1.为...加油 cheer on for 73.停止做某事 stop doing sth
2.比起...更喜欢做... prefer ... to ... 37.检查 check ... over 74.停下来去做某事 stop to do sth
3.成长,长大 grow up 38.担心 worry about 75.与...分享 share sth with sb
4.未来,今后 in the future 39.乘出租车 take a taxi 76.成千上万 thousands of
5.放弃 give up sth / doing sth 40.不吃早饭去上学 77.实际上,事实上 in fact
6.参加(活动)take part in go to school without breakfast 78.组成、化妆 make up
7.参加划船俱乐部 join the rowing club 41.充足的时间 enough time 79.用...填充... fill ... with ...
8.花费(时间/金钱)做某事 42.足够大 big enough 80.处于危险之中 in danger
spend ...on sth/ doing sth 43.扫地 sweep the floor 81.代替 take the place of
9.花费某人钱 cost sb sth 44.当众、公开 in public 82.修理机器 repair machines
10.付款 pay ...for sth 45.一直 all the time 83.修鞋 mend shoes
11.花费某人时间去做某事 It takes sb ... to 46.远离 keep away from 84.把...错认成... mistake ...for ...
do sth 47.等一会儿 85.醒来 wake up
12.做运动 do exerci / sports just a moment = hold on =wait a minute 86.例如 for example
13.受到...的欢迎 be popular with ... 48.给某人打电话 ring sb up 87.查字典 in a dictionary
14.对...有益/ 有害 be good / 49.捎口信 take a message 88.注意 pay attention to
15.擅长做某事 be good at 50.留口信 leave a message 89.给某人写信 write to sb
16.保持健康 keep fit / healthy 51.玩得愉快 enjoy onelf 90.由...组成 be made up of
17.到达 arrive at/ in 52.独自 by onelf 91.根据 according to
18.动身去 leave for 53.自学learn ...by onelf= teach onelf 92.从那时起 from then on
19.介意做某事 mind doing sth 54.做某事是某人的责任 It’s one’s duty to 93.把...认作... regard ... as...
20.练习做某事 practice doing sth do sth 94.沉迷于 lo onelf in doing sth
21.整理床铺 make one’s bed 55.上缴 hand in 95.要求某人去做某事 ask sb to do sth
22.和...打架 fight with 56.错误地 by mistake 要求某人不要去做某事 ask sb not to do sth
23.生某人的气 be angry with 57.从那时起 since then 96.告诉某人去做某事 tell sb to do sth
24.继续做某事 keep doing sth 58.在空闲时间 in one’s spare time 告诉某人不要去做某事 tell sb not to do sth
25.立刻、马上 at once/ in a minute/ right 59.对...感兴趣 be interested in 97.让某人去做某事 let sb do sth
away 60.对...喜爱 be fond of 98.尽某人最大努力去做某事
26.为...作准备 61.去远足 go hiking try one’s best to do sth
be ready for sth/ be ready to do sth 62.过去常常做某事 ud to do sth 99.使某人去做某事 make sb do sth
27.代替,而不是 instead of 63.集邮 collect stamps 100.确信去做某事 be sure to do sth/
28.使...强壮 build up 64.和...聊天 chat with 101.不确定... be not sure whether +句子
29.与... 交朋友 make friends with 65.把某物借给某人 lend sth to sb 102.上课 take/ have lessons/ class
30.能够 be able to do sth 66.拉小提琴 play the violin 103.参观博物馆 visit a muum
31.感冒 have a cold 67.因(身份地位)出名 be famous as 104.朗诵诗 recite poems
32.去看医生/牙医 go to e a doctor/ dentist 68.因(作品特点)出名 be famous for
33.充足的 plenty of 69.最终 at last
34.想要做某事 feel like doing sth 70.同意 agree with sb
35.刷牙 brush one’s teeth 71.做鬼脸 make faces
36.照顾、照看 take care of =look after= care 72.太... 而不能.... too (形容词) to do sth
1.为...加油 __________________ 37.检查 _________________________ 75._____________________share sth with sb 哭_________________________
2.比起...更喜欢做... ___________________ 38.担心 ______________________ 76.成千上万_______________________ 担心的,烦恼的_____________________
3.成长,长大 __________________________ 39.乘出租车 _____________________ 77.实际上,事实上 ____________________ 失望的,沮丧的______________________
4.________________________ in the future 40.不吃早饭去上学 78.__________________________make up 没人缘的,不受欢迎的__________________
5.__________________give up sth / doing sth _____________________________ 79.用...填充..._____________________ 傻的_____________________
6.____________________take part in 41.充足的时间 80.____________________ in danger 残暴的,残酷的___________________
7.参加划船俱乐部 _____________________________ 81._____________________ take the place of 感动人的________________________
_______________________________ 42.足够大 ___________________________ 82.修理机器 _____________________ 自豪的,骄傲的__________________
8.花费(时间/金钱)做某事 43.扫地 ___________________________ 83.修鞋 _________________________ 心烦的,苦恼的_____________________
Spend__________________________ 44.____________________ in public 84.把...错认成... ______________________ 惊讶的,吃惊的__________________
9.花费某人钱 cost__________________ 45._________________all the time 85.醒来 ________________________ 孤独的________________________
10.付款 ______________________________ 46.___________________ keep away from 86.例如 __________________________ 活泼的____________________
11.花费某人时间去做某事 47.等一会儿 87.查字典 _____________________ 生气的____________________
It takes ____________________ _____________________________________ 88._____________________pay attention to 受惊的,害怕的___________________
12.做运动 _______________________ 48.给某人打电话 _____________________ 89._________________________write to sb 感激的______________________
13.受到...的欢迎 ___________________ 49.捎口信 ___________________________ 90.____________________be made up of 地主,房东_____________________
14.对...有益/ 有害 _____________________ 50.留口信 ___________________________ 91.______________________according to 歌剧______________________
15.擅长做某事 _______________________ 51.玩得愉快 _________________________ 92._______________________ from then on 电影______________________
16.保持健康 __________________________ 52.独自 _________________________ 93.把...认作... _______________________ 角色_______________________
17.______________________ arrive at/ in 53.自学___________________________ 94.沉迷于 __________________________ 姿势,手势___________________
18._________________________ leave for 54.做某事是某人的责任 ________________ 95.要求某人去做某事___________________ 文化_______________________
19.介意做某事 _______________________ 56._____________________ by mistake 要求某人不要去做某事 _______________ 外国人________________________
20.练习做某事 ________________________ 57.______________________ since then 96.告诉某人去做某事 __________________ 和平___________________________
21.整理床铺 _________________________ 58.在空闲时间 ______________________ 告诉某人不要去做某事________________ (短语)
22.和...打架 ________________________ 59.对...感兴趣 ________________________ 97.让某人去做某事 ____________________ 向...道谢______________________
23.生某人的气 _______________________ 60.对...喜爱 __________________________ 98.尽某人最大努力去做某事 骄傲,自豪____________________
24.______________________keep doing sth 61.___________________________ go hiking __________________________________ 摆放餐具______________________
25.立刻、马上 _________________________ 62.过去常常做某事 ____________________ 99.______________________ make sb do sth 开始,首先______________________
26.为...作准备 63.集邮 ___________________________ 100.确信去做某事 _____________________ 落入_________________________
_____________________________ 64.和...聊天 ________________________ 101.不确定... _________________________ 最后,终于_____________________
27._______________________ instead of 65.把某物借给某人 ___________________ 102. take lessons/ class ________________ 形成,成立_____________________
28.使...强壮______________________ 66.拉小提琴_________________________ 103.参观博物馆 _______________________ 与某人和解____________________
29.与... 交朋友 ____________________ 67.因(身份地位)出名 __________________ 104.________________________recite poems
30.__________________be able to do sth 68.因(作品特点)出名 __________________
31.感冒 __________________________ 69.最终 ___________________________ Unit 5 Topic1
32.去看医生/牙医 ______________________ 70.同意 ___________________________ 邀请,招待___________________
33._______________________ plenty of 71.做鬼脸 ___________________ 微笑____________________
34.__________________feel like doing sth 72.太... 而不能.... ______________________ 品尝_____________________
35.刷牙 ________________________ 73.停止做某事_________________________ 似乎,好像___________________
36.照顾、照看 ______________________ 74.停下来去做某事 ____________________ 闻到,嗅到______________________
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