【第⼀篇:Having a great trip 】
本课时的教学内容为新起点五年级下册第五单元教材第56-57页内容,即:Get ready, A Listen and tick, B Chant and say 和C Let’s write. 在A部分,借助Get ready图和对话录⾳,情境化地呈现了本课的⽬标词:went to the beach, drank cold drinks, swam in the a, ate ice-cream, went to the Stone Forest, bought some gifts, saw flowers, took pictures等短语;让学⽣通过看、听、选择等途径来感知并学习这些短语。B部分通过歌谣帮助学⽣操练词汇并学习另外两个⽬标词,同时体会It was boring. 等句⼦在交际情境中的运⽤。C部分是学⽣根据语境,使⽤恰当的词语填空。
五年级的学⽣在本套教材第⼋册的第三单元学习了Travel Plans学习了a, ski, eat afood, visit the Mogao Caves, West Lake, row a boat, the Great Wall, take photos等描述旅游景点名称及相关活动的单
词和短语,学⽣能够⽤We can … 初步表达在风景名胜中所从事的相关活动。这些为本节课的顺利开展打下了基础。
1. 能够听懂、会说 went to the beach, drank cold drinks, swam in the a, ate ice-cream, went to the Stone Forest, bought some gifts, saw flowers, took pictures等单词和短语,尝试借助拼读规律记忆它们,并能够根据语境选择恰当的单词形式填空。
2. 能够通过说唱歌谣,以及运⽤谈论过去旅游情况的功能句I went to … I climbed … 等操练本单元的重点词汇。
3. 能够根据语境选择单词的恰当的形式填空。
能够听懂、会说 went to the beach, drank cold drinks, swam in the a, ate ice-cream, went to the Stone Forest, bought some gifts, saw flowers, took pictures等单词和短语,尝试借助拼读规律记忆它们,并能够根据语境选择恰当的单词形式填空。
能够通过说唱歌谣,以及运⽤谈论过去旅游情况的功能句I went to … I climbed … 等操练本单元的重点词汇。
1. 热⾝(唱⼀唱)
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Miss Fan.
T: Look at the beautiful pictures. Where is it? (点击课件,出现三亚风景图⽚)
Ss: Sanya.
T: Great! Is it a beautiful place?
Ss: Yes.
T: Did you go to Sanya?
Ss: Yes. / No.
T: When did you go Sanya?
S: I went there …
T: XX went to Sanya. Our friend——Bill went to Sanya, too. What did Bill do there? Let’s have a look. 设计意图:开门见⼭,直⼊正题。
2. 学习(学⼀学,练⼀练)
①教学went to the beach
T: Where is it? (点击课件,出现海滩)
S: 海边/沙滩
T: Yes. It’s beach. (点击课件,出现beach 单词) How to read the word? (出现teach, each)
T: /bi:t?/
S: /bi:t?/
T: Do you like the beach?
S: Yes.
T: What can you e there?
S: I can e the a, the sand and …
T: Is it beautiful?
Ss: Yes.
T: It’s so beautiful, so Bill went to the beach. (点击课件,出现went) went to the beach
Ss: went to the beach
T: Look at the picture. Bill went to the beach. Who el went to the beach?
Ss: Bill’s parents.
T: You are right. You should go to the beach with your parents.
T: Who went to the beach in our class?
S: Me.
T: Bill went to the beach. XX went to the beach, too. What did Bill do there?
②教学swam in the a
T: The a is blue. It’s hot. Bill swam in the a. /sw?m/
S: /sw?m/
T: Bill ________. (教师引导学⽣说图)
S: Bill swam in the a.
T: Did you swim in the a, XX?
S: Yes.
神经内科心得体会 T: XX ____. (教师引导学⽣⽤学过的动词过去式短语说句⼦)
S: XX swam in the a.
③教学drank cold drinks关于茶的图片
T: Bill swam in the a half an hour. He was tired. What did he do then? Look! (点击课件)He ____. (教师引导学⽣说句⼦) Drank hot drinks?
S: No.
T: Bill drank cold drinks. /dr??k/
S: /dr??k/
T: Can you drink cold drink after exercis?
S: No.
T: Drinking cold drinks after exercising is not good for our body. You should drink warm water. Right?
S: Yes.
T: Did you drink cold drinks in last summer?
Ss: Yes. / No.
T: After Bill drank cold drinks, he swam in the a again. He swam and swam. Half an hour, he was tired again. What did he do?
④教学ate ice-cream
T: Look! (点击课件) He ate ice- cream. /eit/
S: /eit/
T: What does a—e say?
Ss: It says /ei/.
T: OK. Was Bill right?
S: No.
T: What should he do?
S: He should drink warm water.
T: Clever.观察动物的日记
⑤教学went to the Forest Stone
T: Bill went to Sanya. What about Lily? Where did Lily go? Look! (点击课件) Where is it?
S: Kunming.
T: Good job. Did Lily go to Kunming with her parents?
baxi S: No.
T: Who?
S: …
T: Lily went to Kunming with her uncle’s family. Where did Lily visit? Look! (点击课件)Where is it?
S: ⽯林
T: the Stone Forest中国男星
Ss: the Stone Forest
T: The Stone Forest is very beautiful. Lily went there. Who went there in our class?
S: Me.
T: What did you do there?
S: … (教师帮助学⽣⽤过去式表达)
⑥教学saw flowers
T: Look! What are the?
S: Flowers.
T: Beautiful?
S: Yes!
T: Lily went to the Stone Forest. The flowers were there. Lily saw flowers. /s?:/
S: /s?:/
T: I saw many flowers. Did you e flowers? (⼿指课件上⾯的花⼉)
S: Yes. I saw flowers.
⑦教学took photos
T: What did Lily do after eing flowers? (点击课件,出现词组和旧单词)
S: took photos
T: You are so clever. Who took photos for Lily?
S: Lily’s uncle.
T: Good. Did you take photos when you had a trip?
S: Yes.
T: OK. We will talk about your photos.
⑧教学bought some gifts
T: When Lily’s trip was over, she went to a shop. What did she do? (点击课件)
S: bought some gifts
T: Right. What did she buy?
S: She bought some gifts.
T: Super.
(2)Listen and tick
T: Now open your book and turn to P57. Let’s listen and tick. Take out your pencils. (点击课件) 学⽣听⾳,打勾,班内校正,及时评价。
(3)Chant and say
T: Look at the picture. What did Bill and Lily do?
S: Bill swam in the a. Lily bought some gifts.
T: Read the ntence by yourlf.
T: Are you right? Let’s listen and follow it. (点击课件)
(4)Let’s write
T: Look here. Where is it? (点击课件)
S: Sichuan.
T: What can you e?
S: I can e …
T: What can you do there?
S: I can …
立秋祝福语 T: Miss Fan went to Sichuan last summer vacation. This is my passage about my trip. Can you help me finish it?
歪打正着的意思是什么 Ss: Yes! 学⽣做练习,班内展⽰,及时评价。
1. Read the dialogue on P56.
2. Say Chant to your parents.
3. Write a short passage about your trip.
【第⼆篇:Holidays 】
1. 教材内容
⽇National Day, Halloween, Christmas, Spring Festival 及句型What do people usually do at …? I… .并能⾃由交流如何度过假⽇。在本课中did引导的⼀般疑问句及回答也是新知之⼀。因为在前⾯第三单元⼰出现了be 动词的过去式,所以学⽣在学习的时候这⽅⾯⽐较容易掌握。
本节课所选的教学内容是⽜津⼩学英语6A Unit 6。本单元教学围绕节⽇展开。在询问节⽇这部分,学⽣已有了前⾯第三单元的知识铺垫,⽐较易于深⼊与扩展。这样的安排,既体现了教材循序渐进、由难到易的编排意思,⼜符合学⽣的知识⽔平和认知⽔平。关于⼈们如何度过节⽇这⼀话题,特别是西⽅的节⽇,。则需要学⽣课后及时收集资料。在实际教学中,本课采⽤旧话题先教新句型,再⽤句型引新知的⽅式展开,这样既便于学⽣接受掌握,也体现了教学内容之间的连贯性。
1. 教学⽬标
[认知⽬标] 学⽣能听、说、读短语及单词:visit relatives and friends , go to parties, dress up in cost
umes, ware masks , make pumping lanterns, eat lots of delicious food , National Day, Christmas, Halloween, Spring Festival , favourite ; 能运⽤When's … ? What do people usually do at …? Did you…last …? Yes , I did./ No, I didn't.等进⾏⼝语交际。