豆腐鸡蛋羹>乡村振兴心得体会Tips,Trips,and Traps: Preparing to Take an ASQ Certification Examination
My Assumptions About You •You will decide to sit for a certification examination英语日记怎么写
•You will read every piece of certification ,brochures,Web pages) that ASQ makes available on a particular certification
才华横溢的辞职信战长沙好看吗•You will study for the certification examination
When Should I Take the Examination?
“Later,rather than sooner”
How Do I Start Preparing?•Have you been reading Quality Progress cover-to-cover?
•Have you been reading Quality Engineering and other journals that are pertinent to your upcoming examination?蝴蝶兰开完花后怎么处理方法
ppt小插图Develop a Review Plan
•Sort the list of topics in the BOK by your level of knowledge about the topic •Select topics for in-depth review •Develop a review schedule