四级范文背诵短篇 第2篇Welcome to the camera club
Welcome to the camera club. With the sponsor of the student’s union, the camera club has been t and rved all the students for 15 years. Many wonderful activities are organized and arranged in our club. As is expected by all, the training on how to make the best u of the camera to provide a wonderful picture is open to all new members. Besides we will organize traveling activities at times, during which the participants have the chance to show the pictures, as well as enjoy beautiful scenery. In addition, photo contests will be held is the opportunities to show your progress. We have good reasons to believe that all the activities are quite beneficial to both your study and life, not only can they help you improve your camera technique, but also enrich your college life greatly. Moreover by participating in the traveling activities and photo contests, you can be clo to the nature and broaden your views. Anyone who is interested in photography welcome warmly. What you need to do is just to call us at 62514479 or email us at cameraclub@. Looking forward to your participation.
四级范文背诵短篇 第3篇Certificates Craze on Campus
In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly, ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind.
Why does this craze appear? There are two mainly reasons behind this phenomenon. First, it is the employments pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a large more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job markets. How can one make himlf more competitive, more certificates at hands maybe. Second, the diplomas and certificates are still important standard by which many employers measure a person’s ability in order to increa qualification for a job, the students compel themlves to run from one exam to another.
Form my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability, being crazy in getting certificates blindly. It is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value.
四级范文背诵短篇 第4篇A Letter of Congratulation
May 10th,2008
Dear Jack,
I am delighted to learn that you are going to graduate. That is one of the most joyful news I have heard for a long time. I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations on your graduation. No one can deny the fact that you have a very good performance in your graduate school. Owing to your quality of leadership and good character, you have got a recognition from your teachers and schoolmates. And as I know, your graduation papers will be published in an important international magazine. With your talents and achievements, I am sure you will be a success in whatever you undertake in your future. Kindly let me know when you are convenient. I do hope to express my congratulation to you face to face. I take pride in your achievements and I want to aware mylf of this opportunity to extend to you my best wishes for your success and happiness.
Your sincerely,
四级范文背诵短篇 第5篇An Invitation Letter
June 15,2008
Dear Xue Feng,
This June 30th I am going to graduate, so I want to hold a party on Saturday evening in my hou. It would be pleasant to have you here. So interesting will this party be that you can't afford to miss it. For one thing, we will have a big meal,sing the popular songs and play games. For another, it also provides a good opportunity for you to meet many friends that you haven't en for a long time. What an important thing it is for me to get your participation. First, you are my best friend and bring home to me many things. Second, we haven't en each other for quite a long time and I am eager to e you. The party would not be complete without you. The party will begin at ven thirty . Is it possible for us to e you at ven on Saturday evening in my hou? I do hope you can come.
Sincerely yours,
Ma Yuan
四级范文背诵短篇 第6篇根据每个人现阶段英语水平的不同,英语学习计划可以根据下面的点进行细分:
四级范文背诵短篇 第7篇Does e-mail make people get clor or drift apart?
Nowadays, more and more people are exchanging a great variety of imformation by using electronic mails instead of traditional ways of mailing letters. Some people think that e-mail makes relationships among people clor, while some others maintain that makes people drift apart.
Tho who hold the former opinion insist that the appearence of e-mail makes communication quicker and more convenient. By e-mail people can deliver more information including pictures and sounds. However, some others think e-mail with the same format and printfont includes less emotion, then traditional letters written by hand. Most people u e-mails to deliver information instead of feelings.
From my point of view, e-mail does bring great convenience for people, but it is not a better way to express our feelings than traditional letters. Our hand-writing on the paper can deliver much emotion. Therefore, when you want to express your love and care to someone, writing a letter to her or him by hand is a wi choice.
四级范文背诵短篇 第8篇Advantages of Trying New Things
It is widely accepted that one is more likely to succeed at things he already knows how to do limit ourlves to doing only tho things we are good at will make us miss many opportunities to develop other interests and it is necessary for us to try some new things and take some we have the risk of failure when trying new things,we can get many advantages from it.
Firstly,the process of trying a new thing is a rewarding experience,from which we may feel a different if we fail,we can still absorb experience and lessons from the trying process and our it turns out that we succeed at this new try,we'll get great pleasure and is impossible for us to never fail even if we do only what we are familiar don't know when we'll meet the situation we can't experience of trying new things,when facing unexpected situations,we can deal with them better.
Condidering the above mentioned,we needn't be afraid of new things but should bravely try it is worth noting that trying new things bravely does not mean acting rashly and should take full account before we are ready to try new things.
四级范文背诵短篇 第9篇1.认真作好课堂笔记,课堂笔记是系统复习的重要资料;
四级范文背诵短篇 第10篇Machine Translation and Human Translation
In recent years, all kinds of electronic dictionaries and translation software have been developed. With the development of technology,the electronic dictionaries and software can help us translate not only words and phras, but even ntences and paragraphs. So some people come to the conclusion that machine translation will replace traditional human translation. However,I couldn't agree with this argument.
Admittedly,translation machines and software bring much convenience for our study and work. With them,we needn't bother to live through the heavy dictionaries. However,machine translation has its disadvantages. First,generally speaking, translation software only can give direct translation, which is sometimes not in accordance with the original articles in logic and meaning. Second,some people depend on electronic dictionaries and software too much, which is unfavorable to their improvement in language ability.
Considering the above mentioned, I think that machine translation cannot replace human translation, but it is a good complementary to human translation. Therefore,we should combine machine translation with human translation effectively.
四级范文背诵短篇 第11篇新的学期即将到来,为了使下学期的学习成绩进步、各科成绩优异、不偏科,在此做新学期的打算,如下:
四级范文背诵短篇 第12篇1. 为什么我英语总是学不好?
初学英语者, 最头痛的事无非不知从何下手,无规律可循,今天背了背了这些单词,明天忘记,反反复复,总是始于零。这好比,我们站在原点,周边四周都是没有路,前面没有指示标,我们从东走了几步,感觉找不到路,于是又退了回来,从西出发,走了几步,还是畏惧退了回来。在我看来无论你从哪个方向出发,最主要是先找到自己的对英语兴趣的地方和一本适合的教材,一是因为兴趣为最大的老师。有了一定兴趣,学习就会变得自觉。引起兴趣的学习方法很多,可以从朗读开始,可以从阅读简单英文故事开始,可以从观看电影开始,可以从事模仿说话开始等等;二是只要你找到一种适合自己的教材,在不断的学习方法中,找到最适合自己的学习方法着手,每天坚持学习,两年内进行简单的阅读和对话是不成问题的。(这里主要针对以前有一定基础的但是又丢的差不多的学生。)当然要成为英语全面的人,势必不应该避重就轻,只捡自己感兴趣的开始。因为某些高级技能的形成过程,的确会有些枯燥。
2. 什么教材才最适合呢?是不是教材越多越好?
3. 那么,我们应该如何开始新概念学习呢?
由于有一定英语基础,我现在以《新概念第二册》 的第一遍范文,作为自学剖析。在软件中,有“原文”、“双语”、“词汇”、“详解”和“习题”这几部分组成。一篇文章以一周时间为学习过程,对于我们目前的工作状态,时间是差不多的。
a) 当我们拿到一遍文章,先不急于看原文,先把词汇部分自学, 熟读和理解,目的是在熟读和理解文章过程中,减少难度。这部分,要求:单词部分能够默写或听写。
b) 当熟悉单词后,我们并不着急去看原文和文章,而是对单词的“详解”部分好好学习和理解。这里主要是对单词的用法进行了详细解释,看懂和理解后,对自己以后进行表达有非常重大的作用。要求:对出现的短语词组和解释的句子进行抄下来,背诵下来。这样对以后如何这些运用词组非常有作用。
c) 当完成理解上面两个部分之后,我们先不着急看原文,先自己按软件下面部分的播放键,选择自己喜欢的英音或者美音,进行反复听,听三到五遍后,看自己能理解多少。要求:听懂大意。
d) 完成听这部分内容后,阅读原文,把文章看两到三遍,自己理解以后,试着翻译出来或者在内心翻译,之后对照一下中文翻译,以矫正自己的误解。其实,大部分难点在我之前要求看的详解部分已经解释过了。这时候整体文章顺下来,其实不太难了。要求:达到内容完全理解。
e) 不要以为完成上面部分之后,你就完成了这篇的英文学习,打比方这时候烧开水的话,顶多才五六十度。很多人学习英语水平就止于此。下面部分是使你达到质的变化,直至沸腾。按照自己喜欢的发音(英音或者美音),反反复复进行模仿发音和朗诵。一定要朗读出来,不要在内心念。不断纠正自己的发音和语调,还有断句。直到你能把全文朗朗上口,完全背诵下来。随时随地不经意地说出文章里的句子。之后你才完成这篇课文的学习。如果说前面的过程是筑基,后面的过程就是建楼起楼。这个过程是帮你形成语感和提升你口语至关重要的过程,绝不能偷懒和忽略。要求:在达到模仿度80%的基础上背诵下文章。我的自我要求在90%。
4. 口语提高技巧
1) 每天坚持模仿标准的英音或者美音的范文,坚持模仿唯妙唯俏,只有你的发音准确了,语调对了,老外才能明白你说什么。另外,模仿和朗读的过程是培养你根据词意断句,锻炼你的英语思维能力。最后要求熟背范文-脱口而出的地步。
2) 每天坚持听半个小时的英语新闻或者资料。可选择自己熟悉的先听,这样你会觉得比较有成就感。英语的听力和口语是相辅相成的。口语好的人一般听力都可以,听力好的人,口语也不会太差,(个别人才除外。) 准备个小本子,随时随刻地积累自己不知道的词汇和表达好的句子,多多朗读,达到脱口而出的地步。 参加一些英语口语角,你学习的词句,大胆地秀出来。尽量跟比自己水平高点的人交流。人家能帮你指点一些不足。不要跟很多中国人围着一个老外扎堆,那样你没有太多说话的机会,只能练习听力。口语是实践出真知。不赞同毫无准备的练习,那样的话,提高不是很多。每次有准备,把所准备的尽量用上,反复说几次。相信你所准备的东西一定会深深地刻在你脑子里。 达到一定能力的表达时,关键是要注意积累自己思想的表达。如果需要参加什么面试、演讲等等,可以提前写成文字、修改熟读、将一些好的表达转化成自己的语言。这样的话,慢慢地你就能词能达意了。 几乎所有学习某项技能的人,都会面临的问题。那就是持之以恒。每天把这些事儿当作头等大事来做。务必完成。隔三差五是不会有太大进步的。好比你烧一壶开水,烧到90°,你就暂停,等冷却了再重新烧到90°。这样的话,你永远不会知道水到达100°后是什么样的。
四级范文背诵短篇 第13篇一、总则:
四级范文背诵短篇 第14篇Social Practice of College Students
Nowadays, many universities encourage and organize students to take part in social practice activities. During the holidays, more and more students choo to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs or take part in other practical activities alike.
It is obvious that social practice is playing a more and more important role in Chine college education. Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice. Above all, there are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside the campus. Moreover, in social practice activities, students can apply their knowledge to solution to practical problems. So the social practice skills are improved greatly. Besides, social practice help strengthen students since social responsibility. Considering their above mentions. I think it is necessary for college students to participant in social practice. However, social practice may bring some problems. For example, some students spend too much time in taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their study. Therefore, we should try to balance relationship between social practice and study.
四级范文背诵短篇 第15篇Does a Student Need Private Tutoring?
A recent investigation shows that about 70 percent of middle school students in cities have private tutors. Such a popular practice indicates that parents are attaching greater importance to their children's education. However, private tutoring has both advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand, many parents have not enough ability or time to help their children in study. Private tutoring is a good solution to this problem. In addition, private tutoring is usually one-to-one, so the teacher can know the weak points as well as the strong points of the pupil, and thus teaching is, in most cas, directly to the point.
On the other hand, private tutoring has its own disadvantages. For one thing, it takes up so much of the pupil’s time that he can hardly find enough time for rest and entertainment. For another, some tutors, busy “shuttling” from one family to another, tend to be unable to concentrate on their teaching duties as tutors.
Considering the above-mentioned, I think the disadvantages of private tutoring outweigh its advantages. In my opinion, greater emphasis should be laid on classroom teaching and practice, on the improvement of teaching quality and on the tapping of the pupil’s potential. Only in this way can a new generation be healthily brought up.
四级范文背诵短篇 第16篇明确你的学习目的
在开始每一周、每一个月的学习前制定一个学习目标,并随时跟踪你的学习进度。例如:“i will master the prent-perfectten” or “i will learn 20 sport englishidioms”。并在你所制定的期限到来之前做一个测试,确保能完成预订的目标。把大的目标划分为几个小目标并同步进行测试也是达成学习目标的一个很好的办法。这是一个让你能了解到自己进步的好方法,坚持下去也会不断的激励你前进。
四级范文背诵短篇 第17篇Since the policy of Reform and Open in the last century, Chine economy develops so rapidly. At the same time, the technology catches up with the world. The popular social communicational tool Wechat was created in China, but now it conquers the world and people is crazy about it.
The reason why people like to u Wechat is that the functions are all-sided. Before Wechat, the most popular social communicational tool like facebook though is creative, it has to download another software to better communication. While for Wechat, everything is simple, you don’t need to download another software. What’s more, you can pay and have the webcam with your friends. The comment that your friends give to you is more private, only the common friends can share. As it is so convenient, people say that they can do everything with a smart phone at hand.
Technology changes our life and people’s need promotes the improvement of technology. We u our wisdom and create the new things. We should be proud of us and show to the world that Chine people are creative.
四级范文背诵短篇 第18篇Online games
As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. Many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from the games. But as we e, some students lacking lf discipline on too much indulge in the games. So that their health and academic performances are affected.
This phenomenon has caud much worry from the teachers and parents. However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train their ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and relea their pressure greatly.
Form my point of view, online games are wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once, but if you have enough lf control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.
四级范文背诵短篇 第19篇Along with the improvement of living standards, people are no longer content with being fed and clothed adequately. They are more concerned about how to enhance their n of happiness.
To a large extent, happiness depends on individuals’ understanding about it. For some people, happiness relies on material basis, without which they can't live comfortably and decently. For others, they believe that happiness has nothing to do with money. Thus to enhance happiness is not equal to improving one’s material living standards. Instead, people are suppod to confront their life with right attitude, to be active and grateful in order to have a happy life.
For my part, money does buy happiness, but only up to the point where it enables one to live comfortably. To boost one’s happiness not only needs the material but also the spiritual enrichment. It encompass living a meaningful life, utilizing your gifts and your time, living with reflection and objective.
四级范文背诵短篇 第20篇Holiday Economy
As we e, the extended holidays have caud unexpected great travel craze and brisk economic there are many debates on the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of holiday people,especially some economists,are in favor of the holiday believe that tourism-bad holiday economy has raid consumption and helped to spur the domestic addition,transportation,catering,hotels and rvice industries become flourishing during long holidays.
However,many others argue that the holiday economy do more harm than travel craze puts a heavy burden on the traffic of tourists full scenic spots causing over crowdedness and safety problems.
As to me,I believe the advantages of holiday economy outweigh its all,holiday economy greatly benefits the development of our overall can enjoy more colourful commodities and more preferential policies provided by the the government should take effective measures to reduce the side effects of holiday economy.
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