第二节读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。When I was a teenager, my dad did everything he could to advi me against becoming a brewer(啤酒制造者). He didn’t even want me anywhere near a vat(酿酒用的桶). So I did as he asked. I got good grades and went to Harvard.In the cond year, I began to realize that I’d never done anything but go to school. So, at 24 I decided to drop out (辍学)for some time. Obviously, my parents didn’t think this was a great idea. But I felt strongly that one can’t wait till he is 65 to do what he wants to in life. Having worked for 2 years, I went back to Harvard to continue my study.After graduation, I got a highly-paid job in Boston. After working there five years, I wondered, “Is this what I want to be doing when I’m 50?” At that time, Americans spent good money on beer in low quality. Why not make good beer for Americans? I thought. I decided to quit my job to become a brewer. When I told Dad, he was astonished, but in the end he supported me. Six weeks later, at the Great American Beer Festival, my Sam Adams Boston Lager(淡啤酒) won the top prize for American beer. In the end I was destined(注定) to be a brewer. My advice to the young is simple: decide by yourlves not your niors what you should do for a life when you are young. 【写作内容】1.用大约30个词概括原文内容。2.然后用大约120个词表达自己对如何解决“孩子的个人志向与家长愿望之间的矛盾”的看法,内容包括:(1)说明家长尊重孩子志向的重要性。(2)用自己或他人的事例说明应该如何解决孩子的个人志向与家长愿望之间的矛盾。【写作要求】1.作文中可使用自己亲身经历或虚构的故事支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。 题型:未知难度:其他题型答案
The author tells us that he became successful in his life by making decisions by himlf in spite that his decisions didn’t agree with his father’s, which is advice for the young.It can often be en that parents force their children to do what they expect them to for a life. However, this may often lead to conflicts between children and parents, sometimes even unfortunate conquences. As is known, anything the children decide to do when they are young will generally be their lifelong careers. If parents’ advice is against their ambitions or interests, they may be failures without the n of achievement. Therefore, if parents care about their children’s future success and happiness, plea respect their ambitions and choices.But do you think it needs communication and proper tactics to make your parents to respect your choice and ambition? Here is an example in my life. When I was about to graduate from junior school, one of my friends, who loved auto engineering, decided not to go to high school, but go to a vocational to learn auto engineering. His parents were terribly against his idea. One evening, he sat by his father and asked a question what would increa fastest in the future 10 years. His father realized what he wanted to say after giving him the answer. They talked about cars and car repairing for hours. His parents eventually agreed with him and supported his choice. From the above, we can draw a conclusion that if you try to solve the problem by communication and proper tactics to make your parents understand your decision, they will respect your choice and ambition.解析
据考高分专家说,试题“第二节读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)阅.....”主要考查你对 [小作文 ]考点的理解。 小作文小作文的概念:
1、重格式,不轻内容: 应用文的大作文的一个很大区别就是重格式,规律性强。格式和套路不对,一般会给阅卷老师留下很不好的印象。例如:信件一般不需要题目,通知和告示却需要,如2010年的题目Volunteers wanted。不只题目,还有客套话署名等。例如:公务信函中的称呼,一般而言,如果是不认识的人,称呼为敬词+尊称。例如,Dear Sir or Madam或 To whom it may concern;如果是写给关系正式的某团体中的人,称呼为敬词+尊称+名。例如,Dear Mr. xx或 Dear Ms. xx;对于关系较亲密的人可以直呼其名(Dear)Peter等。这都是有规律可循的。 2、轻思想,重交际: 这里所谓的轻思想,主要是指因为100字的应用文,除去那些客套话,其实一般主体部分也就2-3个句子就可以解决。这么短的篇幅,是不可能求思想性有多强。这点和大作文不一样,大作文中,如果你没有一定的思想深度,文章结构会很松散,让人感觉是句子的堆砌。而那种连贯性和衔接手法的应用也不会太准确。而小作文,我们要做到的只是注意用词语体以及语域的适当性,要点覆盖的全面性。 3、字数少,易得分: 应用文的篇幅很短,很容易得分。试想,想在阅读理解中10分,你需要在理解一篇500-600字的文章的基础上答对5道选择题。从这个角度而言,小作文的确是容易拿分的,应该成为考生提分的板块。 4、重套路,难发挥: 应用文的这一个特点,仍然是和它的套路性、格式化有关。因此我们更需要用词的准确性。需要我们对语言的语体特点(genre features)进行区分。以免让词汇的语体影响到准确性。写给机构的信函,应该避免使用太口语化的语言。例如06年是写给一个机构的申请信,而08年是写给友人的私人信件,那么两年的应用文写作中,就要求使用不同的语言。从称呼到正文部分,08年的文章用词都可以更口语化和随意一些。正因为这种套路的稳定性,对于同等基础的考生来讲,这部分很难达到技压群雄的效果,很难拉开和别人的距离。也就是说,对于所有考生来说,得10分不容易,得2分甚至4分也很不容易。
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