【秒杀汉字三字短句】1)别傻了!Don't be silly!2)别闹了!knock it off! 3)别装了!Stop
pretending! 4)别惹我.Don't piss me off. 5)随便你!It's up to you! 6)得了吧! Come on!7)我怀疑.I doubt it. 8)该你了.It‘s your turn. 9)懂了吗? Get it?10)放轻松. Take it
【 美剧高频词weird】Weird是―奇怪‖的意思,和strange同义。美式口语中多用weird。a) That is weird.那太奇怪了。b)She's a really weird girl.她真是个古怪的女孩。c)He's got
some weird ideas.他有些怪念头。d)I know it sounds weird.我知道这听起来很奇怪。e)This might em kinda weird.
【考研英语核心词汇辨析】absurd, ridiculous, silly ―愚蠢,可笑‖ ①absurd a. 荒谬的,可笑的,指因不符合常识、违反真理或不合逻辑而令人发笑。②ridiculous a. 荒唐可笑的,指因为愚昧无知而令人发笑并成为笑柄,含有蔑视成分。③silly a. 愚蠢的,傻的,指由于单纯或者头脑简单而显得愚蠢。
【情绪不好时的表达】 off my back.不要再烦我了。2.I'm still drowsy/sleepy. 我昏昏欲睡的。't be so hard on me.别对我太凶。're getting on my nerves.你惹毛我了。5.I got the short end of the stick.这是我遇到最糟的情况。6.I don't really
feel like talking.我不想说话。
【星期天的含义】Happy ''Sunday'' to ALL my followers ! 快乐的星期天原来每个字母都有它特殊的含义: S-special day 特别的一天 ;U-uful day 有益的一天; N-noble
day 崇高的一天; D-delightful day 愉快的一天; A-ambitious day 有欲望的一天;
Y-youthful day 朝气蓬勃的一天
【吃货必备】吃点东西have something to eat;主食staple food;咀嚼 chew;吞咽
swallow;吃得太多 overeat;吃得很少eat like a bird;随便吃几口垫垫肚子grab a bite;节食be on a diet;绝食be on a hunger strike;我吃饱了 I‘ve had enough/I‘m full
【如何表达不确定】:1)It's hard to say.很难说 2)I'm not sure.我不确定 3)It depends.要看情况而定 4)It's not certain.还不确定 5)Nothing is t yet.事情都还没有定案 6)It
hasn't been decided yet.还没有决定 7)It's not clear.事情还未明确 8)It's up in the air.情况还混沌未明
【口语交流中高频词汇搭配】1)be determined to 决心 2)in need 在危难中 3)in the
wake of 随着…而来 4)bang up 弄伤 5)prepare for 为…做准备 6)face the facts 面对现实 7)hang on 坚持下去 8)hold off 挡住 9)sort of 有那么点儿 10)under control 处于控制之下
【秒杀汉字三字短句】1)别傻了!Don't be silly!2)别闹了!knock it off! 3)别装了!Stop
pretending! 4)别惹我.Don't piss me off. 5)随便你!It's up to you! 6)得了吧! Come on!7)我怀疑.I doubt it. 8)该你了.It‘s your turn. 9)懂了吗? Get it?10)放轻松. Take it
地道英语随手用:"I just don't buy his story." ―我就是不相信他说的‖。―buy‖ 可以形象地形容我们去"接受"某某。。。有―相信‖的意思。―Don't buy it. He is only making excus.‖
She's a has-been. 她过气了/是过去式了。
She's a has been. 猜猜啥意思。
He wears two hats. 他身兼两职。
I have a n of well-being. 我有种幸福的感觉。
This negotiation got into deadlock.这场谈判陷入僵局。
He runs errands in the office.他在办公室打杂。
I will try it anew/afresh.我会再试试。
It slipped my mind.我忘得干干净净。
My legs turned to water.我腿软的像团烂泥。
I pulled an all-nighter last night.昨晚我开夜车了。
Fancy meeting you here!没想到在这遇见你。
He is full of novel ideas.他满脑子都是新奇的想法。
【英语中的礼貌问题】1. 别人向你解释问题时,懂了或知道可以说i got it,不懂就说I'm not clear about it.别一个劲儿说I know,这样很没礼貌,老外会觉得你不想听而停止解释;2. 别人问你不愿公开的问题,说it's my cret会让对方尴尬,也有失风度,可以说I would rather not say(还是别说了吧)
【时尚口语】今天学习一个有趣的idiom:tighten your belt, it means to try to spend less
money.也就是―节约‖的意思,就像是中文中的―勒紧裤腰带、节俭过日子‖;例如:I'll have
to tighten my belt for a while so I can buy an iphone5.我得勒紧裤腰带一段时间,这样我就可以买iphone5了。
【爱情循环习语串烧】1. be attracted 被吸引 → 2. have a crush on 有好感 → 3. fall
in love with 坠入爱河 → 4. be in a relationship with 确定关系 → 5. fall head over
heels in love 神魂颠倒 → 6. love-hate relationship 爱恨交加 → 7. fall out of love 爱已停息 → 8. break up 分手
【时尚新词】1. Text purgatory 备受煎熬等短信,是指给心仪的人发了邀约短信后,在等待对方回复的那段时间里所经历的那种焦急等待的煎熬,用法:be in text purgatory;2. Singlism 单身歧视,指给单身的成年人贴上某些负面的标签;3. husbeen 过气老公,是指在家中没有地位,惟妻命是从的丈夫。
【容易误解的短语】1. by no means 绝不、无论如何都不,放句首时需倒装,如:By no
means will I hurt her. 我绝不会伤害她的。2. every inch 十足地,容易误解为每一英寸,
如:He is every inch a bastard. 他是个十足的混蛋。3. A fat chance 微小的机会,希望渺茫,容易因为fat而误解为机会很大。
You are just saying that.你只是说说而已。
awesome,还可以用动词 rule 或者 rock;第二,形容某人傲慢,牛逼哄哄,可以用 cocky!例如:It's awesome! it rocks!/it rules!太牛了!或者You rock/rule你太牛了;再如:Don't
get too cocky!别太得意了!--绯闻女孩
【几句好用的话】You have to e it to believe it. 眼见为实。Out with the old and in with
the new. 旧的不去新的不来。If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 没坏就不要去管它。You are
what you eat. 人如其食。What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. 无法打倒我的劫难只会让我变得更坚强有力。
【美国人常用个性经典短语】Thousand times no! 绝对办不到!Easy does it. 慢慢来。What is the fuss? 吵什么?Still up? 还没睡呀?Don't let me down. 别让我失望。God works. 上帝的安排。Does it rve your purpo? 对你有用吗?Don't flatter me.
过奖了。Can-do. 能人。Bottle it! 闭嘴!
【各种花名】 ro玫瑰花;carnation 康乃馨;daisy;rhododendron杜鹃花;camellia山茶花; lily百合花;tulip郁金香;jasminum sambac茉莉花; gardenia栀子花;sunflower向日葵;syringa 紫丁香; begonia 秋海棠;magnolia木兰花;holly冬青;water lily荷花
【时尚口语】rain check 意思是下次吧,也就是延期,允诺或约定以后再补邀请之意;例如有朋友请你吃饭,但你临时有事,就可以说:I have to take a rain check on our
dinner. 我们的晚饭时间得延期了。或者可以说:I gotta be somewhere, but, uh, rain
check? 我得去其他的地方,下次好吗?你正在干嘛?
【各种表示时间的短语】right now 现在,马上;soon 很快,一会儿;in a minute 立即,马上;at the moment 此刻;sooner or later 迟早;shortly 不久,马上;in the future
将来;in a few days 过几天,几天之后;the other day 不久前的某天,几天以前;in the
past 过去;a long time ago很久以前
关于Think的俚语】1. think-tank 智囊团;2. think ahead (to something) 事先考虑(某事);3. think straight 想清楚;4. think back (to sth.) 回想(某事);5. think sth.
through/think through sth. 彻底想明白某事;6. think something up 想出/发明某事物;7. think over 仔细考虑、斟酌
【关于dirty的俚语】1. dirty look 厌恶、非难的神色、白眼,用法:give someone a dirty
look ;2. dirty trick 卑鄙的手段;3. dirty word 脏话、下流的话;4. dirty dog 卑鄙小人;5. talk dirty 说下流、淫荡的话;6. dirty deal 不公平的交易;7. quick and dirty 作权宜之计的、临时应急的。
【高频生活习语】第二辑:1. Go for it. 加油吧,(朝着目标等)努力争取吧;2. Give me
a ride. 送我一程吧。3. Hang in there. 坚持一下,别放弃;4. It's a long story. 说来话长啊;5. Keep/ maintain a low profile 保持低调;6. It's on me/it's my treat/My treat. 算我账上/我请客。
【out of高频短语表达】 of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。 of breath上气不接下气 of balance失去平衡 of stock脱销 of date过时
of line不协调/不一致 of patience不耐烦 of control/hand失去控制
of style不时髦的
【时尚口语】keep one's shirt on 意思是to be patient or to stay calm. 即劝告他人不要太紧张,要有耐心。例如:Keep your shirt on, plz! I didn't mean to be late. 别发火,我不是故意迟到的。Keep your shirt on, young man. This is just an interview. 年轻人,别太紧张,这只是个面试而已。
【高频生活口语】1. It's not my cup of tea. 我对这个不感冒。2. I mesd up the whole
thing. 我把一切都搞砸了。3. I think I'll pass. 我想我还是不用了。4. I swear to God. 我对天发誓。5. I'll make it up to you. 我会补偿你的。6. Thanks for the heads up. 谢谢你的提醒。
高频生活习语】第三辑:1. After you. 你先请。2. Let's face it. 面对现实吧。3. We'd
better be off. 我们该走了。4. Let's get started. 我们开始吧。5. Is that so? 真是那样吗? 5. You can count on it. 尽管放心吧。 6. You can count on me. 尽管放心包在我身上
【时尚口语】俚语gang up 类似于中文里的―拉帮结派‖,它主要有两层含义:1. 合伙反对,例如:The older children were always ganging up on the little ones. 年龄大的小孩总是合伙欺负年龄小的小孩;2. 合伙行动,例如:They all gang up to fight for
freedom. 他们联合起来为自由而战。
【卑鄙VS和善】各种卑鄙:1. mean 卑鄙的、刻薄的,2. shameless 无耻的、不要脸的,3. ignominious 可耻的、不光彩的,4. filthy 污秽的;各种善良:1. kind-hearted 好心肠的、善良的,2. humane 仁慈的、高尚的,3. merciful 仁慈的,4. pitiful 慈悲的,5. facile 随和的,6. affable 和蔼可亲的
【关于work的俚语】第一辑:1. out of work 失业;2. all in a day's work 司空见惯、不足为奇;3. a nasty piece of work 令人讨厌的家伙(主英、澳);4. gum up the works
阻止正常工作;5. dirty work 脏活累活、卑鄙的勾当;6. donkey/grunt work 繁重无聊的工作;7. in the works准备中、计划中
【四级以内核心词汇】conceive (of ) vi. 构想;认为 conci adj. 简明的 confidential
adj. 机密的 conform (to) vi. 遵守 console vt. 安慰,慰问 conspicuous adj. 显眼的,明显的 contaminate vt. 弄脏,污染 contemplate vt. 盘算,思量
【时尚口语】know-it-all通常是指那种自认为或自称无所不知但事实上却知之甚少的―万事通‖。例如:He is always trying to make himlf a know-it-all by correcting people. 他总是去纠正别人,以显得自己是个无所不知的人。Hey, Mr. "Know-it-all", what is this? 嘿,无所不知先生,这是什么?
【时尚口语】今天认识一个简称:JFGI,意思是:Just Fucking Google it!当别人问你一个很愚蠢的问题,你很不耐烦,又不想回答,干脆叫他去网上搜索一下时,就可以说JFGI;例如:A: hey dude, what does JFGI mean?嘿,兄弟,JFGI是什么意思?B: Just
Fucking Google it yo.上网搜索一下不就知道了。
【秒杀三字短句】1)别傻了!Don't be silly!2)别闹了!Knock it off! 3)别装了!Stop
pretending! 4)别惹我 Don't piss me off. 5)随便你!It's up to you! 6)坚持下!Hang in
there! 7)我怀疑 I doubt it. 8)该你了 It‘s your turn. 9)懂了吗?Get it?10)放轻松 Take
it easy.
【表示犹豫或迟疑】1. Um 呃(插入句中表迟疑的语气)。2. Well, I'm not sure. 额,我还拿不准。3. Hang on a c ... 等等。4. Er, let 呃,我想想看...;5. It's hard
to say. 这不好说。 6. I haven't decided yet. 我还没拿定主意。 7. It's still up in the air.
【―头脑‖head相关的表达】 one‘s head 不知所措 -turner引人注目的人或事 3. shit-head/thick-headed//knuckle-headed 笨蛋,傻瓜 the top of my head 第一反应 heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠顶过一个诸葛亮 heads
回头率高 heads together集思广益
【各种人际关系】buddy哥们儿;colleague同事/同僚;confidante闺蜜/红颜知己(女性);intimate至交;mentor导师/指导者;sworn brother结拜兄弟;superior/boss上司/老板;partner搭档;couple情侣;companion同伴;pen pal笔友;comrade-in-arms战友;fellow-apprentice师兄弟; bosom friend知心朋友
【hold住有多难】have a hold on;影响力;hold at arm's length 保持距离;hold all the
cards 掌控全局;hold water 合情合理,说得通;hold forth 长篇大论;hold the pur
strings 掌管财务;hold it against sb. 针对某人;hold it in abeyance 暂时搁置;hold
your hors 稍安勿躁
【趣味颜色短语】paint the town red 饮酒狂欢;white hope 被寄予厚望的人;in the
black 有盈余;sing the blues 垂头丧气,抱怨;green room 演员休息室;purple passage
辞藻华丽的段落;brown study 沉思出神;golden opinions 高度评价;blue jacket 水手;grey sister 修女
【表示拒绝】1. No/Nope. 不。 2. No way. 不行,没门儿。 3. Not a chance. 一点可能都没有/门儿都没有。 4. Absolutely not. 绝对不行。 5. Save it. 省省吧。 6. Only in
your dream 做你的春秋大梦吧。 7. Don't even think about it. 想都别想(没可能的)。8. Over my dead body.除非我死了。
【运气好的表达】1)It's your lucky day. 你真走运。2)That's fortunate. 真有好运气。3)You got lucky.谢天谢地。4)What luck! 太走运了!5)I was just lucky.只是运气好。6)I
lucked out today.今天的运气真好7)Today's my lucky day./I feel lucky today./I'm in luck
【实用英语——怀疑】Are you kidding me? 你开玩笑吧?| I think it's hard to believe.
我觉得这很难相信。| It's too good to be true. 哪有这等好事?| I don't buy your story.
我才不信你的鬼话呢。| I am doubtful about that. 我对此表示怀疑。
【这些短语有点二】put two and two together 根据事实推理;there are no two ways
about it 别无选择,没有退路;of two minds 拿不定主意;two shakes of a lamb's tail
迅速地;kill two birds with one stone 一举两得;two's company, three's a crowd 俩人结伴,三人添乱
【Take的口语高频用法】1. Just take your time.我不急,你慢慢来。 2.I gotta take off.我得走了 3. Don't take it out on me. It's not my fault. 别把气撒在我身上,又不是我的错! take a hike.一边待着去!!'s take a rain check.我们改日再约!
今天学习NO字开头的短语】 cross, no crown:不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹;
admittance:请勿入内; touching! 别碰; Parking! 禁止停车; offence!没有冒犯你的意思! respon:没反应; comment:无可奉告; doubt:毫无疑问; farther!好了!大家用起来哦~
【网络热词英文】1.淡定(Chillax源自chill+relax);2.牛b(Fucking great);3.神马都是浮云(Everything is nothing);4.我了个去(holy crap)5.我是来打酱油的(I just pop
in and say hi);6.犀利(Sharp); 7.给力(brilliant /awesome); 8.死去(Go to hell)
【关于father的习语】1. like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。 2. Experience is the
father of wisdom. 经验是智慧之父。 3. child is father to the man 三岁看大七岁看老(是指一个人的性格和品质养成于幼年)。 4. old enough to be someone's father 老得都可以当某人的爹了(形容某人很老)
【时尚口语】get out of here 的原意是:离开这里,滚蛋。在口语中,它也经常引申为
非常吃惊、不相信某事的意思,可翻译为:我才不信,饶了我吧,开什么玩笑。例如: A:
I'm xy and I know it. B: Get out of here! 少来了!再如:A: She's pregnant. B: Get out
of here! 不会吧(表十分吃惊)!
【容易误译的英语】①What`s the price ceiling/floor? 误:天花/地板是什么价格?正:最高/低限价是多少?②Mr. Chen chanced his arm. 误:陈先生等机会伸展手臂。正:陈先生冒险一试。③Did the performers enjoy good cheer yesterday?误:昨天演员们受到热烈喝彩了吧?正:昨天演员们享用佳肴了吧?
关于大学的英语表达】大学生 college student;大一生 freshman;大二生 sophomore;大三生 junior;大四生 nior;本科生:undergraduate student;研究生 graduate
student;博士生 doctoral student/PhD student;应届毕业生 fresh graduate;实习生
【英文吵架必备】1. Cut it out. 省省吧。're a jerk!你是个废物/混球! do
you think you are?你以为你是谁?'s your problem?你怎么回事啊?'t
bother me. 别烦我。 it off. 少来这一套。 me alone. 走开。 piss
me off. 你气死我了。
【各种同情的表达】1. I'm so sorry for your loss. 对你的损失我深表遗憾/请节哀顺变,口语中在他人遭遇不幸时,通常可以简单地说I'm sorry以表同情;2. I know exactly how
you feel. 我感同身受。3. U have my sympathy. 我很同情你。I sympathize with u会给人一种你高高在上的感觉令人反感,勿用
【数字常用短语】number one 头等的,自身利益;at sixes and vens 乱七八糟;in
venth heaven 心情很好;six of one and half a dozen the other 半斤八两;the
eleventh hour 最后时刻;dress to the nines 衣着华丽;forty winks 打盹;a hundred
to one shot 可能性很小
各种情绪的表达】 annoyed 恼怒;ambivalent 心情矛盾,纠结;anxious 焦虑,担心;apathetic 冷漠的,无动于衷;ashamed 惭愧,羞耻;awkward 局促不安,尴尬;bitter
悔恨痛苦,满腹牢骚;bored 无聊,厌烦;depresd 沮丧的;embarrasd 窘迫;hopeless 绝望的 |
【做人的十五个字母】和蔼amiable,勇敢brave, 创新creative, 勤劳diligent, 优雅elegant, 坦率frank,慷慨generous,诚实honest, 智慧intelligent, 公正just, 善良kind,
守法 legal, 谦逊modest, 敢于说不no。如果这些您都有了,却缺少zealous激情。
【#实用英语#睡觉】I sleep in every weekend and wake up around noon. 周末我通常会睡个懒觉,到中午才起来。| I was so tired I could have slept around the clock. 我太累了,能睡整整一天。| I'm a very light sleeper. 我睡觉轻。| Some students doze off
in class. 有学生在课堂上打盹。
【安慰人这样说】①Keep your chin up 别灰心; ②Keep it up 坚持下去; ③ Be a man
拿出点勇气来; ④Cheer up 振作起来; ⑤You have our backing 我们支持你; ⑥Things will works out for the best 事情会有好结果的; ⑦ Win a few,lo a ‘s
life 有得有失,生活就是如此 ....
【―坏醒‖词儿】1.月光族 moonlight clan 2.吃回扣 get commission 3.潜规则 unspoken
rule 4.封口费 hush money 5.宅男 indoorsman 6.泡妞 cha after the girls 7.裸奔
streaking 8.傍大款 lean on a moneybag 9.地沟油 swill-cooked dirty oil 。剩男剩女怎么说?
【时尚口语】or what在口语中使用频率很高,意思通常有:1. 征求同意,确认信息,如:Is this a good movie or what? 这时它跟or not很像,但更直接,甚至常常带有一些怒气或不耐烦,如:Are we going to do this or what?我们到底是做还是不做?2. 要求选择,如:Is this book a biography or what?
【#实用英语#邀约朋友】Are you free this weekend? 这个周末你有空吗?| How about
having dinner with me? 和我一起吃晚饭好吗?| Do you have plans for tomorrow? 你明天有计划吗? | Are you doing anything this afternoon? 今天下午有安排吗? | Shall I
come to pick you up? 要我开车去接你吗?
【容易误译的英语】①She wrote to her boy friend a dear John letter yesterday.误:她昨天给她的男朋友约翰写了一封情书。正:她昨天给她的男朋友写了封绝交信。②The
new equipment was decread 4 times.误:新设备减少了4倍。正:新设备减少了3/4(即减少到原来的1/4)。
【#微短语#搞不定的mind】 of your mind 你疯了 of sight, out of mind 眼不见心不烦 your own business别多管闲事儿 4. Never mind没事 in
记住 d my mind 我忘了
【常用口头禅】Yep. I just kick ass. 是的,我就是厉害!| I think we two really click. 我觉得我们俩挺合得来的。| I have to catch some Zs. 我想小睡一会儿。| Give it a shot!
试试看!| What's eating you? 什么事儿让你不开心?| I'm totally maxed out. 我真是累惨了。
【身体短语】 cold feet 胆怯 sb.‗s right arm for热切渴望 an arm and
a leg 付出昂贵的代价4. keep your chin up 鼓起勇气 your neck out 冒风险 your blood boil 热血沸腾7.A butterfingers 笨手笨脚的人。你身上还有哪没被说到?
【五颜六色英语习语】red-letter day 大喜之日;red herring 转移注意力的话题;catch
someone red-handed 逮个正着;be tickled pink 非常高兴;between the devil and the
deep blue a 进退维谷;green as grass 幼稚的,无经验的;born to the purple 出身贵族;in a brown study 沉思
【表示省略】 1. Et cetera. 等等(拉丁语)。 2. And so on. 等等。 3. And so forth. 等等。 4. So on and so forth. 等等。 5. And stuff like that. 还有诸如此类的(事物)。 6.
And sth. like that. 以及类似的一些(事物)。7. And everything like that. 以及其他所有诸如此类的(事物)
【开车相关表达】驾车离开drive off 或drive away; 抛锚 break down; 开车载某人一程 give some1 a ride 或take some1 for a ride; 肇事逃逸的驾驶 hit-and-run driver;
开车载某人到某处 drive some1 to somewhere; 开车去兜风 go for a drive 或 take a
drive; 乘车旅行 go for a ride
【高频生活口语】 1. Keep your shirt on, young man.年轻人,别太紧张。2. He put his
GF on a pedestal. 他把他女朋友奉为女神。3. It's all in the day's work. 这是再平常不过的事了。4. Could u spot me some cash?你能否借我点钱花花不? 5. He's talking
through his hat.他在瞎扯淡。
【高频生活口语】 1. Does sth. ring a bell? 你记得某事/某物吗? 2. He brushed it off
as if it were not a big deal to him. 他无视这事,就像这事对他来说没什么大不了的一样。 3. Do not bad-mouth me. 不要说我的坏话。 4. You can't watch the x-rated movie.
【趣味习语:英语也骗人】dead president 美钞;mad doctor 精神病科医生;hor n
常识;dry goods 纺织品;eleventh hour 最后一刻,危急关头;blind date 相亲初次见面;red tape 繁文缛节;personal remark 人身攻击;black stranger 完全陌生的人;confidence man 骗子 | 你上当过
【趣味水果短语】go bananas 发疯;top banana 大老板; the apple of one's eye 掌上明珠;an apple of discord 争端,祸根;apple of sodom 虚有其表的东西;apple-pie
order 井然有序;apple polisher 马屁精;a lemon 没有价值的商品;sour grapes 酸葡萄心理;bowl of cherries 精彩的
【―Break‖的相关表达】1. break up 分手;2. break down 精神崩溃;3. break in 破门而入;4. break out 出皮疹/爆发;5. break off 休息一下;6. break through 突破;7.
break even 不赚不赔,收支平衡;8. the break of dawn 破晓;9. break the ice 打破僵局;10. break the bank 太贵
【时尚口语】Mull over, means to think about something or to consider something
deeply. 意思就是仔细考虑,反复思考; 越狱第一季中Michael 曾用过 mull it over让John再考虑考虑他的提议。用法练习:Why don't you mull it over and decide in the
【‗小气鬼‘的表达】1、He is a very stingy/tightfisted person。他是个很小气的人。 2、What a mir! 真是个吝啬鬼!3、He's not a generous person。他不是个大方的人。4、You're such a tightwad。你真是个小气鬼。5、This guy is a skinflint。 这家伙是个一毛不拔的人。
【时尚口语】talk someone into doing something是口语中很常用的习语,意思是to
convince someone to do something 即说服某人做某事;例如:She didn't really wanna
go out with me last night but I talked her into going in the end. 她昨晚并不想跟我去约会,但最终我还是说服了她去约会。
【美剧口语精髓】1. I promi. 我保证。2. That's rough. 这太狠了。3. Straight up. 坦白说。4. Forgive me. 原谅我。5. Oh, fire away! 好吧,开始吧!6. Watch yourlf. 说话小心点。7. Sounds nice. 听上去不错。8. Our hands are tied. 我们一点办法也没有。
【#实用英语#谈论美景】What a wonderful view! 多美的景色啊!| The Grand canyon
is truly a masterpiece. 大峡谷真是大自然的杰作。| The lake is a picture itlf. 这片湖泊风景如画。| A peaceful and tranquil atomsphere permeates the place.这地方充满着一种宁静的气氛
【时尚口语】有个很有意思的习语:light a firecracker under one's ass 意思是采取一些措施催促、鞭策、激励某人去做某事,很形象的表达;例如:He procrastinates way
too much. I don't think lighting a firecracker under his ass would work. 他太能拖延了,我觉得跟他屁股后面催着他都没用。
【那些fashion的短语】 after a fashion 勉强,马马虎虎;come into fashion 开始风行; follow the fashion 赶时髦;go out of fashion 过时;in the old fashion 照旧,照老样子;lead the fashion 创先例;Bristol fashion 整整齐齐,井然有序;after the fashion
of 模仿,照…的样子
【高频生活口语】 1. It's a weight off my shoulders hearing that. 听到那个消息我感到如释重负。 2. She changed her tune when someone mentioned how wealthy I was.
当听说我很富有后她立即转变了态度。 3. I've been working my ass off lately. 最近忙的要死/忙的焦头烂额的。
【时尚口语】the real deal 常被老外挂在嘴边,它在口语中常用来赞美真材实料的人或物,实打实的好货/好手,例如:Have u en him play basketball? He's the real deal. 你看过他打球吗?他可是正儿八经的篮球好手。I'm telling you that this painting is the
real deal. 我给你说,这画可是真迹。
【那一对对容易混淆的词】immoral 不道德的-immortal 不朽的;stationery 文具-stationary 固定的;personnel 人事部门-personal 个人的;statue 塑像-status 地位;contact 接触-contract 合同;vocation 职业-vacation 假期;phra 词组-pha 阶段;scare 惊吓-scarce 稀少的|
【#实用英语#今天如何】How's it going?还好吗?| How are things at work? 今天工作进行的怎么样了?| What have you been doing? 这些日子在干什么呢?| How are
you feeling today? 今天感觉如何?| how's life treating you? 日子过得怎么样?| How
was your day? 今天过的如何?
【一个单词地道口语】Anytime! 随时吩咐!Awful! 好可怕!Crazy! 疯了! Damn! 该死的!Deal! 一言为定!Definitely! 当然了!Disgusting! 好恶心啊!Exactly! 完全正确!Freeze! 不许动!Fantastic! 妙极了!Gorgeous! 美极了!Oops! 哎哟!Bravo! 太棒了!
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