解考点;明确目的,快速捕捉,获取信息。2、题干定向:根据题干关键词到文中定位答案范围,按照题目顺序依次而下:问题与材料相同:对号入座;问题与原文相同:同义替换、归纳事实等。3、生词模糊:遇到生词;如无关答题,直接跳过;涉及答题,则根据语境、构词法等猜词。4、信息补全:对于影响理解的省略句,可根据语境,将其补全。
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