体积单位换算公式大全How to attribute causality in quality improvement: lessons from epidemiology
腌制柚子皮期刊名称: Bmj Quality & Safety日历用英语怎么说
作者: Alan J Poots,Julie E Reed,Thomas Woodcock,Derek Bell,Don Goldmann
年份: 2017年
期号: 第11期学困生辅导计划及措施
观察日记动物关键词: quality improvement;health rvices rearch;evaluation methodology儿童手工做灯笼
摘要:Background The identification and articulation of programme theory can support effective design, execution and evaluation of quality improvement (QI) initiatives. Programme theory includes an agreed aim, potential interventions to achieve this aim, anticipated cau/effect relationships between the interventions and the aim and measures to monitor improvement. This paper outlines 朗诵家