Rene Descartes (1596-1650) is one of the most important Western
philosophers of the past few centuries. During his lifetime, Descartes was just as
famous as an original physicist, physiologist and mathematician. But it is as a highly
original philosopher that he is most frequently read today. He attempted to restart
philosophy in a fresh direction. For example, his philosophy refud to accept the
Aristotelian and Scholastic traditions that had dominated philosophical thought
throughout the Medieval period; it attempted to fully integrate philosophy with the
"new" sciences; and Descartes changed the relationship between philosophy and
theology. Such new directions for philosophy made Descartes into a revolutionary
勒奈·笛卡尔(Rene Descartes, 1596-1650)是过去几个世纪最重要的西方哲学家之一。在他的一生中,笛卡儿和最初的物理学家、生理学家和数学家一样出名。但作为一个极具独创性的哲学家,他今天最常阅读。他试图重新开始哲学。例如,他的哲学拒绝接受亚里士多
The two most widely known of Descartes' philosophical ideas are tho of a
method of hyperbolic doubt, and the argument that, though he may doubt, he
cannot doubt that he exists. The first of the compris a key aspect of Descartes'
philosophical method. As noted above, he refud to accept the authority of
previousphilosophers - but he also refud to accept the obviousness of his own
ns. In the arch for a foundation for philosophy, whatever could be doubted
must be rejected. He resolves to trust only that which is clearly and distinctly en
to be beyond any doubt. In this manner, Descartes peels away the layers of beliefs
and opinions that clouded his view of the truth. But, very little remains, only the
simple fact of doubting itlf, and the inescapable inference that something exists
doubting, namely Descartes himlf.
His next task is to reconstruct our knowledge piece by piece, such that at no
stage is the possibility of doubt allowed to creep back in. In this manner, Descartes
proves that he himlf must have the basic characterisitc of thinking, and that this
thinking thing (mind) is quite distinct from his body; the existence of a God; the
existence and nature of the external world; and so on. What is important in this for
Descartes is, first, that he is showing that knowledge is genuinely possible (and thus
that sceptics must be mistaken), and, cond, that, more particularly, a
mathematically-bad scientific knowledge of the material world is possible.
Descartes' work was influential, although his studies in physics and the other
natural sciences much less so than his mathematical and philosophical work.
Throughout the 17th and 18th Centuries, Descartes' philosophical ghost was
always prent; Locke, Hume, Leibniz and even Kant felt compelled to philosophical
entanglement with this intellectual giant. For the reasons, Descartes is often
called the "father" of modern philosophy.
This article provides an overview of Descartes' philosophical thought following
the order of his most famous and widely-studied book, the Meditations on First
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