第九条针对市场风险的压力测试情景包括但不局限于以下内容:市场上资产价格出现不利变动;主要货币汇率出现大的变化;利率重新定价缺口突然加大;基准利率出现不利于银行的情况;收益率曲线出现不利于银行的移动以及附带期权工具的资产负债其期权集中行使可能为银行带来损失等。 家中有事
第十三条商业银行压力测试应包括以下步骤和程序:确定风险因素,设计压力情景,选择假设条件,确定测试程序,定期进行测试,对测试结果进行分析,通过压力测试确定潜在风险点和脆弱环节,将结果按照内部流程进行报告,采取应急处理措施和其他相关改进措施,向监管当局报告等。 春节趣事作文600字
强壮 第十七条银监会负责对商业银行压力测试工作进行监督检查。银监会有权要求商业银行针对特定风险,按照统一要求进行压力测试,并将测试结果向银监会报告。
Guidelines for the Stress Testing of Commercial Banks
Article 1 In order to further enhance the risk management ability of commercial banks and
continuously improve the supervisory techniques and means of the CBRC, the Guidelines are formulated according to the Banking Supervision Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Commercial Banks, other relevant laws and administrative regulations.
Article 2 The Guidelines are applicable to the commercial banks established within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, including Chine-funded commercial banks, exclusively foreign-funded banks and Chine-foreign equity joint banks.
Article 3 The term “stress testing” as mentioned in the Guidelines refers to such a kind of risk analysis method in which the quantitative analysis method is usually adopted, the f
rangibility of a single bank, a bank group and the banking system is evaluated and judged through forecasting possible loss from small probability events or any other extremely unfavorable circumstances as assumed and analyzing the negative impact of such loss on the bank’s profitability and capital, and necessary measures are thus taken.
Article 4 Stress testing can help a commercial bank completely find out the relationship between any potential risk factors and its financial conditions, deeply analyze its ability to resist risks, form the basis for the board of directors and the nior executives to discuss, decide and enforce countermeasures, prevent the impact of extreme events on itlf. For a bank that widely us various kinds of risk measurement models in its daily management, the stress testing shall become an important supplement to the model method. The stress testing can also help the CBRC completely find out the risk situation and risk resistance ability of a single bank and the banking system.
Article 5 Stress testing shall include such concrete methods as nsitivity testing and scenario testing. Sensitivity testing is ud to test the impact of a single important risk factor or few cloly connected factors on the bank’s risk exposure and risk affordability due to the changes in assumptions. Scenario testing is ud to assume and analyze the impact of concurrent changes in veral risk factors or certain extremely unfavorable events on the bank’s risk exposure and risk affordability.
Article 6 A commercial bank may, in light of its own business development and risk situation as well as the complexity of specific contents in a certain kind of stress testing, determine different testing methods; and may choo a complex model or make reasona
ble judgment bad on experiences. A commercial bank shall take measures, continue to improve stress testing techniques and means, and enhance the reliability of stress testing results.
Article 7 Stress testing generally includes such risks as credit risk, market risk, fluidity risk and operating risk. In the stress testing, a commercial bank shall consider mutual effects and common influences between different risks.
Article 8 Stress testing scenarios aiming at the credit risk shall include, but not limited to, the following contents: recession of macro economy of our country or any main international economic bodies, dramatic decrea of real estate price, deterioration of loa
n quality, difficulty of any enterpris with huge debts or any inter-bank trading partners in the payment, and any other circumstances that will bring about major impact on the bank’s credit risk.
Article 9 Stress testing scenarios aiming at the market risk shall include, but not limited to, the following contents: unfavorable changes in the market ast price, large changes in the exchange rates of main currencies, abrupt increa of gap due to the re-determination of exchange rates, unfavorable conditions regarding benchmark interest rates for the bank, unfavorable movement in the yield curve for the bank, and possible loss resulted from the centralized exerci of options bad on asts or liabilities embedded with the option tool.
Article 10 Stress testing scenarios shall also include the difficulty of a bank in the capital fluidity, and the loss resulted from rious internal or external frauds or rious information technological system malfunction, etc.
Article 11 Stress testing scenarios shall, in light of the verity of assumptions, generally include light stress, moderate stress and rious stress. The three kinds of stress will be reinforced in order, of which the light stress is still stricter than the current actual situation.
Article 12 A commercial bank shall, in light of its own business development situation, risk
situation and risk management ability, formulate a stress testing scheme for its own bank, and make regular revisions and improvements. The relevant stress testing scheme shall be subject to approval and ratification of the nior executives and the board of directors of the bank. The stress testing scheme shall include the stress testing targets, procedures, methods, frequency, reporting route and relevant contingency plans, etc. The commercial bank shall make concrete stress testing under the framework of its stress testing scheme.
菩萨蛮书江西造口壁Article 13 The stress testing of a commercial bank shall include the following steps and procedures: determination of risk factors, design of stress scenarios, lection of assumptions, determination of testing procedures, regular testing, analysis of testing results, determination of potential risks and weak links through stress testing, reporting of results according to internal procedures, adoption of contingency measures and other rel
evant improvement measures, reporting to the competent regulatory bureau, and etc.
Article 14 The frequency for a commercial bank to make stress testing shall be suitable for the nature of stress testing risk factors and the risk management ability of the bank. Besides, the bank may make irregular stress testing in light of the changes in external environment and the requirements of the CBRC.
Article 15 A commercial bank shall carefully analyze the stress testing results, and decide whether to take contingency measures with regard to the stress testing results according to the principles, methods and triggering conditions as preliminarily determined. Whether or not to take contingency measures, the commercial bank shall give special attention to t
he risks and weak links disclod through stress testing.
Article 16 The board of directors and the nior executives of a commercial bank shall actively promote the rearch and application of stress testing within its own bank to guarantee sufficient resources for stress testing. A commercial bank shall determine a relevant department or form an inter-department working group to be responsible for managing and coordinating the stress testing of its own bank.
Article 17 The CBRC will be responsible for supervising and inspecting the stress testing of commercial banks. The CBRC will be entitled to require any commercial banks to make stress testing aiming at certain risks according to uniform requirements and report t
he testing results to the CBRC.
Article 18 The CBRC will regularly communicate with commercial banks with regard to stress testing, and evaluate whether the stress testing of a bank is suitable for its business and risk situations by way of onsite inspection and off-site supervision.
Article 19 When evaluating the stress testing of a commercial bank, the CBRC will focus on: whether the stress testing scheme is effective, whether the determination of risk factors is rational, whether the lection of stress scenarios is sufficient, whether the assumptions for stress testing are reasonable, whether the procedures and methods for stress testing are suitable for the risk degree, whether contingency plans are feasible, wh
ether the board of directors and the nior executives have carried out follow-up rearch on stress testing results, whether the bank has regularly revid the stress testing scheme, and etc.
Article 20 The CBRC may, in light of actual conditions, require a bank group to make stress testing on the basis of consolidated financial statements. If necessary, a dispatched agency of the CBRC may, in light of actual conditions, require a commercial bank branch to carry out stress testing aiming at any risks.
Article 21 The CBRC may, if necessary, make u of the stress testing results of commercial banks and other relevant information to carry out the stress testing of the ove
rall conditions of the banking ctor of our country and analyze the stability of the banking ctor.
Article 22 The Guidelines are formulated for the purpo of regulating the uniform requirements for stress testing. The CBRC will parately t down concrete requirements for stress testing, including the requirements for stress testing aiming at the market risk or the implementation of new capital agreement.
Article 23 Policy banks, postal savings banks, rural cooperative banks, urban credit cooperatives, rural credit cooperatives, non-bank financial institutions and foreign bank branches shall refer to the Guidelines in their relevant activities.
Article 24 State-owned commercial banks and joint stock commercial banks shall, no later than the end of 2008, and urban commercial banks and other commercial banks shall, no later than the end of 2009, make the stress testing according to the requirements provided for herein.
Article 25 The power to interpret the Guidelines shall be vested in the CBRC.
Article 26 The Guidelines shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.