
更新时间:2023-08-08 02:12:34 阅读: 评论:0

1)年纪相仿--- at one’s own age
2) 一事无成--- achieve nothing门的英语
3)不速之客--- an unexpected visitor
4)记忆所及--- as far as I can remember
5)不知所措--- at a loss
6)心不在焉--- be abnt-minded
7)与生俱来--- be born with
8)大失所望--- be greatly disappointed
9)仅仅有条--- be in good order
10)身临其境--- be personally on the nce
11) 乐于助人--- be ready to help others
12)欣喜若狂--- be wild with joy
13)举世闻名--- be world famous
14)值得一做--- be worth doing
15)牢记在心--- bear/keep in mind that---
16)受益匪浅--- benefit a lot from
17)物以类聚--- birds of a feather block together 18)血浓于水--- blood is thicker than water
19)公事公办--- business is business12月份星座
20)不能自已--- can’t control onelf
21)情不自禁--- can’t help doing
22)迫不及待--- can’t wait to
萝卜鸭汤23)因果关系--- cau and effect
24)寓教于乐--- combine education with recreation 25)名副其实--- derve a reputation
26)英年早逝--- die young
27)享有盛誉--- enjoy high reputation
28)一见钟情--- fall in love at first sight肾炎吃什么好
29)相差甚远--- far from/ not nearly
30)心安理得--- be feel at ea
31)吹毛求疵--- find fault with
32)从头到尾--- from cover to cover
33)为所欲为--- get one’s own way
34)半途而废--- give up halfway
35)金科玉律--- golden rule
36)良药苦口--- good medicine tastes bitter
37)九死一生--- have a narrow escape
38)大致了解--- have a rough picture of
39)胸有成竹--- have confidence in
40)别无选择--- have no choice but to do摩羯座的男生
41)全心全意--- heart and soul
42)车水马龙--- heavy traffic
43)三言两语--- in a few word
44)总的来说--- in general
45)兴高采烈--- in high spirits
46)众口难调--- It is hard to plea all
47)无济于事--- It is no u doing
48)难以置信--- it is unbelievable that---
49)日新月异--- keep on changing every day
50)东张西望--- look around
51)回顾历史--- look back into history
52)坐失良机--- miss the golden chance
53)不足为奇--- No wonder (that)---
54)显而易见--- obviously/it is obvious that---
55)转念一想--- on cond thoughts
56)美梦成真--- one’s dream come true/realize one’s dream 57)坚持不懈--- pervere in doing
58)名胜古迹--- places of historic interest
59)熟能生巧--- practice makes perfect
60)若无其事--- pretend as if nothing had happened
61)不懂装懂--- pretend to know what one doesn’t know 62)骄兵必败--- Pride goes before a fall
美女写真照63)孤注一掷--- put one’s eggs in one basket
64)人云亦云--- repeat what others say
65)平易近人--- sb. is easy to approach
66)首屈一指--- cond to none天空日记
67)眼见为实--- eing is believing
68)同甘共苦--- share joys and sorrow with sb.
69)安然无恙--- sound and safe
70)不遗余力--- spare no effort(s) to do
71)不惜工本--- spare no expen
72)高度赞扬--- speak highly of
73)袖手旁观--- stand by/look on with folded arms
74)固执己见--- stick to one’s own point
75)坚守岗位--- stick to one’s post
76)趁热打铁--- Strike while the iron is hot
77)不辞而别--- take French leave
78)如释重负--- take a load off one’s mind
79)置之不理--- take no notice of---
80)焕然一新--- take on a new look
81)不辞辛劳--- take trouble to do
82)明辨是非--- tell the difference between right and wrong
83)毫无疑问--- There is no doubt that---
84)木已成舟--- Things done can’t be undone
85)事与愿违--- Things go contrary to one’s wish
86)时不我待--- Time and tide wait for no man
87)雪中送炭--- timely help
88)教学相长--- to teach is to learn
89)竭尽全力--- try one’s best to do
90)熟视无睹--- turn a blind eye to sth.
91)充耳不闻--- turn a deaf ear to sth.
92)化险为夷--- turn danger into safety
93)悔过自新--- turn over a new leaf
94)因人而异--- vary from person to person/It all depends on the individual 95)消息灵通--- well-informed
96)小心翼翼--- with great care
97)奋不顾身--- with no thought for one’s own safety
98)一箭之遥--- within a stone’s throw
99)逐字逐句--- word for word
100)宁死不屈--- would rather die than surrender

本文发布于:2023-08-08 02:12:34,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:鸭汤   珠海   月份   美女   日记   萝卜   好玩
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