Dove Talking Show
About Michael
主持人 迈克尔 父亲 母亲 观众
主持人:Ladies and gentleman , welcome to Dove Talking Show . (此处鼓掌) I am happy to e you here . Let us begin now . Today we glad to invite Michael and his parents to our show . welcome to them。(此处鼓掌)First , plea allow me to introduce Michal , Michael won the National Junior Olympics and t a new world record. Meanwhile, he had incread his personal best by 9.5 inches. But then, he is bind .白茶和绿茶的区别First , plea Michael say hello to our audience .
赵州桥教学设计迈克尔:hello everyone ,I am Michal ,I am glad to be invited to join the show . I am very happy to meet you there!
主持人:As is known to all ,Now Michael is a famous athlete in the country .what is about your life now?
迈克尔:More and more media attention and sponsorship makes my life never be the same . But I always think I am an ordinary people.
主持人:Now let’s talk about your childhood . I think your parents have many words to say!
母亲:I remembered I read him many numerous stories about flying when he was growing up . I always described the land from a bird’s-eyes view . I always described many details with my excitement and passion such as the golden wheat fields and the country road . Though he is a blind and he can’t e the colorful and beautiful world , I always tried my best to teach him to enjoy and feel the life ,and wanted him to be a free dreaming boy.
迈克尔:Influenced by my mother ,I had one recurring dream . I dreamed that I began to lift off the ground and began soaring like an eagle .
父亲: To be honest , I’m not as romantic as his mother ,I’m a hard-core realist . I
believed in hard work and sweat . My motto is if you want something ,work for it. Once his mother talked with us about wanting him to be a free dreaming boy, I interrupted , smiled and said “ you want something ,work for it 大芥菜 ”紫薇花的象征意义 .(yes , I know ,I know ,you always said it ) From the age of 14 , he began a training program. He worked out every other day with weightlifting ,with some kind of running work on alternate days . 清蒸鸦片鱼
主持人:now , plea the audience puts up with some questions.
观众:I have some questions ,at first ,when he was young ,did he train hardly?
父亲:Yes, as his coach and trainer , his dedication , and discipline was a coach’s dream. He worked very hard . He knew his goals and he tried his best to achieve his dream and never give up .
观众:There is no doubt that Michal is a very great pole-vault athlete . However , what is about Michael in school and home ?
母亲:He was an honor student at school . He had many good friends and the students and teachers all liked him . He is a good son as well .He continued to help us with our farm chores .
主持人:Then ,let us talk about that day cloly . That is a wonderful match . I am sure there were witness that moment . Anybody ?
观众:Yes,When the pole was t at 17 feet ,you succeed in doing it . But you were calm . It emed that you were unaware of the fact that you had just beaten your best by 3 inches. What were your feeling then ?
迈克尔:You are right .When I landed on the inflated landing mat ,and with the crowed on its feet , I began preparing for my next attempt at flight . and the 17 feet 2 inches and 17 feet 4 inches were as well , I had no emotion .
螃蟹钳主持人:When you knew your competitor misd his final jump ,it was time for you final jump . won or fail ,What were your feeling ?
迈克尔:I would not allow mylf the thought of not winning first place . I rolled over and did my routine of 3 push-ups .But when I stood on the runway ,It startled me for a brief moment . The bar was t at 9 inches higher than my best and only 1 inch off the National record . I became anxious and nervous ,I began shaking the tension ,but , I became more ten and scared . At that time , I thought of my mother , she ud to tell me when I felt ten anxious or scared , take deep breaths . So I did , I gradually returned to the normal . I remembered my dream and it was time to fly . I began sprinting down the runway , the surface below me felt like the country road in my dream , the visions in my dream became true ,I was soaring like an eagle .It was so wonderful .When I heard the cheers from the audience ,I knew I succeeded !