作威作福2020年9月农产品加工Farm Products Processing No.9Sep.文章编号:1671-9646(2020)09b-0041-08
李素芬,王 琴,龚洁文,李妍馥,*
先,通过 单因素试验以脱苦率和感官评价为依据确定柚子皮粉的加工工艺,以沉降率为依据确定柚子肉粉的加工工艺。结 果表明,柚子皮经过水浴温度50 水浴时间60 min ,添加0.6%的0 -环状糊精进行脱苦处理,得到脱苦率为86% ±0.53%的柚子皮粉;添加0.4%的黄原胶,能得到沉降率较低的柚子肉粉。其次,以分散性和感官评价为指 标,通过单因素试验和响应面试验分析,优化了速溶柚子茶粉的配方和制作工艺。速溶柚子茶粉的最佳配方是柚 子肉粉1.82 g ,柚子皮粉0.14 g ,速溶红茶粉0.24 g ,白砂糖1.06 g ,柠檬酸0.1 g ,麦芽糊精9%。最佳配方的速 溶柚子茶粉分散性为12.95 ± 0.06 s ,感官评价为89.73 ± 0.97分,同时具有红茶的风味和柚子的清香,并有一定的 营养价值。试验对企业高值化利用柚子具有一定指导意义。联通wifi
中图分类号:TS275 文献标志码:A doi : 10.16693/jki.1671-9646(X ).2020.09.041
Study on Product Formulation Processing Technology of
Instant Pomelo Tea Powder
LI Sufen, WANG Qing, GONG Jiewen, LI Yanfii, *L IU Huifan
(College of Light Industry and Food Sciences , Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engin
eering ,
Guangzhou , Guangdong 510000, China)
Abstract : Taking instant black tea powder , pomelo meat power , pomelo peel powder , sugar , citric acid and maltodextrin as materials to make instant pomelo tea powder. Firstly , the desiccation rate and nsory evaluation as index , the processing technology of pomelo peel powder were optimized by single experiment. And the dimentation rate as index , the processing technology of pomelo peel powder were optimized. The results showed that pomelo peel was treated with water bath temperature of 50 无,water bath time of 60 min and adding 0.6 % of the beta cyclodextrin to remove bitterness. The pomelo peel powder with a debitterization rate of 86 % ± 0.53 % was obtained. And the minimum dimentation rate of pomelo meat powder was ob tained when adding 0.4 xanthan gum. Secondly , the dispersity and nsory evaluation as index , the processing technology of instant pomelo tea powder were optimized by single experiment and respon surface analysis. The optimized formula was as follows : 1.82 g pomelo meat power , 0.14 g pomelo peel powder , 0.24 g instant black tea powder , 1.06 g sugar , 0.1 g citric acid and 9 maltodextrin. The instant pomelo tea powder we got was the flavor of black tea and the fra
grance of pomelo what had certain nutritional value. The dispersity and the nsory evaluation were 12.95 ± 0.06 s and 89.73 ± 0.97, respectively. This study has certain practical guiding significance for the high-value utilization of grapefruit in enterpris.Key words : pomelo peel power ; pomelo meat power ; tea powder ; processing technology ; instant pomelo tea powder 柚子 (Citrus maxima (Burm) Merr .),又名文旦、
皮素等物质[3-4],具有降血脂比 抗氧化67]、抗菌[8-9]、 预防动脉粥样硬化[10等功效。目前,市场上以柚子作为原料生产的产品种类 相对较少,成熟的大多为蜂蜜柚子茶、柚子蜜饯等 一些产品[11-12]o 随着人们生活节奏的加快,越来越多 大众会选择更加具有方便性的产品。固体饮料在我 国虽较晚起步,但由于其具有体积小、方便携带、