
更新时间:2024-01-12 12:46:58 阅读: 评论:0




01清明节 Tomb-sweeping Day 因 “清” “明” 二字皆为描述天气的词语,所以 “清明” 的英语表达也可以为 Clear and Bright。顺便说一句,过清明节可别用 celebrate 表示,celebrate 是庆祝的意思,和清明节氛围不搭。我们可以用 obrve 表示:to obrve

Tomb-sweeping Day.清明节常用词汇Commemorate 缅怀、纪念In memory/remembrance of 以纪念,以缅怀Mourn for 悼念、哀悼Honour the memory of 缅怀02清明节主要做些什么?清明节习俗甚多,全国各地因地域文化不同而又存在着习俗内容上或细节上的差异,各地习俗虽不尽相同,但扫墓祭祖、踏青是共同基本礼俗主题。祭祖

清明祭祖(worshiping ancestors)的传统可以追溯到古代,唐

朝朝廷专门在此期间设定 “节假日” 以供子民祭祀先祖,该传统不断延续,在现代社会也有着举足轻重的影响。Cleaning the tombs and

paying respect to the dead with offerings are the two important

practices to remember late relatives. Weeds around the tomb are

cleared away and fresh soil is added to show care for the dead.

The dead person's favorite food, wine and chopsticks are offered

on their tombs, along with paper money.扫墓和献上供品对逝者表示敬意,是两种纪念逝去亲友的重要习俗。为表示对逝者的关怀,墓边的杂草被清除并盖上新鲜的土壤。逝者最喜欢的食物、酒和筷子连同纸钱一起被供奉在墓边。tip:倡导文明祭扫,不要随意燃烧物品,以防引起火灾。Sweep the tomb 扫墓burn joss paper 烧纸钱visit

the cemetery 去墓园pay respect to remember them 追思故人We

need burn joss paper and sweep the tomb on the Tomb-sweeping Day.清明节的时候需要烧纸钱和扫墓。春游

清明时节除了祭祖,也是春游的好时光。有诗云:“梨花风起正清明,游人寻春半出城。” 在温润的微风中,当循着草木的气息,外出寻找春天的足迹,强身健体又心情舒畅。

As trees turn green, flowers blossom, and the sun shines

brightly, everything returns to life. It is a fine time to appreciate

the beauty of nature. This custom can be traced back to the

Spring and Autumn Period (770 – 476BC) and Warring States

Period (475 – 221BC).清明正值草木复苏,百花齐放,阳光普照,万物焕发生机之时,正是欣赏自然之美的大好时机。这一习俗可以追溯到春秋战国时期。03如何表达“孝”的概念

英语中有一个词可以表达孝道:Filial piety 孝道Pious 恭敬但是并不常用,要表示 “孝顺”,不如这么说:Respect your parents 孝顺父母Honor your parents 尊敬父母,重视父母Be big on family 重视家庭Family guys 把家庭看的很重的人(一般指男性)04说人去世不能用 die英语中除了用 die 这个比较直接的说法表示 “死” 以外,其实也有不少委婉的表达方式。1. pass away

His uncle pasd away last week.他的叔叔上周去世了。

2. lo one's life一般指由于意外事故、战争等不可抗力而造成的死亡,为意外死亡。

How did he lo his life?


3. depart


Comrade Zhou Enlai finally departed

from us.


4.”be gone”


I still can't accept that fact that he is


5. go to meet one’s Maker注意这个Maker要大写,有造物主的意思,所以去见造物主了就是灵魂回归了,也就是死亡的委婉说法,就像我们也会说某人“去见马克思了”。

He knew that he came into the world

with nothing and that he would go to

meet his Maker with empty hands.


pass away 去世be gone 过世be left 离世I lost someone 失去了某人someone is in a better place 去了更好的地方rest in

peace 安息另外我们表示葬礼也不说 funeral,而是 a celebration of

life 生命的仪式,更显得尊重。05清明节有哪些食俗

Green rice ball 青团

People in the Jiangnan region often eat this kind of green

colored balls made from glutinous rice on Tomb Sweeping Day.

The green color is from the juice of brome grass that is added in

the rice. 江南地区的人们经常在清明节食用这种由糯米制成的绿色团子。由于糯米中混合雀麦草汁,所以团子呈绿色。

San zi 馓子

In both Northern and Southern China, it is a tradition to eat

san zi, or fried dough twist, on Tomb Sweeping Day. The

differences between san zi made by Northern and Southern

people lie in sizes and materials. The former one is larger, often

made from wheat and the latter is finer and made from rice. 在中国,无论是北方还是南方,都有清明食用馓子(通过油炸面粉制成)的传统。差别在于北方馓子以麦面为主料,体积较大;而南方馓子则以米面为主料,更为精细。

Thin pancake 薄饼

People in Xiamen in Fujian province often have thin pancakes

on Tomb Sweeping Day. Dried aweed, omelette, veggies and

chili sauce are added in the pancakes to enhance the flavor. 福建厦门的人在清明节时常常食用薄煎饼。薄饼中加入紫菜、煎蛋、蔬菜和辣椒酱,会更加美味。

Cudweed herb rolls 清明果

The best time to pick fresh cudweed herb is around Tomb

Sweeping Day. The herb is often added in veggie rolls or

dumplings and consumed on the day. In South China, people add

the wild plant also in steamed buns. 清明节前后,是采摘新鲜鼠曲草(清明草)的最佳时机。当天,人们会在蔬菜卷或饺子里加入鼠曲草当作馅料。在华南地区,人们还将这种野菜加在馒头里面。Green

rice ball 青团San zi 馓子Thin pancake 薄饼Spring onion and

omelette 大葱和蛋饼Cudweed herb rolls 清明果Steamed rice

with leaf mustard 芥菜蒸饭Zitui bun 子推馍Ai ban 艾粄06清明古诗词





唐 杜牧


许渊冲版A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning

Day;The mourner's heart is going to break on his can

a wine shop be found to drown his sad hours?A cowherd points

to a cot mid apricot flowers.

drizzle v. 下毛毛雨mourning n. 悼念drown vt. 浇灭,把……淹没mid prep. 在……之中apricot flower 杏花

许渊冲老师的译作押 aabb 韵,韵脚是 day, way;hours, flowers,读起来朗朗上口,尤其是第一句,非常有趣。我们汉语中说 “泪如雨下”,可以译作 Tears fall like rain. 或者直接说 Tears rain. 在许老的译作中清明节 “雨如泪下”,有效地烘托了清明节哀而不伤的氛围。清明本就是一个怀念的日子,它提醒我们,不要忘记先人,不要忘记过去,因为这是我们立足于世间的根本。我们缅怀逝者,更愿生者珍惜。珍惜岁月,珍惜生命,珍惜身边人。

本文发布于:2024-01-12 12:46:58,感谢您对本站的认可!



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