Lysozyme:Obtained from extracts of purified chicken Enzyme Preparations egg whites. Generally prepared and ud in the
hydrochloride form as a white powder. Major active First Published: Prior to FCC 6
principle: lysozyme. Typical application: ud as an Last Revision: FCC 6
antimicrobial in food processing.
Pancreatin:Obtained from porcine or bovine (ox) DESCRIPTION pancreatic tissue. Produced as a white to tan, water-Enzyme Preparations ud in food processing are derived soluble powder. Major active principles: (1) α-amyla; from animal, plant, or microbial sources (e Classification,(2) protea; and (3) lipa. Typical applications: ud below). They may consist of whole cells, parts of cells, or in the preparation of precooked cereals, infant foods, cell-free extracts of the source ud, and they may contain and protein hydrolysates.
one active component or, more commonly, a mixture of Pepsin:Obtained from the glandular layer of hog veral, as well as food-grade diluents, prervatives,stomach. Produced as a white to light tan, water-antioxidants, and other substances consistent with good soluble powder; amber paste; or clear,
amber to manufacturing practices. The individual preparations brown, aqueous liquids. Major active principle: pepsin. usually are named according to the substance to which Typical applications: ud in the preparation of fishmeal they are applied, such as Protea or Amyla. Traditional and other protein hydrolysates and in the clotting of names such as Malt, Pepsin, and Rennet also are ud,milk in the manufacture of chee (in combination with however. The color of the preparations—which may be rennet).
liquid, miliquid, or dry—may vary from virtually colorless Phospholipa A
2:Obtained from porcine pancreatic
to dark brown. The active components consist of the tissue. Produced as a white to tan powder or pale to biologically active proteins, which are sometimes dark yellow liquid. Major active principle: phospholipa conjugated with metals, carbohydrates, and/or lipids.A
2. Typical application: ud in the hydrolysis of Known molecular weights of the active components range lecithins.
from approximately 12,000 to veral hundred thousand.Rennet, Bovine:Aqueous extracts made from the
The activity of enzyme preparations is measured according fourth stomach of bovines. Produced as a clear, amber to the reaction catalyzed by individual enzymes (e to dark brown liquid or a white to tan powder. Major below) and is usually expresd in activity units per unit active principle: protea (pepsin). Typical application: weight of the preparation. In commercial practice (but not ud in the manufacture of chee. Similar preparations for Food Chemicals Codex purpos), the activity of the may be made from the fourth stomach of sheep or product is sometimes also given as the quantity of the goats.
preparation to be added to a given quantity of food to Rennet, Calf:Aqueous extracts made from the fourth achieve the desired effect. Additional information relating stomach of calves. Produced as a clear, amber to dark to the nomenclature and the sources from which the active brown liquid or a white to tan powder. Major active components are derived is provided under Enzyme Assays,principle: protea (chymosin). Typical application: ud Appendix the manufacture of chee. Similar preparations may Function:Enzyme (e discussion under Classification,be made from the fourth stomach of lambs or kids. below)Trypsin:Obtained from purified extracts of porcine or Packaging and Storage:Store in well-clod containers bovine pancreas. Produced as white to tan, amorphous in a cool, dry place.powders soluble in water, but practically insoluble in
alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active IDENTIFICATION
principle: trypsin. Typical applications: ud in baking, Classification
儿童脾胃虚弱in the tenderizing of meat, and in the production of •A NIMAL-D ERIVED P REPARATIONS
protein hydrolysates.
Catala, Bovine Liver:Produced as partially purified
liquid or powdered extracts from bovine liver. Major
Amyla:Obtained from extraction of ungerminated active principle: catala. Typical application: ud in
婴儿断奶最佳时间barley. Produced as a clear, amber to dark brown the manufacture of certain chees.
liquid or a white to tan powder. Major active principle: Chymotrypsin:Obtained from purified extracts of
幼儿舞蹈歌曲β-amyla. Typical applications: ud in the production bovine or porcine pancreatic tissue. Produced as white
of alcoholic beverages and sugar syrups.
千丝万缕to tan, amorphous powders soluble in water, but
Bromelain:The purified proteolytic substance derived practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in
from the pineapples Ananas comosus and Ananas ether. Major active principle: chymotrypsin. Typical
bracteatus L. (Fam. Bromeliaceae). Produced as a white application: ud in the hydrolysis of protein.
to light tan, amorphous powder soluble in water (the Lipa, Animal:Obtained from the edible forestomach
solution is usually colorless to light yellow and tissue of calves, kids, or lambs; and from animal
somewhat opalescent), but practically insoluble in pancreatic tissue. Produced as purified edible tissue
alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active preparations or as aqueous extracts dispersible in
principle: bromelain. Typical applications: ud in the water, but insoluble in alcohol. Major active principle:
chillproofing of beer, in the tenderizing of meat, in the lipa. Typical applications: ud in the manufacture of
preparation of precooked cereals, in the production of chee and in the modification of lipids.
protein hydrolysates, and in baking.
Ficin:The purified proteolytic substance derived from applications: ud in the preparation of starch syrups
the latex of Ficus sp. (Fam. Moraceae), which includes and dextro, alcohol, beer, ale, fruit juices, chocolate
a variety of tropical fig trees. Produced as a white to syrups, bakery products, liquid coffee, wine, dairy
off-white powder completely soluble in water. (Liquid products, cereals, and spice and flavor extracts.
fig latex concentrates are light to dark brown.) Major Carbohydra:(Aspergillus oryzae var.) Produced as an
active principle: ficin. Typical applications: ud in the off-white to tan, amorphous powder or a liquid by
chillproofing of beer, in the tenderizing of meat, and in controlled fermentation using Aspergillus oryzae var.
the conditioning of dough in baking.Soluble in water (the solution is usually light yellow to Malt:The product of the controlled germination of dark brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in
barley. Produced as a clear amber to dark brown liquid chloroform, and in ether. Major active principles: (1) α-
preparation or as a white to tan powder. Major active amyla, (2) glucoamyla (amyloglucosida), and (3)
principles: (1) α-amyla and (2) β-amyla. Typical lacta. Typical applications: ud in the preparation of applications: ud in baking, in the manufacture of starch syrups, alcohol, beer, ale, bakery products, and
alcoholic beverages and of syrups.dairy products.
Papain:The purified proteolytic substance derived from Carbohydra:(Bacillus acidopullulyticus) Produced as an
the fruit of the papaya Carica papaya L. ( to brown, amorphous powder or a liquid by
Caricaceae). Produced as a white to light tan,controlled fermentation using Bacillus acidopullulyticus.
amorphous powder or a liquid soluble in water (the Soluble in water (the solution is usually light yellow to
solution is usually colorless or light yellow and dark brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in
somewhat opalescent), but practically insoluble in chloroform, and in ether. Major active principle:
alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active pullulana. Typical applications: ud in the hydrolysis
principles: (1) papain and (2) chymopapain. Typical of amylopectins and other branched polysaccharides.
applications: ud in the chillproofing of beer, in the Carbohydra:(Bacillus stearothermophilus) Produced as
tenderizing of meat, in the preparation of precooked an off-white to tan powder or a light yellow to dark
cereals, and in the production of protein hydrolysates.brown liquid by controlled fermentation using Bacillus •M ICROBIALLY-D ERIVED P REPARATIONS stearothermophilus. Soluble in water, but practically α-Acetolactatedecarboxyla:(Bacillus subtilis insoluble in alcohol, in ether, and in chloroform. Major containing a Bacillus brevis gene) Produced as a brown active principle: α-amyla. Typical applications: ud in
liquid by controlled fermentation using the modified the preparation of starch syrups, alcohol, beer,
Bacillus subtilis. Soluble in water (the solution is usually dextro, and bakery products.
a light yellow to brown). Major active principle:Carbohydra:(Candida pudotropicalis) Produced as
名著书籍decarboxyla. Typical application: ud in the an off-white to tan, amorphous powder or a liquid by
preparation lled fermentation using Candida pudotropicalis.
Aminopeptida, Leucine:(Aspergillus niger var.,Soluble in water (the solution is usually light yellow to
Aspergillus oryzae var., and other microbial species)dark brown) but insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform,
Produced as a light tan to brown powder or as a and in ether. Major active principle: lacta. Typical
brown liquid by controlled fermentation using applications: ud in the manufacture of candy and ice
Aspergillus niger var., Aspergillus oryzae var., or other cream and in the modification of dairy products.
microbial species. The powder is soluble in water (the Carbohydra:(Kluyveromyces marxianus var. lactis)
solution is usually light yellow to brown). Major active Produced as an off-white to tan, amorphous powder or
principles: (1) aminopeptida, (2) protea, and (3) a liquid by controlled fermentation using Kluyveromyces
carboxypeptida activities in varying amounts. Typical marxianus var. lactis. Soluble in water (the solution is
applications: ud in the preparation of protein usually light yellow to dark brown), but insoluble in
hydrolysates and in the development of flavors in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active
procesd foods.principle: lacta. Typical applications: ud in the Carbohydra:(Aspergillus niger var., including manufacture of candy and ice cream and in the
Aspergillus aculeatus) Produced as an off-white to tan modification of dairy products.
powder or a tan to dark brown liquid by controlled Carbohydra:(Mortierella vinaceae var. raffinoutilizer)
fermentation using Aspergillus niger var. (including Produced as an off-white to tan powder or as pellets
Aspergillus aculeatus). Soluble in water (the solution is by controlled fermentation using Mortierella vinaceae
usually light yellow to dark brown), but practically var. raffinoutilizer. Soluble in water (pellets may be
insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major insoluble in water), but practically insoluble in alcohol,
active principles: (1) α-amyla, (2) pectina (a mixture in chloroform, and in ether. Major active principle: α-
of enzymes, including pectin depolymera, pectin galactosida. Typical application: ud in the
methyl estera, pectin lya, and pectate lya), (3)production of sugar from sugar beets.
cellula, (4) glucoamyla (amyloglucosida), (5)Carbohydra:(Rhizopus niveus) Produced as an off-
amylo-1,6-glucosida, (6) hemicellula (a mixture of white to brown, amorphous powder or a liquid by
enzymes, including poly(galacturonate) hydrola,controlled fermentation using Rhizopus niveus. Soluble
arabinosida, mannosida, mannana, and xylana),in water (the solution is usually light yellow to dark
(7) lacta, (8) β-glucana, (9) β-D-glucosida, (10)brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in
pentosana, and (11) α-galactosida. Typical chloroform, and in ether. Major active principles: (1) α-
amyla and (2) glucoamyla. Typical application: ud Carbohydra and Protea, Mixed:(Bacillus subtilis
in the hydrolysis of starch.var. including Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) Produced as an Carbohydra:(Rhizopus oryzae var.) Produced as a off-white to tan, amorphous powder or as a liquid by powder or a liquid by controlled fermentation using controlled fermentation using Bacillus subtilis var. Rhizopus oryzae var. Soluble in water, but practically Soluble in water (the solution is usually light yellow to insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major dark brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in active principles: (1) α-amyla, (2) pectina, and (3)chloroform, and in ether. Major active principles: (1) α-glucoamyla (amyloglucosida). Typical applications:amyla, (2) β-glucana, (3) protea, and (4)
ud in the preparation of starch syrups and fruit juices,pentosana. Typical applications: ud in the vegetable purees, and juices and in the manufacture of preparation of starch syrups, alcohol, beer, dextro, chee.bakery products, and fishmeal, in the tenderizing of Carbohydra:(Saccharomyces species) Produced as a meat, and in the preparation of protein hydrolysates. white to tan, amorphous powder by controlled Catala:(Aspergillus niger var.) Produced as an off-fermentation using a number of species of white to tan, amorphous powder or as a liquid by Saccharomyces traditionally ud in the manufacture of controlled fermentation using Aspergillus niger var. food. Soluble in water (the solution is usually light Soluble in water (the solution is usually t
an to brown), yellow), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in but practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and chloroform, and in ether. Major active principles: (1)in ether. Major active principle: catala. Typical inverta and (2) lacta. Typical applications: ud in applications: ud in the manufacture of chee, egg the manufacture of candy and ice cream and in the products, and soft drinks.
modification of dairy products.Catala:(Micrococcus lysodeikticus) Produced by Carbohydra:[(Trichoderma longibrachiatum var.)controlled fermentation using Micrococcus lysodeikticus. (formerly reei)] Produced as an off-white to tan,Soluble in water (the solution is usually light yellow to amorphous powder or as a liquid by controlled dark brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in fermentation using Trichoderma longibrachiatum var.chloroform, and in ether. Major active principle: Soluble in water (the solution is usually tan to brown),catala. Typical application: ud in the manufacture but practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and of chee, egg products, and soft drinks.
in ether. Major active principles: (1) cellula, (2) β-Chymosin:(Aspergillus niger var. awamori, Escherichia glucana, (3) β-D-glucosida, (4) hemicellula, and (5)coli K-12, and Kluyveromyces marxianus, each pentosana. Typical applications: ud in the microorganism containing a calf pro
chymosin gene) preparation of fruit juices, wine, vegetable oils, beer,Produced as a white to tan, amorphous powder or as a and baked goods.light yellow to brown liquid by controlled fermentation Carbohydra:(Bacillus subtilis containing a Bacillus using the above-named genetically modified megateriumα-amyla gene) Produced as an off-white microorganisms. The powder is soluble in water, but
to brown, amorphous powder or liquid by controlled practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in fermentation using the modified Bacillus subtilis. Soluble ether. Major active principle: chymosin. Typical
in water (the solution is usually light yellow to dark application: ud in the manufacture of chee and in brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in the preparation of milk-bad desrts.
chloroform, and in ether. Major active principle: α-Gluco Isomera:(Actinoplanes missouriensis, Bacillus amyla. Typical applications: ud in the preparation coagulans, Streptomyces olivaceus, Streptomyces
of starch syrups, alcohol, beer, and dextro.olivochromogenes, Microbacterium arborescens, Carbohydra:(Bacillus subtilis containing a Bacillus Streptomyces rubiginosus var., or Streptomyce
s murinus) stearothermophilusα-amyla gene) Produced as an off-Produced as an off-white to tan, brown, or pink
white to brown, amorphous powder or a liquid by amorphous powder, granules, or liquid by controlled controlled fermentation using the modified Bacillus fermentation using any of the above-named organisms. subtilis. Soluble in water (the solution is usually light The products may be soluble in water, but practically yellow to dark brown), but practically insoluble in insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether; or if alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active immobilized, may be insoluble in water and partially principle: maltogenic amyla. Typical applications:soluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major ud in the preparation of starch syrups, dextro,active principle: gluco (or xylo) isomera. Typical alcohol, beer, and baked goods.applications: ud in the manufacture of high-fructo Carbohydra and Protea, Mixed:(Bacillus corn syrup and other fructo starch syrups. licheniformis var.) Produced as an off-white to brown,Gluco Oxida:(Aspergillus niger var.) Produced as a amorphous powder or as a liquid by controlled yellow to brown solution or as a yellow to tan or off-fermentation using Bacillus licheniformis var. Soluble in white powder by controlled fermentation using
water (the solution is usually light yellow to dark Aspergillus niger var. Soluble in water (the solution i
s brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in usually light yellow to brown), but practically insoluble chloroform, and in ether. Major active principles: (1) α-in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active amyla and (2) protea. Typical applications: ud in principles: (1) gluco oxida and (2) catala. Typical the preparation of starch syrups, alcohol, beer,applications: ud in the removal of sugar from liquid dextro, fishmeal, and s and in the deoxygenation of citrus beverages.
Lipa:(Aspergillus niger var.) Produced as an off-white of protein hydrolysates, and in the development of
to tan, amorphous powder by controlled fermentation flavor in procesd foods.
using Aspergillus niger var. Soluble in water (the Rennet, Microbial:(nonpathogenic strain of Bacillus solution is usually light yellow), but practically insoluble cereus) Produced as a white to tan, amorphous powder in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active or a light yellow to dark brown liquid by controlled principle: lipa. Typical application: ud in the fermentation using Bacillus cereus. Soluble in water, but hydrolysis of lipids (e.g., fish oil concentrates and practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in cereal-derived lipids).ether. Major active principle: protea.
Typical Lipa:(Aspergillus oryzae var.) Produced as an off-white application: ud in the manufacture of chee.
to tan, amorphous powder or a liquid by controlled Rennet, Microbial:(Endothia parasitica) Produced as an fermentation using Aspergillus oryzae var. Soluble in off-white to tan, amorphous powder or as a liquid by water (the solution is usually light yellow), but controlled fermentation using nonpathogenic strains of practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in Endothia parasitica. The powder is soluble in water (the ether. Major active principle: lipa. Typical solution is usually tan to dark brown), but practically applications: ud in the hydrolysis of lipids (e.g., fish insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major oil concentrates) and in the manufacture of chee and active principle: protea. Typical application: ud in chee flavors.the manufacture of chee.
Lipa:(Candida rugosa; formerly Candida cylindracea)Rennet, Microbial:[Rhizomucor (Mucor) sp.] Produced Produced as an off-white to tan powder by controlled as a white to tan, amorphous powder by controlled fermentation using Candida rugosa. Soluble in water,fermentation using Rhizomucor miehei, or pusillus var. but practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and Lindt. The powder is soluble in water (the solution is
in ether. Major active principle: lipa. Typical usually light yellow), but practically insoluble in applications: ud in the hydrolysis of lipids, in the alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active manufacture of dairy products and confectionery principle: protea. Typical application: ud in the goods, and in the development of flavor in procesd manufacture of chee.
foods.Transglutamina:(Streptoverticillium mobaraen var.) Lipa:[Rhizomucor (Mucor) miehei] Produced as an off-Produced as an off-white to weak yellow-brown,
white to tan powder or as a liquid by controlled amorphous powder by controlled fermentation using fermentation using Rhizomucor miehei. Soluble in water Streptoverticillium mobaraen var. Soluble in water but (the solution is usually light yellow to dark brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active principle: transglutamina. Typical ether. Major active principle: lipa. Typical applications: ud in the processing of meat, poultry, applications: ud in the hydrolysis of lipids, in the and afood; production of yogurt, certain chees, manufacture of chee, and in the removal of haze in and frozen desrts; and manufacture of pasta products fruit juices.and noodles, baked goods, meat analogs, ready-to-eat Phyta:(Aspergillus niger var.) Produced as an off-white cereals, and other grain-bad foods.
to brown powder or as a tan to dark brown liquid by•R EACTIONS C ATALYZED
controlled fermentation using Aspergillus niger var.[N OTE—The reactions catalyzed by any given active Soluble in water, but practically insoluble in alcohol, in component are esntially the same, regardless of the chloroform, and in ether. Major active principles: (1) 3-source from which that component is derived.] phyta and (2) acid phosphata. Typical applications:α-Acetolactatedecarboxyla:Decarboxylation of α-ud in the production of soy protein isolate and in the cetolactate to acetoin
removal of phytic acid from plant materials.Aminopeptida, Leucine:Hydrolysis of N-terminal Protea:(Aspergillus niger var.) Produced by controlled amino acid, which is preferably leucine, but may be fermentation using Aspergillus niger var. The purified other amino acids, from proteins and oligopeptides, enzyme occurs as an off-white to tan, amorphous yielding free amino acids and oligopeptides of lower powder. Soluble in water (the solution is usually light molecular weight
yellow), but practically insoluble in alcohol, inα-Amyla:Endohydrolysis of α-1,4-glucan bonds in chloroform, and in ether. Major active principle:polysaccharides (starch, glycogen, etc.), yielding protea. Typical application: ud in the production of dextrins and oligo- and monosaccharides
protein hydrolysates.β-Amyla:Hydrolysis of α-1,4-glucan bonds in Protea:(Aspergillus oryzae var.) Produced by polysaccharides (starch, glycogen, etc.), yielding controlled fermentation using Aspergillus oryzae var.malto and betalimit dextrins
The purified enzyme occurs as an off-white to tan,Bromelain:Hydrolysis of polypeptides, amides, and amorphous powder. Soluble in water (the solution is esters (especially at bonds involving basic amino acids, usually light yellow), but practically insoluble in leucine, or glycine), yielding peptides of lower alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active molecular weight
principle: protea. Typical applications: ud in the Catala:2H2O2↔O2 + 2H2O
chillproofing of beer, in the production of bakery Cellula:Hydrolysis of β-1,4-glucan bonds in such products, in the tenderizing of meat, in the production polysaccharides as cellulo, yielding β-dextrins
Chymosin (calf and fermentation derived):Cleaves a Pullulana:Hydrolysis of 1,6-α-D -glycosidic bonds on single bond in kappa cain
amylopectin and glycogen and in α-and β-limit Ficin:Hydrolysis of polypeptides, amides, and esters dextrins, yielding linear polysaccharides
(especially at bonds involving basic amino acids,Rennet (bovine and calf):Hydrolysis of polypeptides;leucine, or glycine), yielding peptides of lower specificity may be similar to pepsin molecular weight
Transglutamina:Binding of proteins
α-Galactosida:Hydrolysis of terminal nonreducing α-Trypsin:Hydrolysis of polypeptides, amides, and esters D -galacto residues in α-D -galactosides
at bonds involving the carboxyl groups of L -arginine β-Glucana:Hydrolysis of β-1,3- and β-1,4-linkages in and L -lysine, yielding peptides of lower molecular β-D -glucans, yielding oligosaccharides and gluco weight
Glucoamyla (amyloglucosida):Hydrolysis of ASSAY
terminal α-1,4- and α-1,6-glucan bonds in
polysaccharides (starch, glycogen, etc.), yielding Analysis:The following procedures, which are included gluco (dextro)
under Enzyme Assays, Appendix V, are provided for Gluco Isomera (xylo isomera):Isomerization application as necessary in determining compliance of gluco to fructo, and xylo to xylulo
with the declared reprentations for enzyme activity 1 :Gluco Oxida:β-D -gluco + O 2↔D -glucono-δ-α-Acetolactatedecarboxyla Activity, Acid Phosphata lactone + H 2O 2
Activity, α-Amyla Activity (Nonbacterial); Bacterial α-β-D -Glucosida:Hydrolysis of terminal, nonreducing β-Amyla Activity (BAU); Catala Activity; Cellula D -gluco residues with the relea of β-D -gluco Activity; Chymotrypsin Activity; Diasta Activity
Hemicellula:Hydrolysis of β-1,4-glucans, α-L -(Diastatic Power); α-Galactosida Activity, β-Glucana arabinosides, β-D -mannosides, 1,3-β-D -xylans, and other Activity; Glucoamyla Activity (Amyloglucosida polysaccharides, yielding polysaccharides of lower Activity); Gluco Isomera Activity; Gluco Oxida molecular weight
Activity; β-D-Glucosida Activity; Hemicellula Activity;Inverta (β-fructofuranosida):Hydrolysis of sucro Inverta Activity; Lacta (Neutral) (β-Galactosida)to a mixture of gluco and fructo (invert sugar)Activity; Lacta (Acid) (β-Galactosida) Activity; Lipa Lacta (β-galactosi
da):Hydrolysis of lacto to a Activity; Lipa/Estera (Forestomach) Activity;mixture of gluco and galacto
Maltogenic Amyla Activity; Milk-Clotting Activity;Lysozyme:Hydrolysis of cell-wall polysaccharides of Pancreatin Activity; Pepsin Activity; Phospholipa various bacterial species leading to the breakdown of Activity; Phyta Activity; Plant Proteolytic Activity;the cell wall most often in Gram-positive bacteria
Proteolytic Activity, Bacterial (PC); Proteolytic Activity,Maltogenic Amyla:Hydrolysis of α-1,4-glucan bonds Fungal (HUT); Proteolytic Activity, Fungal (SAP);Lipa:Hydrolysis of triglycerides of simple fatty acids,Pullulana Activity; and Trypsin Activity.
yielding mono- and diglycerides, glycerol, and free Acceptance criteria:NLT 85.0% and NMT 115.0% of fatty acids the declared units of enzyme activity
α-Amyla:Hydrolysis of α-1,4-glucan bonds
Protea:Hydrolysis of proteins and polypepticles •L EAD , Lead Limit Test, Appendix IIIB
Lipa:Hydrolysis of triglycerides of simple fatty acids Control:5µg Pb (5 mL of Diluted Standard Lead Pectina
Solution )
Pectate lya:Hydrolysis of pectate to Acceptance criteria:NMT 5 mg/kg
Pectin depolymera:Hydrolysis of 1,4galacturonide SPECIFIC TESTS
Pectin lya:Hydrolysis of oligosaccharides formed by [N OTE —Current methods for the following tests may be pectate lya
found in the Food and Drug Administration’s Pectinestera:Demethylation of pectin
Bacteriological Analytical Manual online at Pepsin:Hydrolysis of polypeptides, including tho with www.v/.]bonds adjacent to aromatic or dicarboxylic L -amino Acceptance criteria
acid residues, yielding peptides of lower molecular Coliforms:NMT 30 CFU/g weight
salmonella:Negative in 25g
Phospholipa A 2:Hydrolysis of lecithins and OTHER REQUIREMENTS
phosphatidylcholine, producing fatty acid anions Enzyme preparations are produced in accordance with good Phyta
manufacturing practices. Regardless of the source of 3-Phyta:myo -Inositol hexakisphosphate +derivation, they should cau no increa in the total
H 2O ↔1,2,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate + ortho-phosphate
Becau of the varied conditions under which pectinas are employed, and Acid Phosphata:Orth
ophosphate monoester +becau laboratory hydrolysis of a purified pectin substrate does not correlate H 2O ↔an alcohol + orthophosphate
with results obrved with the natural substrates under u conditions,
Protea (generic):Hydrolysis of polypeptides, yielding pectina suppliers and urs should develop their own assay procedures that peptides of lower molecular weight
would relate to the specific application under consideration.