托福阅读tpo46R-2 原文+译文+题目+答案+背景知识
原文 .................................................................................................................................................. 1
译文 .................................................................................................................................................. 2
题目 .................................................................................................................................................. 3
答案 .................................................................................................................................................. 7
背景知识........................................................................................................................................... 8
The Commercial Revolution in Medieval Europe
①Beginning in the 1160s, the opening of new silver mines in northern Europe led
to the minting and circulation of vast quantities of silver coins. The widespread u
of cash greatly incread the volume of international trade. Business procedures
changed radically. The individual traveling merchant who alone handled virtually all
aspects of exchange evolved into an operation involving three parate types of
merchants: the dentary merchant who ran the "home office" financing and
organizing the firm's entire export-import trade; the carriers who transported
goods by land and a; and the company agents resident in cities abroad who, on
the advice of the home office, looked after sales and procurements.
②Commercial correspondence, unnecessary when one businessperson oversaw
everything and made direct bargains with buyers and llers, multiplied. Regular
courier rvice among commercial cities began. Commercial accounting became
more complex when firms had to deal with shareholders, manufacturers,
customers, branch offices, employees, and competing firms. Tolls on roads became
high enough to finance what has been called a road revolution, involving new
surfaces and bridges, new pass through the Alps, and new inns and hospices for
travelers. The growth of mutual trust among merchants facilitated the growth of
sales on credit and led to new developments in finance, such as the bill of
exchange, a device that made the long, slow, and very dangerous shipment of
coins unnecessary.
③The ventures of the German Hanatic League illustrate the advancements.
The Hanatic League was a mercantile association of European towns dating from
1159. The league grew by the end of the fourteenth century to include about 200
cities from Holland to Poland. Across regular, well- defined trade routes along the
Baltic and North as, the ships of league cities carried furs, wax, copper, fish, grain,
timber, and wine. The goods were exchanged for finished products, mainly cloth
and salt, from western cities. At cities such as Bruges and London, Hanatic
merchants cured special trading concessions, exempting them from all tolls and
allowing them to trade at local fairs. Hanatic merchants established foreign
trading centers, the most famous of which was the London Steelyard, a walled
community with warehous, offices, a church, and residential quarters for
company reprentatives. By the late thirteenth century, Hanatic merchants had
developed an important business technique, the business register. Merchants
publicly recorded their debts and contracts and received a league guarantee for
them. This device proved a decisive factor in the later development of credit and
commerce in northern Europe.
④The developments added up to what one modern scholar has called "a
commercial revolution." In the long run, the commercial revolution of the High
Middle Ages (a d 1000-1300) brought about radical change in European society.
One remarkable aspect of this change was that the commercial class constituted
a small part of the total population—never more than 10 percent. They exercid
an influence far in excess of their numbers. The commercial revolution created a
great deal of new wealth, which meant a higher standard of living. The existence of
wealth did not escape the attention of kings and other rulers. Wealth could be
taxed, and through taxation, kings could create strong and centralized states. In the
years to come, alliances with the middle class were to enable kings to weaken
aristocratic interests and build the states that came to be called modern.
⑤The commercial revolution also provided the opportunity for thousands of
agricultural workers to improve their social position. The slow but steady
transformation of European society from almost completely rural and isolated to
relatively more urban constituted the greatest effect of the commercial revolution
that began in the eleventh century. Even so, merchants and business people did
not run medieval communities, except in central and northern Italy and in the
county of Flanders. Most towns remained small. The nobility and churchmen
determined the predominant social attitudes, values, and patterns of thought and
behavior. The commercial changes of the eleventh through fourteenth centuries
did however, lay the economic foundation for the development of urban life and
1. According to paragraph 1, one effect of the incread u of cash was that
A. an individual merchant no longer performed all aspects of trading
B. a company's home office declined in importance
C. merchants no longer had to transport their goods to distant places
D. the volume of trade declined in areas lacking silver mines
2. The word “radically”, in the passage is clost in meaning t
A. fundamentally
B. quickly
C. unexpectedly
D. gradually
3. The word oversaw" in the passage is clost In meaning t
A. understood
B. included
C. delivered
D. supervid
4. According tparagraph 2, which of the following was NOT an effect of the change
in business procedures?
A. An increa in credit sales
B. The u of courier rvices between cities
C. The adoption of simpler accounting procedures
D. The improvement of roads
5. Which of the ntences below best express the esntial information in the
highlighted ntence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in
important ways or leave out esntial information.
A. Credit sales and bills of exchange were devices that merchants developed in
order to increa their mutual trust.
B. Merchants developed ways to finance their sales without having trely on
slow and dangerous shipments of coins.
C. Greater trust among merchants led tan increa in credit sales and to the
u of bills of exchange that made the shipping of coins unnecessary.
D. Merchants began to trust one another when it became to slow and
dangerous for a single merchant to ship coins.
6. According to paragraph 3, Hanatic merchants benefited by all of the following
A. the u of trading centers in distant cities
B. a new system of recording commercial transactions
C. the opening of overland trade routes across northern Europe
D. access to markets in about 200 cities
7. The word "decisive" in the passage is clost in meaning t
A. probable
B. determining
C. helpful
D. limiting
8. Why does the author provide the information in paragraph 4 that the
commercial class never exceeded 10 percent of the population?
A. To argue that the wealth created by the commercial revolution benefited
only a small number of people
B. To challenge the view that the commercial class made up a majority of the
population of Europe
C. To suggest a reason that the commercial revolution ended around A. D. 1300
D. To emphasize the point that the commercial revolution was brought about
by a small part of the population
9. According to paragraph 4, which of the following was associated with the ri of
modem states?
A. Incread wealth for the ruling class
B. The weakening of the aristocracy
C. The decline of the middle class
D. A reduction in taxes
10. The word "alliances" in the passage is clost in meaning t
A. transactions
B. communications
C. partnerships
D. conflicts
11. According to paragraph 5, the most important result of the commercial
revolution was t
A. simplify the organization of European society
B. provide employment to agricultural workers
C. encourage merchants to become community leaders
D. change Europe from a rural ta more urban society
12. Paragraph 5 supports which of the following inferences about the commercial
revolution between ad 1000 and 1300?
A. It had very little impact on social attitudes and values.
B. It brought about major political changes throughout Europe.
C. It lesned the influence of the church.
D. It incread the population of small towns.
13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following ntence could
be added to the passage.
While it originated in the German city of Liibeck, it began to expand in 1241
when Liibeck entered into a mutual protection treaty with the city of Hamburg..
Where would the ntence best fit? Click on a square [■] to add the ntence to
the passage.
14. Directions: An introductory ntence for a brief summary of the passage is
provided below. Complete the summary by lecting the THREE answer choices
that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some ntences do not
belong in the summary becau they express ideas that are not prented in the
passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.
Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong To remove an answer
choice, click on it
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During the High Middle Ages (A.D. 1000-1300), Europe underwent a commercial
Answer Choices
nts adopted new accounting and trading procedures to make
long-distance trading more efficient.
faster transportation made possible by improved roads expanded the variety
of goods that could be brought to European towns from far away.
increasing importance of commercial trade led to a decline in the influence
of traditional sources of power, such as kings and church leaders.
mining of silver improved the curity of commercial transactions by
allowing coins to replace credit and bills of exchange as the means of exchange.
Hanatic League was an association of European towns that obtained
shipping, trading, and financial benefits for its members.
an society became increasingly urban, with better living conditions and a
stronger centralized government.
1-5.A A D C C
6-10.C B D B C
11-13.D A A
1) 城市的复兴(大约11-13世纪):在欧洲的商业革命初期,许多城市开始复兴,尤其是在意大利和弗兰德斯地区。这些城市中的商人和手工艺者开始组织起来,形成行会,通过贸易和手工业活动积累财富。
2) 新贸易路线的开辟(大约13-15世纪):在这个阶段,由于航海技术的发展和对亚洲商品的需求增加,欧洲人开始寻找新的贸易路线。例如,威尼斯和热那亚等城市成为地中海贸易的中心。随着地理大发现,大西洋贸易也开始兴起。
3) 银行和金融系统的发展(大约13-17世纪):商业革命期间,银行和金融系统得到了显著的发展。兑换凭证的使用、信用制度的建立,以及股份公司的出现,这些都是这个阶段的重要特点。威尼斯、热那亚、安特卫普和阿姆斯特丹等城市逐渐成为欧洲的金融中心。
4) 货币经济的扩大(大约16-18世纪):在这个阶段,货币经济在欧洲进一步发展,特别是金银的流通。新大陆的银矿开采,尤其是南美的波托西银矿,为欧洲提供了大量的贵金属。这使得商品价格普遍上涨,被历史学家称为"价格革命"。
5) 全球贸易网络的形成(大约16-18世纪):随着大航海时代的到来,欧洲人开始了广泛的海洋探索,与亚洲、非洲和美洲的贸易联系也日益增强。葡萄牙、西班牙、荷兰、英国和法国等国家建立起遍布全球的贸易网络,欧洲成为全球经济的中心。
1) 经济增长:商业革命扩大了商品交换的范围,促进了经济增长。城市的崛起和商业活动的增加使得社会生产力得到提升。银行和金融机构的发展,特别是信用系统的建立,使得贸易可以更为便捷地进行。
2) 社会变革:商业革命催生了新的社会阶层,特别是商人和手工工艺者阶层。这些阶层的崛起瓦解了封建社会的等级制度,为社会的民主化和现代化打下了基础。
3) 文化影响:随着贸易的扩大,人们的视野也得到了开阔。异域文化的传入推动了文化的交流和创新。此外,商人阶层对教育和艺术的赞助,特别是文艺复兴运动的推动,对欧洲文化的发展产生了深远影响。
4) 科技进步:商业革命带来了许多重要的科技创新,例如航海技术、印刷技术等。这些科技的进步不仅推动了商业的发展,而且为欧洲的工业化奠定了基础。
5) 地理大发现:商业革命刺激了对新航路和新地域的探索,这导致了欧洲的地理大发现。这些大发现使欧洲人接触到了世界的其他部分,获取了大量的新资源,并使欧洲逐渐成为世界的中心。
6) 资本主义初步:商业革命在一定程度上打破了封建主义经济,为资本主义经济的出现打下了基础。商品生产的扩大,商业资本的积累,货币经济的发展,这些都是资本主义经济的重要特征。
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