Pride and Prejudice is written by Jane Austen with the purpo of positioning us, as the readers, to share her attitudes on the importance of marriage.怎么变长傲慢与偏见简奥斯汀所写的定位与我们的宗旨,为读者,分享她的婚姻态度的重要性。 Austen had extremely radical views for her time.奥斯丁对她的时间非常激进的看法。 She believed that marriage should not occur on the grounds of superficial feelings, pressures to marry, or wealth and social status.她认为,婚姻 是不应该发生的表面上感情的理由,压力结婚,或财富和社会地位。 The author believed that one should only marry for love.笔者认为,应该只为爱结婚。 Austen us characters as literary devices to show the readers the juxtapositioning between relationships who have married for love and relationships which have married for alternative reasons.奥斯汀作为文学装置使用的字符,显示读者之间的关系juxtapositioning谁对爱情和替代的原因有夫妻关系结 婚。 By influencing the readers to believe that marriage should only be for love we begin to realize that it is this, and only this, which can e
nable the characters of the novel to be happy.通过影响读者认为婚姻应该只为爱是我们 开始认识到,它是这一点,只有这样,它可以使本小说中的人物幸福。
³It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in posssion of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife² (pg5). ³这是一个举世公认的事实,即在拥有一个好运气单身男人,必须要一个妻子²(pg5)。 The first ntence of the novel Pride and Prejudice highlights the importance of marriage within the world of the novel.小说的傲慢与偏见第一句 强调了小说在世界的婚姻的重要性。 The ntence suggests that the sole purpo for marriage was to increa the characters social and financial ranking.这 句话表明,结婚的唯一目的是提高社会和财政的人物排名。 The quote mentions nothing of love yet it provokes the feeling in the minds of the readers that the purpo of marriage is to merely create curity.文中提到的爱没有提到但它刺激了对读者的心中的感觉是,婚 姻的目的仅仅是为了创造安全。 Finding a suitable marriage for the female characters who lived in a patriarchal society often became the solace of their lives.找到一个合适的婚姻为女 性的社会角色谁住在一个重男轻女往往成为他们生活的慰藉。 The character of Elizabeth Bennet
does not fit this generalization.伊丽莎白班纳特的性格并不适合这个概括。
Elizabeth Bennet is a literary device ud by Jane Austen to reprent her values and attitudes on the importance of marrying for love.伊丽莎白是 一个由简奥斯汀文学的设备用来表示对爱情的重要性,娶她的价值观和态度。 We often e the world through Elizabeth¹s eyes and we are positioned to empathize with her opinion on the absurdity of marrying for reasons other than love.我们经常看到伊丽莎白¹通过眼睛,我们定位于同情她的爱其他原因而结婚的荒谬观点的世界。 Elizabeth is a free-spirited individual who differs substantially from the other female characters of the novel.伊丽莎白是一个自由奔放的个人谁相差了小说的其他女性人物。 Elizabeth refus to be wed to a man to whom she does not love.伊丽莎白拒绝被结婚到 谁,她不爱的人。 Elizabeth, although often guilty of prejudice attitudes, always acknowledges and learns from her mistakes.伊丽莎白虽然常常犯的偏见态度,始终承认错误,并从她的学习。 She is a heroine.她是一个女英雄。
Mr Collins¹ introduction to Elizabeth is not a pleasant one although he is too ignorant to notice.柯林斯先生介绍¹伊丽莎白并不愉快,虽然他太无知注意。 Elizabeth finds Mr Collins ³a conceited, pompous, narrow-minded, silly man² (pg 115).伊丽莎白认为柯林斯先生³ 1自负,傲慢,狭隘的,愚蠢的人²(皮克115)。 Her obrvation is quite correct.她的观察是非常正确的。 Elizabeth¹s rejection of Mr Collin¹s marriage proposal was a revolutionary landmark in the context of the novel.伊丽莎白¹ ¹的S科林先生拒绝婚姻提案是在小说中革命的里程碑。 Although rejecting a man who you do not love is a lf-evident truth for us in todays society, in 1813, it was a far less obvious matter.虽然拒绝了你的人谁不爱,是我们的一个不言而喻的真理在当今社会在1813年,这是一个远没有那 么明显的问题。 敦煌特产Mr Collins was socially desirable, he would provide Elizabeth a home, respectability and long term stability for the Bennet family.柯林斯先 生在社会理想,他会提供伊丽莎白一个家,尊严和长期稳定的班纳特家。 However, on a personal level, Elizabeth realizes that Mr Collins would have brought her to insanity and that she could never love such a man.但是,在个人层面上,伊丽莎白意识到,柯林斯先生便带她到精神错乱,她可能永远不会爱这样一 个人。 As the readers we are positioned to feel empathy
towards Elizabeth.作 为读者,我们也有能力对伊丽莎白感到同情。 We are influenced to agree with her attitudes on marrying only for love and we realize that our heroines fate can never be happy until she has married for the correct purpos.我们的 影响只同意为爱结婚,她的态度,我们认识到,我们的女主人公的命运永远是快乐的,直到她已经结婚了正确的目的。
The marriage between Darcy and Elizabeth reveals the characteristics which constitutes a successful marriage.达西和伊丽莎白之间的婚姻特点,揭示了构成一个成功的婚姻。 One of the characteristics is that love cannot be brought on by appearances, and must gradually develop between the two people as they get to know one another.这些特征之一是爱不能带来外表上,逐步发展两个人,因为他们了解彼此。 Darcy¹s immediate opinion of Elizabeth is that she is ³tolerable but not handsome enough to tempt me² (pg 13).达西¹的S伊丽莎白立即认为是她是³容忍但还没有漂亮到足以 我²(皮克13)。 Mr Darcy was not remotely attracted to Elizabeth and yet when he learns of her true personality he admits that ³My feelings will not be represd.达西先生是不能远程吸引伊丽莎白和但当他
得知她的真实性格,他 也承认,³我的感觉不会被压制。 You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you² (pg 157).你必须让我来告诉你如何欣赏和热爱我爱你²(皮克157)。 From Darcy not being remotely tempted by Elizabeth he grows so passionate for her that he believes his love is strong enough to spend the rest of his life with her.从达西没有被远程伊丽莎白他长大为她的热情,他相信他的爱是强大到足以度过了他与她的余生。 This proves that he does not love her for his physical desires towards her but instead, he loves her for her personality. The relationship between the two characters reveals Austen¹s values on love not being centered around beauty or immediate attraction but rather, knowing the personality of your partner before you devote your life to them.人弃我取这 证明他不爱往他的身体的欲望她的她,但相反,他喜欢她的个性她。两者之间的人物关系,揭示了奥斯丁¹ S对爱情不被周围美丽或立即吸引,而是为中心的价值观,了解人格你的伴侣之前,你把你的生活给他们。 Darcy and Elizabeth are amongst the few characters within the novel that marry for love.达西和伊丽莎白的是其中的新奇,在为爱结婚的几个字符。 They are also among the few characters who find happiness.他们也属于谁找到幸福几 个字符。 Austen reprented her beliefs on the importance of mar
rying for love through Darcy and Elizabeth and us the Darcy-Elizabeth relationship to prove to the audience that happiness in marriage can only be achieved if the couple feel love for one another.奥斯丁代表对达西和伊丽莎白通过爱娶她的信仰的重要性,并使用达西 伊丽莎白关系证明,在婚姻幸福才能实现,如果夫妇感到彼此相爱的观众。
Austen us the relationships of Wickham and Lydia, Mr and Mrs Bennet and Charlotte and Mr Collins in juxtapositioning with the relationship of Darcy and Elizabeth.奥斯丁在juxtapositioning使用与达西和伊丽莎白韦翰和丽迪雅的关系,班纳特先 生及夫人和夏洛特和柯林斯先生的关系。 The most fatal of the marriages is between Wickham and Lydia.这些婚姻最致命的是韦翰和丽迪雅之间。 The two characters are literary devices ud and manipulated by Austen merely to prove the outcomes of relationships which are not bad on the grounds of love.这两个字符是用文学手法和奥斯丁操纵只是证明是没有理由的爱的关系的结果。 The marriage between Wickham and Lydia was bad on appearance and youthful ignorance.韦翰和丽迪雅之间的婚姻是根据外表和青春的无知。 Lydia is naive and attractive, she is oblivious towards Wickhams inappropriate behavior.
丽迪雅是幼稚和有吸引力,她是对威克姆斯不适当的行为视而不见。 As a result of this their relationship rapidly fades away to the point where Lydia enjoys regular visits to her elder sisters homes and Wickham constantly visits London or Bath, alone.文移由于这一结果的关系迅速消逝的地步丽迪雅所享有的她姐 姐家和韦翰定期互访不断访问伦敦或浴缸,孤独。 Austen suggests, without stating, that perhaps Wickham isn¹t the loyal husband that Lydia perceives him to be.奥 斯汀建议,并没有说明,这也许不是很韦翰¹吨的忠实丈夫邓感知他做的。 The marriage between the two was on the grounds of superficial attraction and neither characters felt true love for one another.这两个之间的婚姻是表 面上的理由,并没有吸引力的字符都为彼此的真爱。 As a result of this, both characters appear to be somewhat mirable with their married life and constantly try to escape.由于这一结果,两个角色似乎有点可怜他们的婚姻生活,不断尝试逃走。
The marriage between Charlotte Lucas and Mr Collins is a comical and yet devastating relationship.作者柯林斯先生和夏绿蒂卢卡斯婚姻是一个滑稽,但毁灭性的关系。 Mr Collins travels to the Bennets home with the purpo of taking home a wife.柯林斯先生的
旅行与班纳特家的妻子带回家的目的。 He first lays eyes on Jane Bennet and, when discovering that she is ³likely to be very soon engaged² (pg53), his attraction immediately turns towards Elizabeth.他首先注重简班纳特眼睛,当发现她是³可能很快从事²(pg53),他对伊丽莎白的吸引 力立即打开。 Having propod and been rejected by Elizabeth, his lf-image is not even remotely blemished and his attention is quickly transferred towards Charlotte Lucas.经提出并得到伊丽莎白,他的自我形象,甚至是不拒绝远程蒙羞,他的注意力很快转移对夏绿蒂卢卡斯。 Only moments later Mr Collins announces the marriage of himlf to Miss Lucas.片刻之后,他只有柯林斯宣布自己卢卡斯小姐结婚。 日出诗句This relationship is very symbolic.这种关系是非常具有象征意义。 Mr Collins could not possibly be in love with Charlotte, for only a week before he had loved Elizabeth.柯林斯先生不可能在与夏洛特的爱,因为只有一个星期之前,他已喜欢伊丽莎 白。 Yet Austen demonstrates marriage for purpos other than love.然而,奥斯汀 演示其他目的而爱的婚姻。 Charlotte marries Collins in order to gain financial and social curity.夏洛特嫁给柯林斯,以便获得财政和社会保障。 She feels pressurized to marry fast and feels as though Mr Collins is her only option.她感到压力结婚快,感觉好像是她柯林斯先生的唯一
选择。 Mr Collins is an intolerable man and Charlotte often finds herlf rather embarrasd to be married to such a person.柯林斯先生是一个不能容忍的男子和夏洛特经常发 现自己相当尴尬要结婚,这样的人。 The relationship between the two characters proves to the readers the outcomes of placing practicality before romance and although Charlotte appears to be able to endure Mr Collins, the readers realize that she will never have a life of complete happiness.这两个字符之间的关系,证明了读者摆放在浪漫的实用性,尽管夏洛特似乎能够忍受柯林斯先生的成果,读者明白,她将永远 不会有一个完整幸福的生活。 人际交往能力
The marriage between the Mr and Mrs Bennet reprents, very early on in the novel, Austen¹s opinion on the outcomes of marrying for incorrect reasons.之间的婚姻班纳特先生和夫人表示,很早就在小说 中,奥斯丁¹ S对结婚的原因不正确的结果的看法。 The characters are literary devices who¹s purpos are to show the audience the fermenting anger, the loneliness and the insanity which can erupt between two people that are wed without love.这些字符是谁¹ s目的是文学手法向观众展示了发酵愤怒,孤独和疯狂,可以
两个人之间爆发是没有爱情的婚礼。 Mr Bennet has a very witty n of humor and often takes the mickey out of his wife.班纳特先生有一个非常幽默风趣感,往往表现为他的妻子米奇出来。 This is the only enjoyment he gains from Mrs Bennet.这是唯一享受班纳特太太从他的收益。 Mr Bennet marries Mrs Bennet on, what Austen beliefs to be, fal grounds.班 纳特先生班纳特太太结婚的,信念是什么奥斯丁,虚假的理由。 上行带宽Deficiencies which may have initially been attraction have now become flaws in the marriage.不足之处可能有初步的吸引力已成 为婚姻的缺陷。 Mr Bennet was duced by good looks and youth and the effect of this is that Mr Bennet isolates himlf from his family, finding refuge in his library or through mocking his oblivious wife.班纳特先生良好的外观和青年,使这种效应 诱惑是班纳特先生从他的家人分离自己,发现在他的书房庇护或通过嘲弄他不经意的妻子。 This becomes his only happiness.这成了他唯一的幸福。
Jane Austen has positioned her audience so that we are influenced to agree with her attitudes on the importance of marrying for love.简奥斯汀的定位 她的观众,使我们的影响同意关于为爱结婚的重要性,她的态度。 Austen has ud her characters to express the i
ssue of love.奥斯丁用了她的人物来表达爱的问题。 Such characters as Mr Collins and Charlotte Lucas and Wickham and Lydia reprent marriage for superficial purpos, which can never result in happiness.正如柯林斯和夏绿蒂卢卡斯和韦翰和丽迪雅这些字符代表浅表性目的,而不可能导致幸福的婚姻。 The juxtapositioned relationship between the characters of Darcy and Elizabeth show the audience that happiness in marriage can only be achieved if the couple both throw away immediate physical attractions and financial desires and marry for nothing el but true love.达 西之间的字符和伊丽莎白juxtapositioned关系显示,在婚姻幸福才能实现,如果夫妻双方立即扔掉物理景点和金融欲望和结婚没有什么其他的观 众,但真正的爱情。