08临床七年二系二班 彭雪峰 2008210047
There is no cret at all
_____kongfu panda
Some lines layman’s language film. A reflection of the light of wisdom
and philosophy of color. Especially the wi turtle master, he says many things
are full of meaning, under the peach tree he says to the raccoon ” When I can
not force the peach blossom, when the results, I can only wait for it to mature,
As if to tell us ”
Everything has its natural growth cycle, we can not change nature, it can be
carefully and patiently cultivated and cared for, to make it better quality, do
not to pull up the edlings in order to help them grow faster philosophy
quite mean haste makes waste. And the word” Your mind is like water, when
agitated, it is difficult to e, but when it calmed down, the answer becomes
clear” It shows the Chine pursuit the spiritual realm: Looking hard gas
rather the a.” Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, and today is a gift.”
Stresd the importance of the prent reality, only to ize the day to e the
history, we can e the future. At the end of the film, tho words said by the
raccoon are also full of meaning. “You are the Dragon Warrior, you bring
peace to this valley "" I'm not dead, I just enjoy the peace” This points to the
esnce of Chine martial arts - it is not the highest level of advanced
martial arts, to defeat the enemy, not to dominate, but peace is the most
peaceful and harmonious state, and this is the Chine people and Chine
society in the pursuit of the best. The goo father of the "truth" the cret
ingredient of my cret ingredient soup is ... nothing to make something
special , you just have to believe it’s special. You have to do is to believe, fully
believe. I think this is also the cret of the dragon scroll is blank Why the
interpretation of the powers of the world's most powerful crets is the
lf-confidence, and only believe in yourlf to unlimited potential. The soul
of Chine culture, including the soul of Chine martial arts are equal grams
of yin and yang, which is a usual way of thinking. The film, we can e a lot
of reflection at the soul of China. Imitation of Nature in the martial arts form,
to show the tiger, crane, mantis, monkey, snake image in the five-Jie. The
origin of the five original form of ancient martial arts, Chine culture is
embodied in the idea inside the Imitation of Nature. In addition, the image of
the sacred tears spring Tai Chi, Kung Fu is China's another genre - the
embodiment of Tai Chi were, stress is allelopathy, going to the system
properties object, Other things such as wonderland general of the Chine
landscape, light and sweet traditional Chine music, the most food with
Chine characteristics, as well as mysterious and interesting in the eyes of
foreigners calligraphy and acupuncture, in the film have a manifestation of
apt. As long as you believe, anything is possible
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