1. *–s 1) 3rd person singular: works 2) plural: bags 3) forming adv.: nights, besides, outdoors, nowadays, upstairs, unawares (不影响重⾳)
2. saccharo- sweet: saccharin, saccharine, sacchroid
3. *–sacr-, -cr- sacred: concration, decrate, sacrifice, sacrilege
4. –sagac- wi: sagacity, sagacious
5. –sal- salt: salary, salad, salify, saline, salinity, saltern
6. –salut- 1) greet: salute 2) health: salutary
7. –sali-, -sili- leap: salient, resilient
8. –salv- safe: salvation, salvage
9. –san- health: sanitary, sanity, insane医生故事
10. –sanct- sacred: sanction, sanctify, sanctimonious
11. –sanguin- blood: consanguinity, sanguine, sanguineous, consanguineous, sanguinin, ensanguine
12. –sapi- nsible: sapient
13. sapro- decay, death: saprobe, saprogenic
14. *-sat-, -satis-, -satur- enough: satisfy, satiate, insatiable, saturate, insatiate, satisfactory, dissatisfied, saturation, unsaturated
15. *–scape: scenery: landscape, cityscape
16. *–scend-, -scent, -scens- climb: ascend, ascent, ascension, ascendancy, descent, condescension, transcend, transcendental, descend, descendant, condescend
17. –schol- school: scholar, scholastic
18. schizo- split: schizoid, schizophrenia
19. *–sci- know: science, subconscious, conscience, unconscious, omniscient, nescient, prescience, pudoscience
20. sclero- hard: scleroderma
21. –sclerosis 硬化: arteriosclerosis
22. –scop- obrve: telescope, microscope
23. *–scrib-, -script- write: describe, description, descriptive, manuscript, scripture, subscribe, subscriber, subscription, conscribe, conscription, inscribe, inscription, postscript, transcript, circumscribe, scribe, prescribe, prescription, nondescript
24. –scrut- examine: scrutiny
25. *- away from, apart from, without: clude, cure, duce, lect
26. *–d-, -sid-, -ss- sit: dentary, date, president, reside, obssive, ssion, resident, subside, subsidy, dissident, assiduous
27. *–g-, -ct- cut: ction, gment, bict, inct, ctional, vivict
28. len- 硒: leniferous, lenide
服装店设计29. leno- moon: lenography
30. *lf- to, of, for lf: lf-reliance, lf-sufficiency
31. –m- sign: me, mantics, miotics
32. –mbl- together: remble, asmbly, enmble
33. *mi- half: micircle, mifinal, miconductor, miweekly, militerate
34. *–min- ed: minal, disminate
35. *–n- old: nile, nator, nior, nility, nesce, nescence
36. *–ns-, -nt- perceive: asnt, nsual, nsuous, connt, ntient, ntiment, ntimental, conntient, disnt, disnter, rent, rentful, prentiment, n, nsible, nsibility, nsitive, nsory, innsible, nsitize, densitize, extrannsory
37. *pt- [also pti- or ptem-] ven: September, ptangle, ptilateral
38. *–qu-, -cut-, -c-, -sue follow: quence, conquently, execute, obquious, pursue, cond, condary, percute, procutor, percutor, concutive, quential
39. –rt- join: asrtive, inrt, dertion, exert
40. *–rv- save: conrve, prerve, prervation
41. –rvi-, -rv- slave: rvile, rvice, rviceable, rvitude, disrve, disrvice, subrve
42. –ver- 1) strict: pervere 2) parate: disver
43. *xa- six: xagenarian
44. *she- female: she-wolf苍蝇的种类
45. *–ship: state, position, condition, collective noun: membership, leadership, readership, hatdship, citizenship, dictatorship (不影响重⾳)/Fip/
46. *–sign- sign: assign, resign, consign, signature
47. –simil-, –simul- similar: assimilate, similar, similitude, simile, simultaneous, simulation
48. -singul- one: singularity, singular
49. –sinu- curve: sinuous, insinuate
50. *Sino- [Sin- before a vowel]Chine: Sinologist, Sinicize, Sinophile自言自语打一字
51. *-sion n. usually derived from v. ending in –d, -de or –t: intrusion, invasion, persuasion (重⾳’- sion)/Vn/
52. *–sist- e –st-
53. –sito- [-sit- before a vowel] food: sitology, parasite, parasitic
54. *-sive adj. of n. ending in –sion: submissive, intrusive (重⾳同原动词)/siv/
55. *–smith: maker: blacksmith, goldsmith
56. –soci- companion: associate, dissociate
57. *socio- social: sociolinguistic
钱的由来58. *–sol- 1) alone: solo, soloist, soliloquy, desolate, desolation 2) sun: solar, parasol, solace, consolation, solarium, insolate, subsolar, extrasolar
59. –solid- solid: solidarity, solidify
60. *–solv-, -solut- loo, pay: resolve, resolute, dissolute, solvent, absolve摄影艺术歌词
61. *–some 1) substance: chromosome 2) adj. troublesome, awesome, lonesome (不影响重⾳)/s[m/
62. -somn- sleep, dream: insomnia, somnambulism, insomniac, insomnious, somnipathy, somniloquy, somnolent, somnolence
63. *–son- sound: supersonic, subsonic, sonorous, sonar, sonic, supersonic, subsonic, dissonant, dissonance, resonant,
resonate, resonator, sonics
64. –soph- wi, wisdom: philosopher, pansophic, sophism, sophistry
65. –sort- lect: assort, consort, resort
66. –sper- hope: desperate, desperado, despair, prosper, desperation
67. –spac-, -spat- space: spacious, spatial
68. *–speak jargon: newspeak
69. spectro- 光谱: spectrum, spectroanalysis
70. sper- hope: despair, desperate
71. –spers- scatter: disper, dispersion, spar, asper, dispersive, intersper
72. –splend- shine: splendid, splendor, resplendent
73. *–sphere circle: atmosphere, hydrosphere
74. sphygmo- pul: sphygmometer
75. *–spic-, -spect-, –spec- look, e: conspicuous, respect, perspective, perspicacious, specious, spectacle, prospect, prospective, inspect, inspection, expect, expectant, respectable, suspect, circumspect, conspectus, retrospective, introspection, suspicious
76. *–spir- breath, air, soul: inspiration, respire, spirit, perspire, expiry
77. spiro- spiral:
78. –spoken speaking in the stated way: soft-spoken
79. –spol-, -spoil- rob, spoil: despoil, spoliation
80. *–spond-, -spons- answer: respond, responsive, correspond
81. *–st-, -sist-, -stat- stand: constant, resist, persistence, desist, consist, resistible, assist, exist, insist, static, station, status, stature, statute, desist, contrast, rest, armistice, distance, interstice, circumstance, stationary, stable, establish, apostate, obstacle
82. –stagn- pond: stagnant, stagnate
83. –stas-, still [adj.]: hemostasis,
84. –stell- star: constellation, stellar, interstellar, stellate
85. steno- narrow, few: stenotherm, stenography
86. *step- related through a remarriage: stepmother, stepsister
87. *–ster n. person, somtiems derogatory: youngster, rhymester, spinster, trickster, rhymester, gang
ster (不影响重⾳)/st[/