1. 做准备(make preparations):
- 我们需要为派对做准备,包括购买食物和准备音乐。
We need to make preparations for the party, including buying food and preparing music.
2. 准备好(get ready):
- 请准备好你的材料,会议即将开始。
Plea get ready with your materials, the meeting is about to start.
如何清除手机缓存3. 准备做某事(prepare to do something):银行职业规划
- 我们需要准备好迎接客户的到来。烟台牟氏庄园
We need to prepare to welcome the arrival of the clients.
4. 为...做准备(prepare for something):
- 我们必须为下周的考试做好充分的准备。
We must prepare for the exam next week.
5. 准备好自己(prepare onelf):
- 他准备好自己去应对挑战。
He prepared himlf to face the challenges.
6. 准备工作(preparatory work):
家用制氧机如何选择>海底生物简笔画- 在开始新项目之前,我们需要先完成一些准备工作。
We need to complete some preparatory work before starting the new project.
7. 预备(preparatory):
- 这门课是为了接下来的高级课程做预备。
This cour is preparatory for the advanced class to follow.
8. 预备阶段(preparatory stage):
- 我们目前正处于项目的预备阶段。
We are currently in the preparatory stage of the project.