
更新时间:2024-01-24 23:32:57 阅读: 评论:0




志愿服务的益处 TheBenefitsofVolunteering





erthatvolunteeringisnotonlyagr eatcontri b utiontoo ur socie

ty and t ho w hoar eirrne ed, bu t als oimpro ves theml

ve sinmanya s pectso

如今,越来越多的人愿意成为志愿者尤其是大学生, 因为他们觉得志愿服务不仅仅是对社会有重大贡献还对那 些有需要的人,而且还在多方面提升了自我。

F or onething , thereisno doubtthatv olunteerin gmakescon

t ribution to oursoci ety andpeo plei nneed。 Thev olun teersp

rov idethei ra ssistanc e withoutre quiringany financialr

ewardso Th e ircontri bu tionsha vea greati mpac tonha rmony

soci etycon tri bution。

一方面,毫无疑问的是志愿服务对我们的社会做贡献 和有需要

的人。志愿者不要求回报的带给帮忙。他们的贡 献对和谐社会有很大的影响。

Foran othe r, rv ing asavolu nt eerisals o beneficia

ltothevolu nteersthem lveso Th e ycanimpr ov etheirm uni

cation skil lswhe nprov idin ghelpf oro therso o ne oftheexa

m plesistha ttheuniver sitystuden tswhorv e incanton Fa

irwillg eta greatc hanc etopr actic alth eirEng lis handget

in touchwit h different kindsofpeo pleaswella sbroadthe i

rhorizon。I nadditi on, byrv inga sdiff ere nt kind sofvol

unt eers, th ey areeasie r tounderst andtheml vesandknow

inwhichfi e Idstheya re interes ted。

另一方面,作为一个志愿者,对于志愿者自我也是有 利的。在带给帮忙的同时他们能够提高自我的沟通技巧。 其中一个例子是,广交会服务的大学生能够得到锻炼英语 的机会,还能够接触到各种各样的人来开阔视野。此外, 成为不一样类型的志愿者,他们更容易了解自我,明白兴 趣之所在。

Inaword , volunteer inghasbrou ghtmanyben efitstoou r society,

th owhoa rei nneeda swel lasth evolu ntee rsthem i veso The

re fore, let u njoythe timewhen rvingasavo lunteero

总之,志愿服务为我们社会带来了许多好处,也给那 些有需要的人以及自我志愿者带来了好处。因此,让我们 好好享受作为一个志愿者的时光吧。


Th e voluntee ri ngspiri tha ssprea damo ngthe

chine pe oplein rec entyear s, especial 1 y amongyou


Volunte er ingisof tre mendou sben efits tobot htho inne

eda ndsocie ty。Takethe

wenchuan Earthquake asanexamp 1 e。Hundre ds ofthous and

sofvol unte erspl ayan

ac tiverol ei nwenchua. n quake~hit areaso Andt heycontrib

utedailyn e cessarie s, offer

med icalh el pan dpsy cholog ica lhelp to th edisaste r

reliefwor k。


s, volunte e tingwoul db ebenefi cia ltothe volu

nt eer st hem lv es~Ge t tin ginvolv ed

involu nteering, v olunteersw illbeexpo s edto anew en

vironme nt, and the yean learn how

tow orkwell in ateam, ho w toimprove theirinter

personalsk illsandor g anizatio na lskills ,

allof which arec ritico lfo rtheirp ro fessiona 1 growtho

Asacollege student, I s incerely ho pethate ver yonewo

uldj ointh evolu ntee ringwo rk。Itis

n o tonlygood tooursocie ty, butalso achancefo r ustogrow

an dtolear no


I nrecent ye ars, thev o lunteerin gspirithas spreadamon

gthechine s epeople, es peciall yam ongyou ngst erso A ccord

ingt oasurv ey, in2008, th erewerea b outl , 700, OOOvolunte

erswhooffe redrvic e forolymp ic Gameso A ctu ally, a nine

reasi ngnum bero fpeopl ebe evolimt ee rveryy e arinchina。

Volunte eringacti o nsareoft re mendous ben efitst obot

hthos einne edan dtheso cie ty。olym pi cGamesar e agoodexam

pie。Asiskn owntoall , v olunteers p layedana ct iverole inB

ei jing olym picGa meso w itho utthem , it wouldbe at oughtask

t oholdthis un-precede ntolympicG ames

o Ther e fore, wee an

saythat itw asthos evol untee rswho ensu redthe sue cessoft

he gameso

Asmodern collegestu dents, wes h ouldgeta ct ivelyin vol

vedinv olun teeri ngact ivit ies。 By par ticipat in g, wecanl

e arnhowtow orkwellina team, how to improveou r interper so

nalskil Isa ndorga niza tiona labil ityo Undoub ted ly, allo

ft hearec r iticalfor ourpersong rowth

o So, w eshouldta k

ethischa nc etolear nan dtogro wo


志愿者活动 Volu n teerActiv ity

Inrec entyears, t hevolunt ee ringspi rit hasspr eada

mongt hechi ne people , es peciall ya mongyoun g sters o Acc

ordingtoas urvey, in20 08, therew e reaboutl , 7 00, OOOv olu

nteers whoo ffere drv icef orolym pic Games

o A ct ually, an

i ncreasing numberofpe oplebeevol unteersin c hinaever yy earo

近年来,志愿服务精神已经蔓延在中国人中传播开来 了,尤其是年轻人。据调查,2008年大约有1 70万志愿者 为奥林匹克运动会带给服务。实际上,每年在中国都有越


Vo lun teerin gact ionsa reoft reme ndousb ene fitstob

ot hthoin n eedandthe society。ol ympicGames areagoode x

ample。As is knownto all , volun teer splay edana ctiv erolei

nBe ijingol ym picGames 。 withoutth em, it would beatoughta

sktohold t h isun-pre ce dentoly mpi eGames。The refor e, wee

ansa ythati twa sthov ol unteersw h oensuredt hesuccesso

fthegame s。

志愿行为对于那些需要帮忙的人和社会都是有极大的 好处。奥运会就是一个很好的例子。众所周知,志愿者在 北京奥运会中扮演了用心的主角。没有他们,这将会是一 个艰巨的任务去完成这史无前例的奥运会。因此,我们能 够说,是那些志愿者保证了那些运动的成功举行。

Asmo dernc olleg estu dents, wes houldge ta ctivelyi n

volvedinv olunteerin gactivitie s。Byparti c ipating, we can

1 ear nho wtowor kwel linat earn, h owto improv eou rinterp

er sonalski 1 lsandorga nizational ability。Un doubtedly ,

allofthe arecrit ica. lforou rper songr owtho So, w eshoul

dta kethisc ha ncetolea r

nandtogro w。

作为现代大学生,我们就应用心的参与到志愿活动中 来。透过参与,我们能够学习如何在团队中有效的工作, 如何提高人际交往潜力和组织潜力。毫无疑问,所有这些 都是至关重要的在我们的人生长。所以,我们就应抓住这 个机会去学习和成长。


Iw ant tobeav olun teero fbei j ingo lympic gam eso

Irea li zedtheti m ef lieso Im uststudyen glishveryh ar do Becau

s eEnglish is veryu ful anditi sver yimpo rtant。 And tobeav

olu nteerof th eolympic g amesisgoo dformylf too。Icanma

kesomefri e ndsfromd if ferentc oun triesa ndle arnmo reabo

utsp ort, ab out Olympic。 B utthefir s tthingtop erparethis

isstudyhar d, Iamconf i dentiwil It obeagoo dvo luntee rand

Iwill showt hewo rld:ou rco untryan do urcities a resoperfe

ctinthewor Id。

Some o fushelpe de leanthe cit yparkw hile somew entto

chil drens Hos pitalto te llstorie s tosickkid sto cheer th

emupo Somes tudentssa n gsongsfo rt heoldin the Homefo rthe

Elder lyo la mgoo dattel lin gstorie ss olwentto t hehospita

lwithmycla ssmates。Vo lenteerwo r kisnoton ly interes tin

gbutal sone cessa rybec au wecans how ourlove to peoplein

n eedo 志愿者英语作文(六):

m y opinions on Volunte eri ng

w earem iddl eschoo 1st udentsa nd wearebus y withourle

ssons。 Soso mepeopleth inkweshou 1 dconcent ra temoreo nou

rstudi es。I fwevo lunte erto helpot her s , it,sa wa steoftim

e 。Butlthin kvolunteer ingisgreat 。

Inoto nl yfeelgo oda bouthe lpin gothe rs, bu tals ogetto

spe ndtimed oi ngwhatll o vetodoo An dfromvolun teeringlha

velearned m anything st hatlhav ene verlea rned incla sso So

ifIh aveano ppo utunity , I,dliketo v isitoldpe ople' shous

estocleanu pforthemo I ' dalsoli ke tohelps ick kidsin hosp

italo Hove kids andlpl ant oputmyl ov etogoodu s ebyworkin

ginhospita 1。

Inawo r d, I,dlik et ohelppe opl ewhone edhe lp0

If every

oneh elpsou tab it, thew or ldwillbe m orecolorf ulo


No wa days, th ere isainc reas ingnu mberf orpe opleto joi

ninthea ct ivitieso f volunteer ingo It, swe 11-knownth

atvolunte e ringjobi sm akingco ntr ibutio ntot hesoc

ietyw ithn othing inr eturno I slikethe L eifengspi rito

Howeve r, knowingt his, there a restillm an ypeople wou

ldlike tode votet hem vesi nthist ren d。Forin st ance,

the 2 008Beijin golympicGa meshassoma nyvolunte e rso

Theym ad elotsof con tribut iont othes ucces sofo pening

the Olympic s。 moreover

、 wecanofte nethatth

eremanystu dentsgoto g eroiumto vi sittheo ldt obring warm

tothe lonel ypeo pie o Ev ent hereare so mepeople ,

scareeris volunteer o Theyarerea dytohelpo t hers。Alt ho

ughthev olu nteers arem uchmo remon , wes tillne edt

othanks th emtoadmi r ethemdevo tingthem vestotheso


志愿者英语作文(八): 志愿者Volun teer

No wadays, th ereisain c reasingnu mberforpeo pletojoini

ntheactiv i tiesofvo lu nteerin g。 I swel l~kn own th atvol

unte eringj obi smaking co ntributi o ntothesoc ietywithno

thinginret urno It, si i ketheLei fe ngspiri t。H owever,

kno wingt his, t here aresti 11m anypeop le wouldlik e todevotet

hemvesin thistrend。 Forinstan c e, the200 8B eijingo lym

picGam esha ssoma nyvol unte erso Th eym adelots of contribu

t iontothes uccessofop eningtheol ympicso mo r eover, we ca

noft ens eet hatthe rema nys tu dents goto geroiu mto visitth

eo ldtobrin g warmtothe lonelypeop le。Eventhe rearesome p

eople' sc ar eerisvo lun teero T heya rerea dytoh elpo therso

Alt houghth ev olunteer s aremuchmo rem on, west illneedtot

hanksthem t oadmiret he mdevoti ngt hemv esto theso ciety


如今,有越来越多的人加入到志愿服务行业。众所周 知,志愿者工作是对社会的无私贡献。就像雷锋精神一样。 然而,虽然意识到这一点但还是有很多人愿意奉献于这个 行业。例如,200 8年北京奥运会有这么多的志愿者。他们 为奥运会的成功举行做了很多的贡献。此外,我们经常能 够看到,有很多学生去敬老院看望老人给他们带去温暖。 甚至有些人的职业就是志愿者。他们时刻准备好去帮忙别 人。虽然志愿者是越来越常见了,但我们仍然要感谢他们



I nrecentyea rs, thevolu nteerings p irithass pr eadamon

gth echine pe ople, espec iall yamong you ngsters 。A ccording

t oasurvey , in2008 , the rewereabou tl, 700, 00 0 voluntee

rs whooffe red rvic efor olymp icGam es。 A ctuall y, a

nincrea si ngnumber o fpeoplebe evolunteer sinchinaev eryyearo

近年来,志愿服务精神已经蔓延在中国人中传播开来 了,尤其是年轻人。据调查,2008年大约有170万志愿者 为奥林匹克运动会带给服务。实际上,每年在中国都有越 来越多的人成为志愿者。

V olunteer in gaction sar eoftre mend ousbe nefit stob

oththo i nneedan dt hesociet y

。 olympicG amesareago


o Asisknown t oall , vol un teerspl aye danact iver

olein Bei ji ngol ympicG ame s。 witho ut them, itw o uldbeatou

ghtasktoho ldthisun-p recedento 1 ymp icGam es。Theref ore ,

weca n sayt hat it wasth ov olunte ers whoensu re dthesucc

e ssofthe gameso

志愿行为对于那些需要帮忙的人和社会都是有极大的 好处。奥运会就是一个很好的例子。众所周知,志愿者在 北京奥运会中扮演了用心的主角。没有他们,这将会是一 个艰巨的任务去完成这史无前例的奥运会。因此,我们能 够说,是那些志愿者保证了那些运动的成功举行。

Asmoder neo lieges tude nts, w eshou ldge tactiv ely

involve di nvolunte e ringactiv ities

o Bypa rticipatin g,

wecanle a rnhowtow or kwellin ate am, how toim prove ourin terp

ersona lsk illsand or ganizati o nalabilit y。Undoubte dly ,

alloft hearecr i ticalfor ou rperson gro wth。So , wes hould

taket hisc hancet ole arnandt og rowo

作为现代大学生,我们就应用心的参与到志愿活动中 来。透过参与,我们能够学习如何在团队中有效的工作, 如何提高人际交往潜力和组织潜力。毫无疑问,所有这些 都是至关重要的在我们的人生长。所以,我们就应抓住这 个机会去学习和成长。 志愿者英语作文(十):

m yopinion so nVolimt eer ing

weare midd lescho ols tudents an dwearebu s ywithourl

essonso Sos omepeoplet hinkwesho u ldconcen tr atemore ono

urstud ieso Ifwev olunt eert ohelpo the rs, it' s aw asteofti

m e

o ButIthi nkvoluntee ringisgrea t。

Inot on lyfeelg ood abouth elpi ngoth ers, b utal soge tt

osp end time do ingwha tl 1 ove to do。A ndfromvolu

nteeringlh avelearne d nianythin gs thatlha ven everle

arne dincl ass。S oifl havean opp outunit y, I,dliket o

?visitoldp eople shou stoclean upforthem。I’ dalsol ik

etohelp sic kkidsi nhos pital 。 Ilov ekid sandip lan

toputmy lo vetogood u byworki nginhospit alo

I naw o rd, I,dli ke tohelpp eop lewhon eedh elpo I fever

yone helpso uta bit, the wo rldwillb e morecolor fulo

本文发布于:2024-01-24 23:32:57,感谢您对本站的认可!



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