One windy spring day,I obrved young people having fun
using the wind to fly their kites. Multicolored creations of varying
shapes and sizes filled the skies like beautiful birds darting and
dancing. As the strong winds gusted against the kites,a string
kept them in check.
Instead of blowing away with the wind,they aro against it
to achieve great heights. They shook and pulled,but the
restraining string and the cumbersome tail kept them in tow,facing upward and against the wind. As the kites struggled and
trembled against the string,they emed to say,“Let me go!Let me go!I want to be free!”They soared beautifully even as
they fought the restriction of the string. Finally,one of the kites
succeeded in breaking loo. “Free at last,”it emed to say. “Free
to fly with the wind.”
Yet freedom from restraint sim* put it at the mercy of an
unsympathetic breeze. It fluttered ungracefully to the ground and
landed in a tangled mass of weeds and string against a dead bush.
“Free at last” free to lie powerless in the dirt,to be blown
helplessly along the ground,and to lodge lifeless against the first
How much like kites we sometimes are. The Heaven gives us
adversity and restrictions,rules to follow from which we can grow
and gain strength. Restraint is a necessary counterpart to the
winds of opposition. Some of us tug at the rules so hard that we
never soar to reach the heights we might have obtained. We keep
part of the mandment and never ri high enough to get our tails
off the ground.
Let us each ri to the great heights,recognizing that some
of the restraints that we may chafe under are actually the
steadying force that helps us ascend and achieve.
It ems to me there are two aspects to is the
demure and the dauntless.
Men have loved to dwell, in fiction at least, on the demure
maiden who inevitable re* is: Oh, yes, if you plea, kind sir! The
demure maiden, the demure spou, the demure mother -this is
still the ideal. A few maidens, mistress and mothers are demure.
A few pretend to be. But the vast majority are not. And they don't
pretend to be. We don't expect a girl skilfully driving her car to
be demure, we expect her to be dauntless. What good would
demure and maidenly Members of Parliament be, inevitably
responding: Oh, yes, if you plea, kind sir! -Though of cour
there are masculine members of that kidney. -And a demure
telephone girl? Or even a demure stenographer? Demureness, to
be sure, is outwardly ing, it is an outward mark of femininity, like
bobbed hair. But it goes with inward dauntlessness. The girl who
has got to make her way in life has got to be dauntless, and if she
has a pretty, demure manner with it, then luck girl. She kills two
birds with two stones.
With the two kinds of femininity go two kinds of confidence:
There are the women who are cocksure, and the women who are
hensure. A really up-to-date woman is a cocksure woman. She
doesn't have a doubt nor a qualm. She is the modern type.
Whereas the old-fashioned demure woman was sure as a hen is
sure, that is, without knowing anything about it. She went quietly
and busily clucking around, laying the eggs and mothering the
chickens in a kind of anxious dream that still was full of sureness.
But not mental sureness. Her sureness was a physical condition,
very soothing, but a condition out of which she could easily be
startled or frightened.
It is quite amusing to e the two kinds of sureness in
chickens. The cockerel is, naturally, cocksure. He crows becau
he is certain it is day. Then the hen peeps out from under her
wing. He marches to the door of the henhou and pokes out his
head asrtively: Ah ha! daylight, of cour, just as I said! -and he
majestically steps down the chicken ladder towards terra firma,
knowing that the hens will step cautiously after him, drawn by his
confidence. So after him, cautiously, step the hens. He crows
again: Ha-ha! here we are! -It is indisputable, and the hens accept
it entirely. He marches towards the hou. From the hou a
person ought to appear, scattering corn. Why does the person
not appear? The cock will e to it. He is cocksure. He gives a loud
crow in the doorway, and the person appears. The hens are
suitably impresd but immediately devote all their henny
consciousness to the scattered corn, pecking absorbedly, while
the cock runs and fuss, cocksure that he is responsible for it all.
So the day goes on. The cock finds a tit-bit, and loudly calls
the hens. They scuffle up in henny surety, and gobble the tit-bit.
But when they find a juicy morl for themlves, they devour it
in silence, hensure. Unless, of cour, there are little chicks, when
they most anxiously call the brood. But in her own dim surety, the
hen is really much surer than the cock, in a different way. She
marches off to lay her egg, she cures obstinately the nest she
wants, she lays her egg at last, then steps forth again with
prancing confidence, and gives that most assured of all sounds,
the hensure cackle of a bird who has laid her egg. The cock, who
is never so sure about anything as the hen is about the egg she
has laid, immediately starts to cackle like the female of his species.
He is pining to be hensure, for hensure is so much surer than
如此日复一日。公鸡发现了一点精美的食物,就大声呼唤母鸡。母鸡带着特有的安详自信拖着脚走来,大口大口地吃着食物。但当是她们自己发现了一小块 美食时,就会悄悄地很温驯地吞下去。当然,除非有小鸡在时,她们会很焦急地呼唤小鸡。但是母鸡内敛的温驯却以不同的方式显得比公鸡更具自信。她走过去产蛋,坚持安顿好她想要的巢,终于产下蛋来,然后再神气十足地走上前去发出最自信的声音,那是产下蛋来的充满自信的母鸡的咯咯声。公鸡对任何东西从来没有像母鸡产下蛋时那么自信过,因此他立即开始学他的同类母鸡一样咯咯叫起来。他渴望表现出母鸡一样的自信,因为母鸡的自信比公鸡的要有力得多。
Nevertheless, cocksure is boss. When the chicken-hawk
appears in the sky, loud are the cockerel's calls of alarm. Then the
hens scuffle under the verandah, the cock ruffles his feathers on
guard. The hens are numb with fear, they say: Alas, there is no
health in us! How wonderful to be a cock so bold! -And they
huddle, numbed. But their very numbness is hensurety.
Just as the cock can cackle, however, as if he had laid the egg,
so can the hen bird crow. She can more or less assume his
cocksureness. And yet she is never so easy, cocksure, as she ud
to be when she was hensure. Cocksure, she is cocksure, but
uneasy. Hensure, she trembles, but is easy.
It ems to me just the same in the vast human farmyard.
Only nowadays all the cocks are cackling and pretending to lay
eggs, and all the hens are crowing and pretending to call the sun
out of bed. If women today are cocksure, men are hensure. Men
are timid, tremulous, rather soft and submissive, easy in their very
henlike tremulousness. They only want to be spoken to gently. So
the women step forth with a good loud cock-a-doodle-do!
The tragedy about cocksure women is that they are more
cocky, in their assurance, than the cock himlf. They never realize
that when the cock gives his loud crow in the morning, he listens
acutely afterwards, to hear if some other wretch of a cock dare
crow defiance, challenge. To the cock, there is always defiance,
challenge, danger and death on the clear air; or the possibility
But alas, when the hen crows, she listens for no defiance or
challenge. When she says cock-a-doodle-do! then it is
unanswerable. The cock listens for an answer, alert. But the hen
knows she is unanswerable. Cock-a-doodle-do! and there it is,
take it or leave it!
And it is this that makes the cocksureness of women so
dangerous, so devastating. It is really out of scheme, it is not in
relation to the rest of things. So we have the tragedy of cocksure
women. They find, so often, that instead of having laid an egg,
they have laid a vote, or an empty ink-bottle, or some other
absolutely unhatchable object, which means nothing to them.
It is the tragedy of the modern woman. She es cocksure, she
puts all her passion and energy and years of her life into some
effort or asrtion, without ever listening for the denial which she
ought to take into count. She is cocksure, but she is a hen all the
time. Frightened of her own henny lf, she rushes to mad lengths
about votes, or welfare, or sports, or business: she is marvellous,
out-manning the man. But alas, it is all fundamentally
disconnected. It is all an attitude, and one day the attitude will e
a weird cramp, a pain, and then it will collap. And when it has
collapd, and she looks at the eggs she has laid, votes, or miles
of typewriting, years of business efficiency -suddenly, becau
she is a hen and not a cock, all she has done will turn into pure
nothingness to her. Suddenly it all falls out of relation to her basic
henny lf, and she realizes she has lost her life.
The lovely henny surety, the hensureness which is the real
bliss of every female, has been denied her: she had never had it.
Having lived her life with such utmost strenuousness and
cocksureness, she has misd her life altogether. Nothingness!
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